Government of the Governor General Chief Department Administration of the Interior
1. During his presence, the Reichsfuehrer SS explained his plans for the transplantation of the population of the East to the Governor General in my presence. He declared that he was very anxious
a. that the historic German town center of Lublin should be completely renovated as soon as possible and be placed at the disposal of the German functionaries.
b. that the same should be done to the market-place of Zamose. Here too, the residential buildings should be put into a state appropriate for the reception of German families and be placed at the disposal of German functionaries and other German families present.
c. soon German peasant families from Transnistria should be settled in Zamose County. In order not to alarm the domestic population, particularly the peasant population, and hereby to im-
pair the result of the harvest, those German peasant families should be placed only on the country estates and the big holdings. Insofar as peasants from Transnistria do not come into consideration, the transplanting of small but suitable landowners from the German parts near Petrikan (Pietrikow) into Zamose County should also be considered. As in that county already some villages exist the inhabitants of which are doubtlessly of German origin, that way a German bulwark could be created in Zamose County.
If it is possible in some way these three measures Lublin, Zamose rural area and Zamose town district should be achieved even this year.
Cracow, 3.27.1942 Dr. S.H.
Government of the Governor General Chief Department:
Administration of the Interior .
1. The Reichsfuehrer-SS spoke at the time of his presence on March 13 and 14 in Cracow in detail about the plans of settlement for the next few years and about the planned Germaniza-tion. Among other things, he took the view the Corales, Lemkes and Hutzules whose Germanic origin, or at least Germanic mixture is indubitable, in his opinion should be Germanized in the course of time. To this purpose he recommended to begin in the schools of the territory in question by establishing the number of blond and blue-eyed pupils in proportion to the total number of pupils. Then, one should begin to grant them gradually more favorable living conditions, however on the condition that they have their children learn the German language and get acquainted with the German cultural values. Eventually, one can settle still other Germans in the territory of these three peoples later on.
In this connection it is thought that sometime the Germans from Zips in Slovakia should move over into the Government General. The Reichsfuehrer-SS developed further trains of ideas to the effect that in the first five-year plan for resettlement after the war, the new German Eastern territories should first be filled; afterwards it is intended to provide at this time the Crimea and the Baltic countries with a German upperclass at least. Into the Government General, perhaps further German island settlement should be newly transplanted from European nations. An
exact decision in this regard, however, has not been issued. In any case it is wished that at first a heavy colonization along the San and the Brig be achieved so that the parts of Poland are encircled with alien populations. Hitherto, it has been always proved that this kind of encirclement leads most quickly to the desired nationalization.
Cracow, March 30, 1942 Dr. S/H
Memoranda on Himmler's plan to settle Germans in parts of Poland and to Germanize others who have Germanic or part-Germanic origins, and post-war plans to Germanize Crimea and the Baltic countries with a German upper class
Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuehrer-SS and Chief of Police; Minister of Interior)
Heinrich Himmler
German Nazi politician; leader of the German SS and main architect of the Holocaust (1900-1945)
- Born: 1900-10-07 (Munich)
- Died: 1945-05-23 (Lüneburg)
- Country of citizenship: German Empire (period: 1900-10-07 through 1918-01-01); Nazi Germany (since: 1923-01-01); Weimar Republic (period: 1915-01-01 through 1937-01-01)
- Occupation: farmer; laboratory technician; occultist; politician
- Member of political party: Bavarian People's Party (period: 1919-01-01 through 1923-01-01); National Socialist Freedom Movement; Nazi Party
- Member of: Academy for German Law (since: 1933-01-01); Altreichsflagge (until: 1926-01-01); Artaman League; Bund Reichskriegsflagge
- Participant in: Beer Hall Putsch (date: 1923-11-09); Nazi human experimentation (role: administrator); Night of the Long Knives
- Significant person: Rudolf Brandt (role: secretary, stenographer; since: 1934-01-01)
Date: 27 March 1942
Defendant: Hans Frank
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-910
Citation: IMT (page 1532)
HLSL Item No.: 451130
Notes:The notes are signed "Dr. S/H."
Trial Issues
Germanization of persons, property, or occupied territories (IMT, NMT 3, 8) Racial selection and discrimination (theory, screening, relocations, kidna…
Document Summary
PS-910: Secret Note on Himmler's Plan for the Germanization of Poland
PS-910: Secret and confidential report by Dr. S., 27 March 1942, on the plans for Lublin and Zamosc (town and district) discussed by Himmler with the governor general during his stay in Krakow: German families are to be settled there. confidential report by Dr. S., 30 March 1942, on Germanization plans for the east explained by Himmler at Krak6w on 13 and 14 March 1942