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Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuehrer-SS and Chief of Police; Minister of Interior)
Wilhelm Koppe (SS-Obergruppenfuehrer, chief of police, Warthegau)
Date: June 1942
Literal Title: Excerpts from "Deutsche Arbeit" (German Labor)
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Evidence Code: PS-2915
Exhibit Code: Prosecution 306
Document Book No: Prosecution U: Germanization
Citations: IMT (page 1523), IMT (page 1530)
HLSL Item No.: 451138
Germanization of persons, property, or occupied territories (IMT, NMT 3, 8) Racial selection and discrimination (theory, screening, relocations, kidna…
PS-2915: Observation by Himmler, June-july 1942, on Germani-zation of the eastern territories; essay, same date, by ObergruppenfÜhrer Wilhelm Koppe: Germans must settle in the territories conquered in the east and the Polish spirit must be driven out
PS-2915: June, July 1942-Excerpts from "Doutsche Arbeit" (German Labor)
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