SS SOLDIERS FRIEND [Der Soldatenfreund]
Pocket Diary for the German Armed Forces with calendar for 1943.
Edition D: Waffen-SS
Composed by the Reich Fuehrer SS—SS Main Office, 23rd year, concluded with the 1st August, 1942 by: Adolf Sponholtz publishing house, Hanover. Pages 20-40'.
The Main Office of the Reich Leader SS and its Tasks.
It is the task of the SS Main Office to create a strictly organized elite order. Therefore it is charged with the selection of suitable men of the SS [Ergaenzungswesen] and with the recording of the SS members and their families, furthermore with the ideological and political guidance, schooling, and education of the entire SS and police as well as the care of the organizations committed within the frame of the SS and police [Truppenbetreuung]. A further task is the physical education and the physical trairfing of the SS before and after military duty. Of special importance is the selection, the establishment, and the leadership of the SS in the Germanic countries, and the prevailing of the Germanic idea in all spheres of life.
In the Reich security main office [Reichssicherheitshauptamt] all affairs of organizational, personnel, economical and technical nature, security police, and the security service [SD] are being handled. Besides, it represents the operational center of the state police and criminal police as well as the administrative of the intelligence network of the SD.
The SS race and settlement main office [Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt] handles through its offices the racial selection of the SS coming generation, directs the choosing of mates of the SS men, and promotes the creation of child-rich families, valuable from a hereditary and biological point of view. SS men capable and willing to farm will get the means for their own land.
Duty spheres of the main office of the uniformed regular [Ordnungs-Polizei] are police administration as well as care and guidance of the municipal police [Schutzpolizei] of the Reich, the rural police [Gendarmerie], the municipal police of the communities, river police [Wasserschutzpolizei], the fire protection police, the protective teams [Schutzmannschaften] in the occupied territories, the colonial police, the volunteer fire department, the regular and youth fire department, the technical emergency corps [Technische Nothilfe], and the technical SS and police aeademy. '
The main administration of economics [Wirtschaftsverwaltungshauptamt] supervises the entire financial and administrative work of the SS.
The seat of the personal staff of the Reich Leader SS is the central main office. It developed from the adjutants office of the Reich leader SS, and all administrative offices charged with the realization of special plans of the Reich leader SS are subordinate to it.
The main personnel office comprises the following departments: Handling of affairs of all leaders of the SS, general SS, as well as SS Armed Forces and SD, as far as inductions, promotion, and discharge are concerned. Furthermore it handles the SS seniority list, the issuance of deathhead rings and honor swords, as well as filling the positions in general SS.
The main office SS court [Hauptamt SS Gericht] handles cases of discipline and complaints as well as affairs of honor for the Reich leader SS. Furthermore it is the central office and the ministerial office for the special court martial of the SS and police (the SS and police supreme court); and 30 SS and police courts are among others subordinated to it. The main office SS court handles also other cases transferred to it by the Reich leader SS. .
In the headquarters main office [Fuehrungnauptamt] the command office of the Waffen SS handles tasks of military leadership: Training and organization of the units- with SS armed forces, supply of the troops with arms, equipment and ammunition, procurement of motor vehicles and supplies for Waffen SS and General SS, personnel and disciplinary affairs, the command office of the general SS in the SS headquarters main office is competent for, conduct and commitment of the general SS, organization new organization in the higher sector, mobilizing affairs.
The headquarters for the Reich commissar for the strengthening of German Nationalism [Das Stabshauptamt des Reich Kommissars fuer die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums] is charged with the entire planning of settlement and construction and its execution in the Reich and in the district under the supremacy of the Reich, including all questions of administration and economics connected with the settlement, especially the commitment of men for the purpose of the settlement.
The main office for Germans in other countries [Hauptamt Volkdeutsche Mittelstelle] handles questions of "Volkstum" (racial nationalism), especially affairs of the German "Volkstum". It executes "Volkstum"-politicaI order of the Reich leader
SS, with emphasis on the strengthening of the solidarity of all Germans and the resulting practical "Volkstam" political consequences.
The administrative office of main office SS Lieutenant General Heissmeyer has the mission to care, for the national-political education, establishments for their new development and further extension, and organize furthermore the transformation of the boarding schools [lïeimschulen] to expand these further and to re-orient them. These German national schools will accept chiefly children of dead soldiers, officials, and all those Germans who, because of frequent official transfers of their offices, would not otherwise have the opportunity to give their children an orderly education.
Honor Law of the SS
' November 9, 1935.
1. It is the right and duty of every SS man to defend his honor with his weapon.
2a. Every member who has, prior to November 9, 1935, attained the rank of SS Fuehrer, i.e. at least that of SS Unter-sturmfuehrer, or has had three years of service in the SS by January 30, 1936, is an SS man.
b. In the future every candidate who, after the completion of his service time as SS candidate and SS expectant, after having taken his oath to the Fuehrer, after honorable completion of his labor and military service, will become an SS man on the 9th November of every year by the awarding of the SS dagger and thus be granted full membership in the SS.
c. After three years of service in the SS, all those SS members who have entered the SS in the years 1933, 1934, 1935, shall become SS men without fulfilling the requirements of b, provided their age at the time of their admission into the SS was at least 23 years. All those SS men who have not entered the SS in the years 1933, 1934, 1935, but were not 23 years of age at the time of their admission into the SS, can become SS men onjy after the completion of their military service.
3. As of November 9, 1935, the courts of honor of the SA of
the NSDAP are no longer competent for the SS." .
4. As of November 9, 1935 the courts of arbitration and honor
shall become competent for the SS. ™ , , „„
^ The Reichsfuehrer SS
signed H. Himmler.
Founding: of the Organization "Lebensborn e.V.", IB September
As early as December 13, 1934, I wrote to all SS leaders and declared that we have fought in vain if political victory was not to be followed by victory of births of good blood. The question of multiplicity of children is not a private affair of the individual, but his duty towards his ancestors and our people.
The SS has taken the first step in this direction long ago with - the engagement and marriage decree of December 1931. However, the existence of sound marriage is futile if it does not result in the creation of numerous descendants.
I expect that here, too, the SS and especially the SS leader corps, will serve as guiding example. ,
The minimum amount of children for a good sound marriage is four. Should unfortunate circumstances deny a married couple their own children, then every SS leader should adopt racially and hereditarily valuable children, educate them in the spirit of national socialism, let them have education corresponding to their abilities. '
The organization "Lebensborn e.V." serves the SS leaders in the selection and adoption of qualified children. The organization "Lebensborn e.V." is under my personal direction, is part of the race and settlement central bureau of the SS, and has the following obligations:
1. Support racially, biologically, and hereditarily valuable families with many children.
2. Place and care for racially and biologically and hereditarily valuable pregnant women, who, after thorough examination of their and the progenitor's' families by the race and settlement central bureau of the SS, can be expected to produce equally valuable children.
3. Care for the children.
4. Care for the children's mothers.
It is the honorable duty of all leaders of the central bureau to become members of the organization "Lebensborn e.V.". The application for admission must be filed prior to September 23, 1936.
The dues of the SS leaders of the central bureau, from the Hauptsturmfuehrer on are determined in the enclosed tables.
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I shall personally keep myself informed of the success of my appeal.
Let me remind every SS leader once more that only sacrifices of a personal and material nature have brought us success in the
times of the battle, and that the further construction of Germany, to last hundreds and thousands of years, will not be possible unless each and every one of us is ready to keep doing his share in the fulfillment of his obvious duty.
Reichsfuehrer SS
. signed H. Himmler.
Reichsfuehrer SS and Chief of the German Police in the Reich Ministry of the Interior Berlin, 28 October 1939 SS Order for the Entire SS and Police
Every war causes the best blood to be shed. Many a victory of arms meant for a people at the same time a disastrous loss of living strength and blood. But unfortunately inevitable death of its best men, deplorable as that may be, is not the worst. Of much more disastrous consequences is the lack of those who were not begotten by the living during, and by the dead after the war.
The old saying that only those who have children can die in peace must again become an acknowledged truth in this war, especially for the SS. Only those who know that their kind, that all for which they and their ancestors have striven, is continued in their children, can die in peace. The possession most prized by the widow of a fallen soldier is always the child of the man whom she loved.
Though it may perhaps be considered an infraction of necessary ^social standards and convention in other times, German women and girls of good blood can fulfill a high obligation even out of wedlock by becoming mothers of 'Children of soldiers going to the front, whose eventual return or death for Germany lies entirely in the hands of fate—not because of promiscuity, but because of the deepest sense of ethics. It is the sacred duty also of these men and women whose place has been determined by the state to be on the home front, to become parents of children again, especially now.
Let us never forget that the victory of the sword and of the spilled blood of our soldiers remains fruitless if it is not succeeded by the victory of the child and the colonizing of conquered soil.
In past wars, many a soldier has decided, out of a deep sense of responsibility, to beget no more children during the time of war, so as not to leave his wife and an additional child in want and distress in case of his death. You SS men need not have such worries; the following regulations eliminate them.
1. Special commissioners, personally appointed by me, shall be
entrusted in the name of the Reich Leader with the guardianship of all legitimate and illegitimate children of good blood whose fathers were killed in action. We shall support these mothers and humanely assume the responsibility for the education and upbringing of these children so that no mother and widow need to have any material worries. -
2. During the war the SS will care for all legitimate and illegitimate children begotten during the war and for pregnant mothers in cases of need and distress. After the war, the SS will generously grant additional material aid should these fathers who return request so. SS men and you mothers of these children, the hope of Germany show that in your belief in the Fuehrer and your willingness to do your share in the perpetuation of our blood and people, you are just as willing to continue the life of Germany as you have had the courage to fight and die for it.
. The Reichsfuehrer SS
signed H. Himmler.
Reichsfuehrer SS and Chief of the German Police in the Reich Ministry of the Interior
Berlin 30 January 1940
You are all familiar with my order of October 28, 1939, in which I reminded you of your duty to become fathers of children if possible during the war.
This proclamation, which has been made in all decency and which considers, if correctly interpreted, problems to be faced in the future, has been greatly misunderstood by some people. I therefore deem it necessary for each and every one of you to know fully what doubts and misunderstandings have come up and what has to be said about them.
1. People are always shocked by the clearly expressed fact that there exist illegitimate children and that a number of unmarried women and girls have become mothers of such children, outside of matrimony. There is nothing to be discussed about that.
2. The greatest misunderstanding, however, resulted from the following statement: "Though it may perhaps appear an infraction of necessary social standards and convention in other times, German women and girls of good blood can fulfill a high obligation even out of wedlock, by becoming mothers of children of soldiers going to the front, whose eventual return or death for
Germany lies entirely in the hands of fate—not because of promiscuity, bufbecause of the deepest sense of ethics."
Many have misconstrued this statement and think it is an encouragement for SS men to approach wives of soldiers who are in the field. Impossible as it is for this thought to be understood, it must nevertheless be cleared up.
a. That no one approach the wife of a soldier who is in the
field is as much matter of fact to us SS men as it is to every other German. This is a simple and natural law of ethics and comradeship. -b. I further assert that out of the app. 250,000 SS men before
the war, 175,000 are under arms today, mostly with the Wehrmacht in the front lines, others with the SS units and regiments of Verfuegungstruppen, SS Death Head Units, military police, and with the SS Death Head Units on the Eastern front. That should be more than ample proof that the majority of SS are themselves at the front and not at home. '
c. It is also feared that this order would tend to destroy family and honor, and that this order would cause men to be unwilling to marry. This can be refuted clearly by the following data: The percentage of married SS men on January 1, 1939, was 39%, while a year later it was 44%. These data speak for themselves and have not been surpassed by anyone so far as we know.
d. Another point comes up in connection with this question: What do these people who spread or repeat such opinions, think of the German women ? Even should some one man out of a population of 82 millions have the baseness or the human weakness to approach a married woman, then there are still two prerequisites ' necessary for seduction: the one who does the seducing and the other who lets herself be seduced.
We do not only believe that it is unethical to approach the wife of a comrade but also that the German woman herself is probably the best guardian of her marriage. Any other opinion should be regarded by all men as an insult to German women.
e. The question why, according to the order of October 28 1939, the women of the SS and the policemen are accorded special care which is not being granted to other women, is also being raised.
The answer is very simple: because the comradeship and the will to sacrifice has induced SS leaders and men to make voluntary contributions which incidentally have been paid for years to the organization "Lebensborn"—thus raising the necessary means.
This should have cleared up all misunderstandings. It is up to you SS men, however, to make all German men and women understand the full implication of this so vital and sacred a question so much above any frivolity and ridicule, as must always be done in epochs where people are representatives of ideologies.
, The Reich Leader of the SS
signed H. Himmler.
C.P.August 15, 1942
1. You.SS men have been withdrawn from the front lines by order of the Fuehrer because you are the last sons. This measure has been taken because the people and the state have an interest in seeing that your families do not die out.
2. It has never been the nature of the SS men to submit to a fate without attempting to effect a change. It is your duty to see to it that you are no longer the last sons by producing as many children of good blood as possible.
3. Strive to guarantee the continuation of your ancestors and families within a year, so that you will again be able to do your share in the front lines. ,
- signed. H. Himmler.
It is always the same beautiful picture that presents itself to the commission of physicians and examiners during one of the examinations for acceptance into the Waff en SS, the huge mass of militarily trained, hopeful young men with strong bodies hardened by the exertions of physical sport, who have voluntarily decided to join the ranks of the Waff en SS.
The stream of candidates of the youth of great Germany flowing into the SS is unceasing. No wonder that the greatest variety of professions is assembled for these examinations. One is 'a mason, another a student, a third a smith. We see the high school graduate next to the mechanic, the store helper next to the stone mason apprentice. They all belong to the Hitler Youth and those who are physically best qualified desire to enroll in the Body Guard SS "Adolf Hitler", for they know that in this troop proven on all fronts, they would be especially close to the Fuehrer and his ideals.
Today at last is the longed-for day of the entrance examination when the examiners and physicians decide whether or not the candidate is ideologically and physically qualified to do service in the Armed Forces SS. '
Everyone has acquainted himself with the comprehensive manual for the Waffen SS, the principal points of which are as follows:
.1. Service in the Armed Forces SS counts as military service. Only volunteers are accepted.
2. The divisions of the Armed Forces SS, which are fully motorized, comprise all branches of the military service (except for air force and navy). The volunteer, whose personal preference shall be given due consideration, can choose between the following: infantry, cavalry, artillery, tanks and tank destroyers, engineers, motorcycle troops, antiaircraft, mountain troops, signal and medical corps, etc.
3. Every pure-blooded German in good health between the ages of 17 and 45 can become a member of the Armed Forces SS. He must meet all the requirements of the SS, must be of excellent character, have no criminal record, and be an ardent adherent to all national socialist doctrines. Members of the Streifendienst and the Landdienst of the Hitler Youth will be given preference because their aptitudes, qualities and schooling are indicative that they have become acquainted very early with the ideology of the SS.
Men examined for admission into the Wehrmacht can also apply» provided they have not been, drafted.
4. Minimum height is 1.7 m; in exceptional cases for men up to 20 years of age 1.68 m.
5. By agreement with the supreme commander of the Wehrmacht, the following are eligible for membership in the Armed Forces SS:
a. Volunteers for the duration of the war as minimum length of service who are between the ages of 17 and 45; between 17, and 25 only for infantry, tank troops, and signal corps.
b. Volunteers with minimum length of service (4*/^ years) between the ages of 17 and 35.
c. Volunteers with minimum length of-service (12) years between the ages of 17 and 23.
Completion of the labor service is not required at present. All volunteers who have reported for the examination have filled out the application contained in the manual and forwarded it to the recruiting department (Ergaenzungsamt). This establishes the
first relationship between them and the Waffen SS. Meanwhile the commission has begun the examination. Roll calls are taken, and the person called advances and remains facing the SS ideological examiner who makes remarks on an index card. His judgment is favorable. The volunteer passed on overjoyed with shining eyes. He knows that the first danger point is passed. But not every applicant is able to pass the decision of the ideological examiner who is severe and impartial in his judgment.
The law of selection, which is one of the most important basic principles of the SS, requires a severely critical attitude. Even those who come to .the entrance examination with the highest of hopes and now have to return disappointed because the uncompromising and impartial laws of the SS are enforced even in war. They can still serve our great country in many different ways and offer their mental and physical qualities to the nation. Those, however, who after the initial stages also pass the examination of the SS dentist and SS physician, and whose physical condition has proven to be faultless after a thorough examination and who have been granted unqualified admission, can be proud that they are now carriers of the Death Head emblem and soldiers of the Armed Forces SS, servants to the Fuehrer's great work of reconstruction.
In all cases of doubt and difficulty the recruiting offices of the Armed Forces SS will advise and aid the volunteer. They have branches over the entire Reich, always at the seat of the service command headquarters and. work closely with the recruiting of the Armed Forces SS in the Main Office [SS Hauptamt] of the Reichsfuehrer SS. From here the replacement depots receive all their instructions. .
The recruiting offices of the Reich, in close cooperation with the different national and military offices, effect the release of the applicant from the employment office and the service command headquarters after the completion of the examination. After that, the candidate receives a certificate of acceptance bearing the control stamp of the service command headquarters.
The recruiting procedure is now taken over by the SS as the centralized responsible office for the fulfillment of replacement tasks of the Armed Forces SS.
The SS Main Office of Operations [Fuehrungshauptamt] Command Headquarters [Kommandoamt] of the Waffen SS, which is directly connected with the field units, holds in readiness in the replacement battalions all needed reserves. It is the duty of
the recruiting department to reinforce these reserves, to execute the replacement orders according to the need, and to forward them to the volunteer by way of the district service commands.