[ ... ] through the reports which from time to time he had to submit to Pohl, and whether he thereby participated in the crimes. I would like to add here that on .) Could it now be said, however, that Klein had made himself an accessory to these atrocities which were unknown to him, by passing on these reports to Pohl [ ... ]
according to the exact exposition of the defendant, the reports have not been presented to the Court in the correct sequence of the pages. In bring [ ... ]
was in its entire extent received on behalf of the German Reich, which was represented by the German Minister of Finance and he again represented by [ ... ]
Now I want to add something else. The prosecution has further tried to establish a connection between Klein and the libelous antiBolshevist pamphle [ ... ]
Horse of conspiracy, without having been devoured by the serpents, he himself finally leads, like one of the deceived inhabitants of Troy, by "a lon [ ... ]
ing organs of the SS, used for criminal acts. For the fact that just any organ of an association like the SS at sometime or other without peruission [ ... ]
It is also obvious that an individual defendant may furthermore defend himself against the crime that he became a member by stating that he did s [ ... ]
committed in the concentration camps, and that he was of the opinion that everything was entirely correct there. Miss Wolff, too, states on page 48 [ ... ]
However, it should read, "I never heard that Jews had been arrested en masse." That is on Page 6100 of the German transcript. The witness von Rou [ ... ]
by oath on the stand. Isn't one obliged to believe the defendant after all this testimony, when he assures us that he was not aware of all the atro [ ... ]