A. We had no personal experience about that vaccine. Dr. Schmidt testified here that it was difficult to transport because it has to be kept cold and frozen. A special transport vessel had been developed for that purpose and in order to overcome the technical difficulties in dealing with that vessel it was necessary that the physicians become acquainted with the technicalities concerned with that vaccine.
Q. Were infections carried out in order to carry out the effectiveness of that vaccine?
A. No, I already stated that we ha.d no pathogenic virus in Germany and, therefore, could not carry out any infections. In this case only two or five cubic centimeters of blood were drown in order that in this manner the immunity might be discovered for experiments on man.
Q. Did you get reports from Ding about results of these tests?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know whether volunteers were used for these tests?
A. Yes, only volunteers were used. Ding states that in his own declaration, which is No. 275, Exhibit 283, and he says that he knows of a list and that in such cases many hundreds of volunteers could be found for such vaccines since they did not have to work for four weeks and since they received better nourishment as a result.
Q. I now turn to the gas gangrene experiments. When examining the defendants Handloser, Rostock, Schroeder, Genzken, and the witness Bernhard Schmidt, we have heard to what extent gas gangrene became prevalent at the front. I refer you to the Document 578, Prosecution Exhibit No. 248, which is before you in Document Book 12. I shall have it submitted to you. Would you please tell the Tribunal whether, in connection with gas gangrene, there was an extreme necessity in concentration camps and in the army in order to discover protective means to combat this disease?
A. It was pointed out frequently that no infection can be taken so seriously in the surgical field as the infection by gas gangrene since the mortality in case of these injuries was very high. In concentration camps, as Noeling told me, we often had cases of gas gangrene.
Therefore, the Asid Works suggested to apply vaccine in the same manner as in the case of diphtheria. This was carried out by these works sometimes in cases of tetanus. Such vaccine against gas gangrene was produced by Behring Works and was applied on students at Marburg University at first, about which a publication is available. I received a small part of this gas gangrene toxin in order to protect people in danger. This gas gangrene toxin I gave to Noeling and he used it at Buchenwald. The chart is available about persons where this vaccine was used and this is to be found in Document Book 12, and it becomes evident from that that there is even an increase in temperature in the case of that vaccination and that we are here concerned with a completely harmless project which has nothing at all to do with an infection.
Q. Dr. Ding in an affidavit, Document 257, Exhibit 283, in Document Book 12, which is before you, stated that at the Military Medical Academy a conference took place on the question of gas gangrene serum. What do you know about that?
A. It is correct that such a conference had acutally taken place. Whenever gas gangrene occurred a large amount of gas gangrene serum had to be used for treatment in order to insure success. That does not only include ten or fifteen cubic centimeters but four to eight hundred cubic centimeters which is introduced into the patient in the course of a few days. In Germany all serums which are obtained from animals, mostly horses, in order to maintain them bettern receive phenol and carbol acid, and that 0.5% - i.e., in the amount of 400 cubic centimeters I added a concentration of two cubic centimeters phenol acid. This amount is, of course, far above the tolerance in the case of human beings. Carbol acid is one of the strongest acids we possess. When treating people with gas gangrene serums a number of cases of death had occurred. It was discussed whether we were concerned with cases of serum death which came as a result of the serum or whether we were concerned with the phenol addition. Ding and I participated in that conference with others.
THE PRESIDENT: It is now time for recess. The Tribunal will be in recess until 0930 Monday morning.
(The Tribunal recessed until 0930 hours, 31 March 1947.)
Official Transcript of the American Military Tribunal I in the matter of the United States of America, against Karl Brandt, et al, defendants, sitting at Murnberg, Germany, on 31 March 1947, 0930, Justice Seals presiding.
THE MARSHAL: Persons in the court room will please find their scats.
The Honorable, the Judges of Military Tribunal I.
Military Tribunal I is now in session. God save the United States of America and this honorable Tribunal.
There will be order in the courtroom.
THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Marshal, you ascertain that the defendants are all present in court.
THE MARSHAL: May it please your Honor, all defendants are present in the court.
THE PRESIDENT: The Secretary-General will note for the record the presence of all the defendants in court.
MR. HARDY: May it please your Honor, I have several matters to call to the attention of the Tribunal. One is concerning the case of the Defendant Wolfram Sievers. I received notice on Saturday that the Defendant Wolfram Sievers is calling four witnesses, one a Dr. Edmund Mai who will testify as to the defendant's participation in the malaria and sea-water experiments. The prosecution, of course, was no objections to calling of that witness. The second witness is a Dr. Frederic Hilscher who is to testify as to the defendant's activities in the resistance movement. The prosecution has no objection to the calling of that witness. However, defense counsel has expressed the intentions of calling two witnesses named Dr. Franz Borgenau and Dr. Edward Topf. Those two witnesses, your Honor, are to testify, as it states on the notice received by the prosecution, as to the personality and political activity of the witness, Dr. Frederic Hilscher.
Now, I submit that this is a most unusual procedure, that is, calling two witnesses to testify as to the character and activity of another witness. Hilscher is not on trial here, and we would like to object at this time to the calling of the last two witnesses in the case of tho Defendant Wolfram Sievers; and my reason for doing it at this time is so they won't be going through the burden of bringing those two witnesses to Nurnberg and not having them testify here.
Therefore, I request a ruling from tho Tribunal in connection with those two witnesses.
THE PRESIDENT: The Tribunal has not yet received the formal application for the calling of these witnesses.
DR. WEISGERBER (Counsel for the Defendant Sievers): Mr. president, in my opining speech I pointed out that an essential argument in tho defense of my client is his membership in a resistance movement against the Nazi regime. I realize that this line of defense particularly has to be handled with groat conscienciousness, and I also realize that there is not inconsiderable scepticism in this respect. If not before this court, at least in other trials before German courts today, membership in a resistance movement is frequently referred to and for that reason I was of the opinion that this line of defense for my client would have to be given such a firm foundation that tho Tribunal would be put in tho position to get an objective and clear picture. I have called the witness Dr. Hilscher for the activity of my client in the resistance group which ho directed. Now, it is my argument that in respect to this witness particularly, the court should be informed about the extent, the development, the nature, and tho significance of his resistance activity in order to be able to judge whether the activity of my client within this resistance group had tho significance necessary for judicial judgement and, there, I am of the opinion that to give a firm foundation to the activities of the witness Hilscher these other two witnesses must absolutely appear here before tho court. I believe that this is more easily possible since for these two witnesses, Mr. Topf and Borgenau, I will need at the most one morning or one afternoon session, and I consider those two witnesses so important that I ask the court to approve my application.
THE PRESIDENT: The Tribunal will rule upon this question a.t tho opening of this afternoon's session.
MR. HARDY: Your Honor, I have another question concerning Dr. Horn, the witness that we discussed on Friday last.
I has been called to ay attention this morning by defense counsel for Koben that he would like to call Dr. Horn to the stand upon completion of the direct examination of tho Defendant Mrugowsky. Prosecution has no objection to that procedure either.
THE PRESIDENT: Counsel may proceed with tho examination of tho witness on the stand -- Just a moment. To the Secretary-General, I will return those applications for the calling of those witnesses for the Defendant sievers. If tho file can be completed this morning we Will rule on it at 1:30. see if tho file cannot be completed this morning.
Counsel may proceed.
DIRECT EXAMINATION (Continued) BY DR. FLEMING (Counsel for the Defendant Mrugowsky):
Q. On Friday, before we adjourned, we were speaking of tho discussion at the Military Medical Academy, which Ding mentioned in his affidavit, NO-257, prosecution Exhibit 223 in which occurrence of deaths after the application of gas gangrene serum at tho front were discussed. You said that tho phenol content of the gas gangrene scrum was discussed. The possibility was discussed that the phenol content in the largo doses of gas gangrene serum, which had to be given, approached tho limit of compatability. Did you give Dr. Ding an assignment on the basis of this discussion to test this phenol question?
A. Yes, I told him to study the literature and that he was to make use of the libraries of the pharmacological and legal medicine institutes in Jena. He had contact with those institutes.
Q. Did you give him the assignment to participate in euthanasia with phenol?
A. No. I never heard anything about them, about his having carried out such euthanasia, or of such killings having been carried out.
I could not, therefore, have given him any such order.
Q. You are aware that in an affidavit of your co-defendant Hoven it is stated that Ding himself carried out killings in Buchenwald with phenol. Had you given him an assignment to that effect?
A. No, I did not give him any such assignment, and there was no occasion to do so because death by phenol is well known in literature; simply reading the works on the subject would have sufficed.
DR. FLEMMING: Mr. President, I submit the Document Mrugowsky 28. I should like to submit it as Mrugowsky Exhibit Number 46. It is on page 174 of Document Book 1A, Mrugowsky 28, page 174, Exhibit 46. It is an affidavit of Professor Killian, who is a University professor at Halle/Saale. He says, "In 1941-1943 I was consulting surgeon with the 10th Army in the East. be had experienced numerous cases of death and damages to the circulation system due to the effects of gas gangrene serum. In my opinion, these bad effects cannot only be attributed to the inoculation of great quantities of unrelated serums, but also to the addition of one-half percent phenol, as is prescribed by law. Since up to 150 cbm of gas gangrene serum - sometimes even more than that - was injected intravenously in the field, in my opinion the total quantity of phenol added then approached a dangerous state. This became obvious after four of my collaborators had had themselves injected intravenously with phenol kitchen-salt solution of o.5% density. All of them showed typical signs of phenol poisoning to a different degree. In a letter to the medical inspectorate I called their attention to the disappointing effects of the gas gangrene serum and to the detrimental effect of phenol, and made proposals for a change. Consequently, I was officially ordered to report during my staying Berlin to Oberstarzt Professor Schreiber, who was a specialist on this matter.
Present at this conference were Professor Mrugowsky and a junior physician whose name I no longer remember. I did not know any of the three gentlemen; I saw and spoke to them then for the first time. Apart from a few general questions concerning bacterioloty, we discussed mainly the gas gangrene serum problem. I had to give an exact report about what rook place at the front and about the symptoms of poisoning. The discussion then took two directions: First, if it were possible for industry to substitute a harmless disinfectant for the dangerous phenol and which one of the many substances would be suitable for this purpose."
Number two is not important. And I can skip the next paragraph too. I come to the last paragraph:
"I well remember the substance of the discussions and declare that no mention was made of any experiments in a concentration camp or of achieving euthanasia by injecting phenol. Such considerations never even came up for discussion, let alone an order in my presence by one of the medical officers. This would certainly have remained in my memory. I may add that a reason for such experiments did not exist since the symptoms of phenol poisonings are well known and may be found in any book on pharmacology. Apart from this, the question had been sufficiently settled by the above-mentioned experiments which the physicians had carried out on themselves. I am convinced that Dr. Ding's statements are not true." Signed, Professor Killian, and certified.
Q. On the basis of the assignment to inform himself from literature about phenol poisoning - this assignment which you gave to him - what did Ding report? Was the question of gangrene serum and the deaths resulting from it settled?
A. Ding's report was given on this assignment. I waited for his report for some time and when it did not come I myself read up on this question. Then I was no longer interested in his report.
Q. On page 20 of the Ding Diary it says that a special experi ment on four persons on behalf of Gruppenfuehrer Nebe was carried out.
What do you know about that?
A. I have already mentioned the case of Hauptscharfuehrer Koehler who was at the hospital at Weimar, who died from poisoning. To his death and autopsy inaccurate statements were given. It was said that they occurred in the concentration camp Buchenwald which is not true. At the discussion of the autopsy findings in the Reich Criminal Police Office the opinion had been expressed that this death might have resulted from pervitin in connection with a sleeping drug. I participated in this discussion.
DR. FLEMMING: Mr. President, I have already submitted Document Mrugowsky 29, Exhibit 36, on page 177 of the Document Book 1A; Mrugowsky 29, Exhibit 36, page 177. When I submitted it I read the first one and one-half pages. I should now like to read the following portion on page 178, in the middle. "Professor Dr. Timm" -- that is, the forensic medical expert from Vienna who performed the autopsy on Koehler -- "came to the opinion that there were two possibilities existing: First, that a South American poison had been used which was totally unknown to us and which dissolves itself completely in the human body; second, that a combination of drugs had been used: one drug had excited the circulation until it brought it to the point of exhaustion, the other drug had acted as an antidote. Professor Dr. Timm spoke of the possibility that pervitin had been used together with a soporific. The idea that a South American poison had been used was rejected from a criminological point of view. From a technical point of view the second possibility would have been quite possible.
"I had to report the case to the Reich Main Security Office. Subsequently, a conference took place in the Reich Main Security Office at which quite a number of persons were present. The chief of the Reich Main Security Office, Gruppenfuehrer Mueller, presided. Gruppenfuehrer Nebe of the Reich Criminal Police Office was also present, as well as Professor Dr. Mrugowsky.
At the conference various persons, among others also Dr. Mrugowsky, pointed out that Pervitin was not a poison, that it could be obtained without a prescription. One of the gentlemen present pointed out that in America experiments were carried on where up to 100 tablets of pervitin were administered and the effects were not fatal. But no one present could answer the question of whether a combination of pervitin and a soporific would be harmless or whether it would lead to an increased reaction in any one direction. The latter appeared improbable to the experts. In order to settle this question Gruppenfuehrer Mueller ordered that an experiment be conducted. He ordered that Dr. Ding, whom he knew, should conduct this experiment in Buchenwald.
"It was ruled that in this experiment, which was to settle purely the criminal side of the question, only minute quantities of pervitin and soporific should be used since it would be impossible to give large quantities of pervitin and a soporific unobtrusively to a prospective victim of a crime. Moreover, larger quantities of these drugs would have been found in any case by means of a chemical analysis. The scientific theoretical problem concerning the harmfulness or even deadliness of maximum doses did not interest any one.
"I was present at the experiments at Buchenwald.
"Five persons were presented to us for testing, because Gruppenfuehrer Mueller lad ordered experiments to be conducted on five persons. I checked the papers of the persons to be experimented on prior to the experiment. They were Russians draftees who had deserted, or workers, who had formed a gang, stolen and plundeder, and had even been charged with murder. They all had been sentenced to death before a special court in Pomerania. Gruppenfuehrer Mueller had already previously been given the order for execution.
"I had agreed with Dr. Ding that a preliminary experiment should be made on three persons to see the kind of area action this combination bad on the organism. Some of the condemned could speak German. They were told that those experiments wore neither dangerous nor painful, and that by taking part they world at least put off their execution. Thereupon they all volunteered. Dr. Ding chose throe of thorn. They were transferred to Block 46. There they wore given a dose of Pervitin and a subcutaneous injection of a soporific. They they had to go to bed. They fell asleep, Their sleep was very restless. One of them slept for 20 hours. The others awoke a little earlier Then he says that no need them showed the symptoms which Koehler lad shown, and that the experiment was considered completed.
In the last sentence of tie next paragraph he says: "Therefore,I told Dr. Ding that he should not make any more experiments, and I reported this to Gruppenfuehrer ueller." I shall read the last paragraph in another connection.
According to the affidavit of Dr. Morgen, Dueller ordered Ding to carry out the experiment at Buchenwald. Did you receive a report on this experiment?
A. No, I did not receive a report on it.
Q. Now could Hueller order the experiment, Ding was not bis subordinate?
A. If I was called to a discussion outside of my actual sphere of work I had to inform my chief, Grawitz, of it; and that I did in this case, I told him that I knew all about Pervitin, together with my driver I had frequently taken large doses of it, but I also knew, from literature, that Porvitin was never fatal. On the other hand, this Gruppenfuohrer Bueller was one of the most powerful and, no doubt, one of the most dangerous people in Germany. He was head of the Secret State Police, the Gestapo, and it corresponds to the entire nature and character of Grawitz that he wanted to please this man. Therefore, in my presence, he spoke to Muoller on the telephone, and Muoller explained his point of view once more, and thereupon Grawitz agreed that ing was to fulfil Mueller's request.
Q. How I come to another point. The Prosecution has submitted Document NO-301, Prosecution Exhibit 290,which is rot in any document book. It is a report from you to the Reich Criminal Police Office. It deals with Aconitin. I shall have this report banded to you. Do you have it?
A. No.
Q. I shall auk you to comment on it. You remember the report?
A. Yes.
Q. You know that General Taylor, in bis opening speech, said that this experiment with Aconitin had not been conducted in order to find an antidote against Aconitin but in order to ascertain bow long it takes to kill a human being in this manner. Please tell the Tribunal wiether this concerned an experiment.
A. This was not an experiment in tie actual sense of the word.
It was the legal execution of five robbers, and some special facts were to be ascertained during this execution. The details were as follows: One day the chemist of the Reich Criminal Police Office, Dr. Wittman, came, to me. He asked me to attend an execution as the official doctor, As the reason for this request he added that in the Government General in Poland a high official had been injured when he was attacked with a revolver; that the bullet had inflicted only a harmless flesh wound, but never-the-less the person had died after a few hours, with symptoms of poisoning. The person who had attacked him had been arrested, and the rest of the ammunition was a hollow ball which contained a crystallized poison. The Chemical Institute of the Reich Criminal Police Office tested this and found that it was Aconitim the ammunition was of Russian origin. There is no Aconitin in German, it is imported. The question was whether this was the first case of the beginning of a poison warfaro against Germany, We had been expecting such a method of warfare for some time. For that reason there was not only criminal interest in clearing up this case but a general interest of the greatest importance. This ammunition was to be tested on 5 robbers who were to be executed anyhow, and it was to be seen whether this crystallized poison contained another poison which had not been found in the chemical tests. The rest of tic original Russian ammunition was to be used, and also German ammunition which had been made in imitation of the Russian. At the same time - and this was the main purpose of the experiment - it was to be discovered how much time would be available between the injury and the appearance of the semptoms of poisoning, in order , if necessary, to be able to use an antidote. This q uestion was of such groat importance because an antidote against Aconitin is hardly known, and if this had actually been the beginning of the poison warfare, then efforts would have to be made immediately to find an antidote.
Therefore, the head of the Reich Criminal police Office asked mo, and the Chief of the Criminal Technical Office also asked me to participate in the execution myself, although that was not actually my work but Dr. Wittmann said he did not know of any toxecologist except one in Berlin who had all been drafted, and as a bacteriologist I had a certain amount of experience in symptoms of poisoning connected with bacteria and therefore he asked, me to take over this job. I was rather unwilling to do so, I pointed out to Dr. Wittmann that the Order Police, the regular police in Vienna, had a pharmacologist who was very experienced and I suggested that he should be called upon; but this was not done because of the poor connections resulting from the air warfare. Since, on the ether hand, this question was doubtless of groat significance and should not be postponed, I finally declared myself willing to fulfill this request. In accordance with the purpose of this job I made rot only tho usual report, but a rather more detailed report on the symptoms of poisoning. This is tho report which we have here in this Prosecution document.
Q. You have said that this ammunition which was captured was of Russian production How can that be proved?
A. The Prosecution itself proved that. This document NO-290is followed by a part of the files which were not included in my report. There arc 3 drawings of cross-sections of those bullets which wore made and handed in to the Institute. The heading is "Poison bullet from a Russian pistol, calibre 7.65" and details about the construction of this bullet.
Q. You say that this photostatic copy of the bullet was not part of your report.
Now is that shown? Will you compare the stamps in the diary?
A. The report which I handed in is dated 12 September 1914, and then the next day it was received by tho Criminal Technical Office, and the receipt stamp carried tho number "Secret 53." The drawings, however, have a different secret journal number, that is, 15/1944. If the number G-53 was in September, then, if the distribution of letters received is assumed to be even, throughout the year, I should assume that the belch Criminal Police Office received those drawings in March of the same year. At that time I did not know anything about this attack, and the experiment had not been started yet, Nor did I know any details about the possibility of such a poison warfare.
Q. Who was present at the execution?
A. Dr. Ding, who happened to be in Berlin and who I took with no in order to support my observations; it was he who conducted the actual medical examination. I myself merely ascertained the occurrence of death. Also Dr, Wittman, representing tho Criminal Technical Institute, also a representative of the camp commandant, I believe the adjutant, and an Untersturmfuehrer who performed the execution, that is, acutally shot tho people. It is possible that there were others whom I do not remember and whose names I do not know.
Q Did you investigate in any way who these people were who were executed, and by what court they had been condemned to death?
A I talked with the people, they understood German, t they were apparently Germans. I considered them racial Germans (Volksdeutsche)of whom we had large numbers in Germany at that time. On the other hand, I knew that in concentration camps executions were carried out, and I had been told that this was an official natter of course and that there had to be an official representative of the camp commandant present. The fact that such a representative was present at this execution was sufficient for me to assume that the natter actually was official, and on the other hand, I had no opportunity to be informed of the sentence or anything like that.
Q Then you did not see the death sentence order before it was carried out?
A No, I did not have the opportunity because the doctor is merely called into an execution to ascertain when death occurs, but I am convinced that it was not my duty to examine the sentence order, for I had nothing to do with the actual execution. The order was given by the representative of the camp commandant; someone who was attached to the commandant's office actually shot the people, and I was merely there to ascertain when death occured and to note the symptoms of poisoning, but Dr. Ding did the latter for me. The official information from a high authority was sufficient proof to me for the legality of the execution.
Q In the case of two of the five robbers, the poison had no effect. You saw the suffering of the other three from the poison; why did you not shorten this suffering?
A The sight of this execution was one of the most horrible experiences of my life. On the other hand, I could not shorten the symptoms for in the first place there was no anti dote against aconitin available.
If it is in the circulation then there is no possibility of removing it. In the second place, it was the express purpose to find out how long the symptoms po poisoning last in order in later cases to be able to use an antidote, which it was hoped would soon be discovered.
Q Did you know that executions in Germany can only be carried out by shooting, by hanging, or by beheading, and did you not have any misgivings when this execution was carried out in a different way?
A I am not a jurist, I do not know the methods of execution. On the other hand, I have already said that, in my opinion, the state itself has the right to determine the method of death for its citizens in war time and doubtless has the right to determine the method of an execution. Here the suspicion had arisen that a poison war was beginning against Germany. This seemed to be supported by the finding of poison Russian ammunition. Since the investigations were carried out by the highest authorities in the Reich, I had no doubt about the juridical admissability upon which I, as a doctor, had no influence.
THE PRESIDENT: Witness, were each of these men struck by more than one bullet, or only by one bullet each?
THE WITNESS: Each one was shot only once in the thigh; two of these five persons were immediately killed by another shot, because the first shot of the poison ammunition had hit the artery in the thigh and their suffering was immediately stopped; but the others had only flesh wounds and after a certain period of time symptoms of poisoning appeared; that was three people.
DR. FLEMMING: Did you have anything else to do with the previous history of this execution?
DR. FLEMMING: Mr. President, I should like to reserve the right to further clarify this case I submit the files of the Reich Criminal Police office when I receive them.
On the 17th of December 1946 I applied for the submission of these files. On 23 January 1947, I reminded the Secretary General of this in a letter; on the 7th of February 1947 a letter from Mr. Reiser to the Secretary General recalled the matter once more, and on 8 March 1947 1 talked to Cap tain Rice of the Secretary General's office. The Secretary General has not yet succeeded in giving me the files, therefore, I ask to reserve the right to submit them later. I am convinced that the state of affairs can bo proven clearly from these files. I am also convinced that the files must be available because, as the defendant mrugowsky has already sta ted, the Prosecution has submitted two separate pieces from these files which have no connection with each other. For this reason, I ask to reserve the right to submit this document later.
THE PRESIDENT: Will the representative of the Secretary General's office make some investigation and find out where that application by counsel for the introduction of these files now is and endeavor to expedite it to the Tribunal?
Q Do you know any other indication of the danger of a poison warfare, which might justify the measures, which were taken on the basis of the discovery of Russian poison ammunition?
A During war the use of poison is frequently mentioned and it cannot bo proven, but on the other hand there is an old proverb, "That every new war begins where the old war stopped." In 1941 I knew that the famous American physiological Henderson during the first World war had received an assignment from the American War Department to produce poison ammu nition for use at the front.
Fortunately, it was not used but since America was at war with us, it was a possibility that such use of poison ammunition could be feared in this war. Moreover, I knew of the use of poison in case of sabotage on several occasions. For that reason, I thought that if such an example secured as this case, there was a reson for the assumption that poison warfare was actually being opened against Germany.
DR. FLEMMING: Mr. President, I should like to submit an excerpt from the book "Adventures in Respiration," the authorized translation from the English. This is Document Mrugowsky 31. The book itself I shall submit to the prosecution as soon as I have it from the library. I ask that the document be admitted as Mrugowsky Exhibit 47. It is on Page 182 of the Ger man and English document book. Mrugowsky 31, Exhibit 47, page 182.
MR. HARDY: May it please your Honor, we have here merely a copy of an extract from this book. It states "Excerpts from the authorized German translation of the book 'Adventures in Respiration.'" I have road this over and I cannot see the materiality of this document in this case. Furthermore I do not think it is properly authenticated to bo introduced in this form. Be that as it may, I shall formally object to the admission of this document into evidence.
DR. FLEMMING: I merely want to draw this document to the attention of the Tribunal; and I ask permission, as was given in other cases, to give the book itself to the prosecution, since it is a library book which I cannot hand in personally. I think that this excerpt is important for the defense because it says that even in the previous war the development of poisoned ammunition was worked on, so that one had to assume the danger of such ammunition being used at the front, especially if Russian ammunition was actually found to contain such a severe poison as Aconitin, not only one case but at least a whole clip of a pistol.
MR. HARDY: Your Honor, I submit again that this document hero concerns a war between the North and the South and assignments by the United States War Department. I don't see what the materiality is. It is not manorial at all to this issue; whether they first poisoned bullets in the Civil War in America doesn't have any bearing on it.