File Memorandum
Today I visited General Oshima. The conversation ranged over the following subjects:
1. The Fuehrer speech, which pleased him very much, especially because it had been spiritually warranted in all its features.
2. We discussed conclusion of a treaty to consolidate the triangle Germany/Italy/Japan into an even firmer mold. He also told me that, together with German counter-espionage [Abwehr], he was undertaking long-range projects aimed at the disintegration of Russia and emanating from the Caucasus and the Ukraine. However, this organization was to become effective only in case of war.
3. Furthermore he had succeeded up to now to send 10 Russians with bombs across the Caucasian frontier. These Russians had the mission to kill Stalin. A number of additional Russians, whom he had also sent across, had been shot at the frontier.
4. We then discussed the Mohammedan movement. He told me that a Japanese officer had worked in Afghanistan, but he had been expelled later because of suspicion that he had attempted to overthrow the Afghan government. I told him that I had a police officer there and that the two could very well collaborate once he again had someone there.
5. He told me confidentially that he had bought a piece of real estate in Falkensee under the name of a middleman. Six Russians were employed there, writing and printing leaflets, which were flown into Russia from Poland in small balloons, when the wind was favorable. He had reports and proofs from Russia that they had arrived in good condition and that they were obviously being passed around among the people very diligently. 6
6. Also he had bought a motor boat in order to bring leaflets from Roumania to the Crimea via the Black Sea. However, this had miscarried in the fall, but he would repeat it once more in summer.
Berlin, 31 January 1939
The Reichsfuehrer—SS:
(signed) H. Himmler
Memorandum of a meeting of Himmler and General Oshima, on the German-Italian-Japanese "triangle" and Japanese actions to disrupt the USSR (including attempts to assassinate Stalin)
Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuehrer-SS and Chief of Police; Minister of Interior)
Heinrich Himmler
German Nazi politician; leader of the German SS and main architect of the Holocaust (1900-1945)
- Born: 1900-10-07 (Munich)
- Died: 1945-05-23 (Lüneburg)
- Country of citizenship: German Empire (period: 1900-10-07 through 1918-01-01); Nazi Germany (since: 1923-01-01); Weimar Republic (period: 1915-01-01 through 1937-01-01)
- Occupation: farmer; laboratory technician; occultist; politician
- Member of political party: Bavarian People's Party (period: 1919-01-01 through 1923-01-01); National Socialist Freedom Movement; Nazi Party
- Member of: Academy for German Law (since: 1933-01-01); Altreichsflagge (until: 1926-01-01); Artaman League; Bund Reichskriegsflagge
- Participant in: Beer Hall Putsch (date: 1923-11-09); Nazi human experimentation (role: administrator); Night of the Long Knives
- Significant person: Rudolf Brandt (role: secretary, stenographer; since: 1934-01-01)
Oshima (general, ambassador; Japan (1939-43))
Hiroshi ?shima
Japanese general (1886-1975)
- Born: 1886-04-19 (Iwamura)
- Died: 1975-06-06 (Tokyo)
- Country of citizenship: Japan
- Occupation: diplomat; military personnel; politician
- Military rank: lieutenant general
- Military branch: Imperial Japanese Army
- Position held: ambassador
Date: 31 January 1939
Literal Title: File Memorandum
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2195
Citation: IMT (page 1221)
HLSL Item No.: 450942
Trial Issues
Conspiracy (and Common plan, in IMT) (IMT, NMT 1, 3, 4) IMT count 1: common plan or conspiracy (IMT) IMT count 2: crimes against peace (wars of aggression) (IMT) Wars of aggression
Document Summary
PS-2195: File Memorandum of Himmler about a conversation with General Oschima, the Japanese Ambassador in Berlin, about a plot to assassinate Stalin and other Subversive activity
PS-2195: Himmler’s memorandum, 31 January 1939, on his discussion with Oshima of the same date: Japanese subversive activity and propaganda maneuvers in Russia; Japanese attempt to have Stalin murdered by Russians