Claus Aschenbrenner
German aviation engineer and photogrammetrist
- Born: 1894-03-21 (Munich)
- Died: 1988-05-28
- Occupation: aeronautical engineer (date: 1944-01-01; employer: C. A. Steinheil & Söhne); university teacher (employer: Technical University of Braunschweig; period: 1938-01-01 through 1944-01-01)
- Member of: signal corps (period: 1917-01-01 through 1918-01-01)
- Participant in: Hostages Trial (date: 1947-07-25; role: affiant)
- Significant person: Hellmuth Felmy (role: neighbor, superior; since: 1917-01-01, 1935-01-01)
- Employer: C. A. Steinheil & Söhne (since: 1944-01-01); Itek (until: 1966-01-01); Technical University of Braunschweig (period: 1938-01-01 through 1944-01-01; position held: university teacher)
- Residence: Berlin (period: 1936-06-01 through 1944-01-01); Brunswick (period: 1938-01-01 through 1944-01-01); Haifa (period: 1917-01-01 through 1918-01-01); Malden (date: 1947-07-25); Munich (period: 1935-01-01 through 1936-01-01)