Leo Hepp
German general (1907–1987)
- Born: 1907-08-15 (Ulm)
- Died: 1987-10-24 (Bonn)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: military officer; military personnel
- Participant in: Hostages Trial (date: 1947-07-29; role: affiant)
- Significant person: Wilhelm List (role: superior)
- Military rank: lieutenant general (since: 1967-01-01); major general; soldier
- Military branch: German Army (period: 1935-03-16 through 1945-05-01, 1956-09-01 through 1967-09-01); Reichswehr (period: 1925-01-01 through 1935-03-16)
- Position held: Deputy Inspector of the Army (of: German Army; period: 1960-10-01 through 1961-09-30; replaced by: Karl Wilhelm Thilo; replaces: Joachim Schwatlo-Gesterding)
- Employer: Federal Intelligence Service (period: 1970-01-01 through 1972-01-01); Gehlen Organization (period: 1946-01-01 through 1954-01-01)
- Place of detention: Civilian Internment Enclosure, Neustadt in Hesse (date: 1947-10-07)
- VIAF ID: https://viaf.org/viaf/171899737