[ ... ] Pohl." On September 28, 1944, Himmler ordered that the question of the labor allocation of prisoners of war was to be submitted to Pohl. Not since the [ ... ]
[ ... ] committed to Pohl as Chief of the WVHA. Himmler directed that the "city center of the former ghetto is to be flattened completely and every cellar and every 23, 1943, addressed to the Higher SS and Police Leader in the East and to Pohl, Himmler ordered the erection of a concentration camp in the vicinity of [ ... ]
[ ... ] once. In February 1944, Pohl reported that 3,750,000 cubic meters of buildings had been demolished, and that 2,040 prisoners were being used. By fate many centries ago, and in this nefarious undertaking Pohl stood hand in glove with Himmler and Stroop in accomplishing the task of total destruction [ ... ]
[ ... ] June 23, 1946 (Exh. 183), Pohl outlines his part in these experiments. He states that he was aware that experiments were being performed from [ ... ]
[ ... ] accordance with Himmler's racial policies, non-German nationals were essentially used in preference to German nationals." Further proof of Pohl's connection : "Subjects for experiments were selected by Pohl. Himmler or I used to inform Pohl that a certain number of prisoners should be supplied for a particular [ ... ]
[ ... ] experiments. Continuing, Pohl stated that he had informed Dr. Koch that he would attempt to obtain permission to build a large hot house for cultivation of the plant. Pohl arranged to put Dr. Lolling, whom he refers to as "Chief of my Office D III," in touch with a Vienna biologist for further study, looking [ ... ]
[ ... ] Reichsbank under the assumed name of Max Heiliger. On July 4, 1944, Pohl, in a communication to the Main Office Chiefs, announced the names of officers , appropriately called "Department Booty." Moved by the christian spirit of Christmas, Pohl on November 6, 1943, wrote to Himmler, stating that he intended to make [ ... ]
[ ... ] the extermination of the Jews." In another affidavit, dated July 15, 1946 (Ex. 536), Pohl further indicates his knowledge of an participation in the ghoulish scramble. The facts stated therein are cumulative and need not be specifically referred to. The fact that Pohl himself did not actually transport [ ... ]
[ ... ] property, OSTI was organized, with a capital of 100,000 Reichsmarks. Of this Pohl held 75,000 and defendant Georg Loerner 25,000. Pohl was Chairman of the [ ... ]
[ ... ] scorched earth. In the OSTI phase of this plan, Pohl had even a more direct connection than he had with Action Reinhardt. Here he was the directing head and semblance of legality to this inherently lawless plan, Pohl was designated as a trustee of the properties seized in the East and operated by OSTI. This was a [ ... ]