ORGANIZATION BOOK OF THE NSDAP Edited by The Reichsorganisationsleiter of the NSDAP (4th edition, 1937) Published by the Central Publishing House of the NSDAP, Franz Eher's Successor.
|Pages 143-144]
The Organization of the NSDAP in Foreign Countries The organization of the NSDAP in foreign countries (AO) is regulated from the standpoint of organization along district lines. The Director of the AO (with the rank of Gauleiter) is immediately subordinated to the Fuehrer's Deputy. The AO has its headquarters in Berlin. The Director of the organization in foreign countries is at the same time Chief of the Foreign Service Organization in the Foreign Office and directs the unified supervision of German nationals in foreign countries.
Duties and Authority
The duty of the AO is to win over the German nationals in foreign lands and in the shipping world to the National Socialist point of view and to keep alive the idea of a racial community
over all classes, professions, and confessions in every single German, living in a foreign country.
The AO will keep itself aloof from all non-German issues.
The AO is the only competent party office for all Party Organizations abroad (with the exception of Danzig and Memel) and on board German ships. The Director of the AO is responsible for all measures, principles, and directives given in this sphere of activity. He is further responsible for seeing that the Special directives issued by all the competent offices of the Reich government are modified in such a way that they are suitable for conditions abroad in order that German interests are not under any circumstances endangered or damaged.
All party members domiciled abroad, who take up permanent residence there or who are employed in seagoing ships, are subordinate to the AO and are not to be considered party members of districts within the Reich. Party members engaged in shipping, who leave their work afloat and are without work for at least six months, are to be transferred to the appropriate Gau within Germany, also party members abroad who return and take-up permanent residence in the fatherland.
Members of the families of German seamen, residing at home and who belong to the NS Women's Organization are administered by the NS Women's group—shipping—of the organization of the NSDAP in foreign countries. This pertains to all districts in which the AO—shipping has divisions, subdivisions, and branches.
The Staff of the AO carries the designation "Supervision of the Organization of the NSDAP in Foreign Countries."
The AO of the NSDAP is subdivided into national groups, national districts, districts, local groups, and branches. The term "national group" is to be used only for those countries which are particularly important as far as German nationals abroad are concerned. To all other countries the term "national district" applies.
The Party functionaries of the AO are:
1. The Director with the rank of Gauleiter.
2. The Deputy Director with the rank of Deputy Gauleiter.
3. The heads of the national groups (on account of different conditions in all of the diffèrent countries of the world in which the organization is to be found) with the rank of a district office leader.
4. The heads of national districts with the rank of a district leader.
5. The district leaders.
6. The leaders of local groups.
7. The leaders of branches.
The Office Chiefs in the Head Office of the AO, the commissioners for foreign countries, under whom are several national groups and national districts (partly in our part of the earth), and the leaders of the national groups have the rank of a Gauamtsleiter. Subordinate to the. Director of the Office of AO Shipping Section of the NSDAP are:
1. The divisional leaders in Bremen, Hamburg, Luebeck, and Stettin with the rank of a Gauhaupt Stellenleiter.
2. Local group and branch leaders on board German ships.
In order to identify the political leaders and party members
of the AO, the leader has permitted the members of the AO to wear a special badge. (See picture.) It portrays a black diamond which, set up on its point, is worn on the left arm (lower end 2 centimeters above the cuff). Within the black diamond are the two letters AO, for the Party Functionaries in gold and for all others in silver. Party members wear the badge on the brown shirt. The badge may only be worn, as long as the party member in question belongs to the AO. It is to be discarded as soon as he returns home and is transferred to a local group.
The graphical plan of organization serves to illustrate the organization in detail.
The entire business of all party offices with the organizations of the NSDAP abroad and in the shipping service must be carried out through the Director of the AO. The associations belonging to the party, who in the course of their operations endeavor to enlist German nationals abroad may only do this within the framework of the AO.
[Pages 295-312]
The Reiehpropaganda Leader of the NSDAP and Propaganda Leader
The propaganda of the NSDAP, its organizations and associate groups is the responsibility of the Reiehpropaganda leader of the Reich:
1. He determines the entire propaganda aspect of the movement including its organizations and associate groups.
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2. He lays down the directions to be followed by the party including the organizations and associate groups as far as realizing the Fuehrer's wishes as regards culture are concerned.
3. He exercises control over the entire German radio system in regard to its interior organizational, cultural, and economic development.
4. The saturating of the German nation with national socialist ideology is his concern.
5. He enlightens the people concerning the Fuehrer's accomplishments both as regards party and State.
For propaganda purposes, the press, the radio, and films are put into use.
The Chief of Staff and adjutant are subordinate to the Reich propaganda leader.
The sphere of activity of the Reich propaganda leader can be divided into five groups, and each group is under the control of an office of its own.
1. Active propaganda.
2. Films.
3. Radio.
4. Culture.
5. Liaison Office.
Chief of Staff
Directly subordinate to the Chief of Staff are:
1. The "Reich ring for national socialist propaganda and national enlightenment."
2. The "Reichsautozug Deutschland" and the "Hilfszug" Bavaria.
3. The business center of the Reichpropaganda office.
4. The main office of press propaganda.
5. The main office for exhibitions and fairs.
The duty of the Reich ring for National Socialist Propaganda and national enlightenment is to insure the uniform direction of the propaganda of all organizations and associated groups, through the party. Through the duly qualified party functionaries one representative from the propaganda offices of all organizations and groups is allotted to the Reich ring. To these representatives are added representatives of certain offices of the Reich government, etc.
Office of press propaganda. The duty of the central office of the press propaganda is to revise, on the basis of newspaper technique, propaganda measures resulting from the general work of all offices of the Reich-propaganda leader and to submit them to
the competent authorities of the national socialist party press as well as the rest of the press.
Central office for exhibitions and fairs. The duty of the central office for exhibitions and fairs is to supervise all exhibitions in which the party intends to participate, from a propaganda point of view.
1. The Office of active propaganda. The duty of active propaganda is to effect the uniform execution of all active propaganda measures from the large scale organizations of gigantic size with their architectural-like structure down to the organizations of local groups, and branches.
This means that the whole propaganda organization of the movement, its organizations and associated groups are combined.
Parallel with the daily handling of current political questions, there is the supplying of the entire speakers' staff with information and the provision of all propagandists of the Reich with the monthly magazine "Our Will and Way.''
As a supplement to speaking, there must be the designing and distribution of appropriate placards and pamphlets as well as the careful examination of convention reports on the part of the speakers and the directors of propaganda.
A complete picture of the propaganda can be seen from the statistical survey of all reports coming from districts and Gaus (in regard to propaganda).
Central office of speaker's organization. The central office of speaker's organization comprises by way of its subordinate office "Speakers' organization" all Reich, Gau, and district speakers of the NSDAP as well as all Specialist Speakers of the organizations and associated groups. This staff of speakers for the whole movement is constantly furnished with material by the office of "Speakers' information," which counts as the only material for speeches and the only material for information by the party.
The "Speakers' Agency" of Reich speakers, shock troop speakers of the Reich propaganda Directorate and cadets for the Shock troops operates through the office of "Speakers' Agency." The "Speakers School" subordinate to the central office does not only provide for a further supply of political and specialized speakers but also for constantly enriching the knowledge of all actively engaged speakers. For this purpose a special "Reich School for Speakers" has been installed.
The Party Speakers
Speakers are classified as follows :
1. Reich speaker.
2. Speaker for the Shock troops and cadets.
3. Gau speaker.
4. District speaker.
5. Specialized speaker.
(When announcing meetings, the speakers designations as they appear above are to be strictly adhered to).
Their employment is decided as follows :
a. The principle of capability
b. The merits of the veteran fighter.
On principle, it is to be differentiated between political and technical speakers.
2. Central office of the film, industry. The duty of the central office of the film industry is to exhibit such films regularly as adequately serve to enlighten and educate the masses and strengthen national socialist ideology. Associated with the film division is the office of photography.
The central office of the film industry is divided into: Organization Finance administration Production and technique Dramatic theory Cultural films Newsfilms Photography
3. Central Radio office. The radio organization of the NSDAP must exercise a constant control over the entire German radio system in order to synchronize the internal organization, cultural, technical, and economic development of the radio system with national socialist principles.
The effects of radio propaganda are assured through the organization of radio technicians with the assistance of all technical possibilities as regards transmission, for the coordinating of the entire nation in every corner of the Reich—whether listening in at home, in a community, to a national broadcast.
Central bureau of Cultural Political Radio Activities and Radio Organization: Transmitting and receiving system, cultural productions on the radio, broadcasts to schools, scientific radio work, radio for youth.
Organization of the broadcasting personnel (Reich radio association, individual association of the Reich Kultur Association, associations of people interested in radio) radio exhibitions.
Central office of radio technique, technical transmission service (loud speaker system), technical training- in radio, short wave and amateur transmission, telegraphy and ultra-short wave system, technical production questions.
Central office of radio propaganda. Propaganda operations by radio, the recruiting of listeners, radio news system, political Reichtransmissions.
4. Central office for culture. The duty of the central office for culture is to stimulate, to preserve, to supervise artistic creation in the sense of the formal expression of the national socialist ideology and to incorporate into the Party Propaganda its organizations, and associate groups. The following serve this purpose among other things :
Central office of Architecture. The issuing of general directions and regulations concerning questions as regards the architectural structure of monuments and such edifices which serve the public activity of the national socialist movement.
Central office for artistic designs. The issuing of general directions and orders in regard to all other questions of the artistic designing of symbols, objects, etc., which are used in the public activities of the national socialist movement.
The issuing of general directions and rules for the artistic setting for demonstration and the organizing of National Socialist celebrations making use of cultural means.
Central office of selection. Part of the duties in this sphere of activity are the screening and selecting of musical and poetical works with the aim in view of using them at national socialist demonstrations and celebrations.
Central office of program organization. The drawing up of model programs for celebrations of the national socialist movement and for organizing settings for national socialist demonstrations on the basis of the type of tradition formed in the fighting days [Kampfzeit].
Elimination of unsuitable settings which may find their way into the movement through unauthorized agencies. War against trash, preservation of definite national socialist aspect in the settings for celebrations, the prevention of mystic and pseudoreligious falsification of our ideology, as a result of prodigious constructions by misguided cult devotees. Professional artists to be put to work following above-mentioned directives. Suitable persons will be chosen by the Reiehpropaganda leader in the central office of culture, as permanent coworkers, especially for the purpose of operating in specialized fields. Practical courses for cultivation of folk songs for the purpose of finding the proper
personnel for the planning of activities in all organizations of the movement. The "Proposals for the Planning of National Socialist Celebrations" issued monthly by the Central Office for. Culture will furnish the leaders of propaganda and central offices for culture, with the necessary material. Therein are also found appropriate instructions for the planning of discussion evenings, membership meetings, evening meetings of the Hitler Youth, evening gatherings of SA and SS comrades, in a manner befit-ing our creed and to avoid monotony. The unity of the Party and legitimate cohesion within the cultural sphere is guaranteed through the coordination of the important offices. The Reich propaganda leader of the NSDAP is also president of the cultural association.
The Director of the office for culture of the Reich propaganda Directorate is also the director of Reich culture in the Reich Cultural Association.
5. Liaison officer. The duty of the liaison officer is to centralize all business with Reichministries, officials, and public bodies, etc. Thus it is assured that the general principles of propaganda are brought to the knowledge of the appropriate Reich officials. In reverse, the liaison office brings all problems and instructions, that emanate from the Reich propaganda ministry to the knowledge of the Reich propaganda Directorate.
In order to coordinate the propaganda of both the party and the state, it is the duty of the liaison office to bring the general principles of the Reich propaganda directorate to the knowledge of the bodies subordinate to the Reichministry for national enlightenment and propaganda which are also associated with and administered by this Ministry.
The Gau, Office of Propaganda, as commissioner of the Gauleiter for the entire propaganda aspect of the national socialist movement, the Gauleiter Propaganda takes precedence over the Gau Propaganda Office.
For the purpose of carrying out the work of the district, the following leaders are under his jurisdiction as is the case with the Reich propaganda Directorate.
1. Director of active propaganda.
2. Director of films.
3. Director of radio.
4. Director of culture.
5. Director of The Gauring for national socialist propaganda and popular enlightenment.
6. Liaison officer.
The duties technically correspond to those of the Reichproj-aganda Directorate.
The Gauleiter Propaganda is also director of national culture of the Reich cultural association. In this way it is assured that the cultural will of the national socialist movement is carried out even in the most insignificant parts of the Reich Cultural association (Reich Music Association, Reich Association of Fine Arts, Reich Literary Association, Reich Press Association, Reich Film Association, Reich Radio Association).
The Gauleiter Propaganda is also, in most instances, Director of the National Office for enlightenment of the people and propaganda.
The District Propaganda Office.
The Director of District propaganda is the commissioner of the Kreisleiter for the entire propaganda aspect of the party within this district.
The following are the responsibility of the Director:
1. Active propaganda.
2. Films.
3. Radio.
4. Culture.
5. Kreisring for national socialist propaganda and popular enlightenment.
6. Liaison office.
. The liaison office maintains the connection between the Landrats and Regional [Bezirk] offices.
The duties technically correspond to those of the Gau Propaganda Office (according to need).
The Director of the Local Group Propaganda.
The Director of the Local Group Propaganda is responsible to the Party Functionary of the local group for the entire propaganda aspect of the movement.
In order to execute his duties, specialists on culture, films and radio are subordinate to him. He solves all problems of active propaganda direct, and he must also remain in constant communi-ication with the appropriate mayor and chairman of the district council, respectively. In addition to that he maintains contact with the organizations and associate groups.
The duties technically correspond to those of the office of district propaganda as may be needed.
The Leader of the Branch [Stuetzpunkt] Propaganda
His sphere of activity corresponds with that of the leader of the local group propaganda.
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The Chief of the Reich press of the NSDAP Offices of the Press
and Commissioners
In his decree of February 28, 1934, the Fuehrer formulated the sphere of activity reserved for the Chief of the Reich press of the NSDAP, the decree of the Fuehrer is as follows:
I. The Chief of the Reich press of the NSDAP is vested with the following powers:
1. He determines on my behalf the general policy of the entire editorial work within the party press. Moreover, he is as my Chief of press the final authority for all press releases of the party and all offices.
2. The editorial Staff of the Party Press as well as Gau journalists of the NSDAP are subordinate to the Chief of the Reich press as far as work is concerned. He has the right to interfere in all personal questions.
3. All existing press divisions, press bureaus, etc., existing within the party or within its subsidiary or subordinate organizations (political organization, SA and SS, Hitler Youth, German labor front), regardless of the particular organizational status of their work in the field of publishing, are subordinate to the Chief of the Reich press of the NSDAP and responsible to him.
4. The Chief of the Reich press of the NSDAP approves all news services and correspondence, which are issued by one of the offices of the NSDAP or regarded as national socialist.
The Chief of the Reich press of the NSDAP can take all necessary measures for the execution of his duties.
Berlin, February 28, 1934.
Signed: Adolf Hitler.
Corresponding with this order of the Fuehrer, the Office of the Chief of the Reich press of the NSDAP is the central office for all the political publishing activity of the party.
II. The technical authorities directly subordinate are:
1. The Chief editors of the party press. They are the responsible editorial leaders of the National Socialist party papers owned by the party and are directly responsible to the Chief of the Reich press as regards their editorial work. They have to be confirmed by the Chief of the Reich press and they can have the rank of a leader of a district office.
2. The press representatives of the individual offices of the Reich Government. They take care of the press interests of the larger organizations and party offices within the framework of
the editorial and political principles of the Chief of the Reich press.
3. The journalistic-political organ of the NSDAP.
a. Editor-in-Chief of the Office of the District Press : The office of the district press is that office of the district which with the help of the party offices of the district, subordinate to it and associated with it as regards problems of journalism, represents the interests of the party through the medium of the papers and periodicals published in this district. This representation of interests involves particularly the progressive cooperation of the whole journalistic life of the district.
The office of the district press has the following functions to perform :
Neivs and Information Service
The office of the district press furnishes the newspapers, by means of the regularly appearing National Socialist Gau Service, with all the news material in regard to all Party arrangements and events in the district. Moreover, its news information service, based on records is at the disposal of all papers for dealing with all questions, concerning the party.
The Personal News Service
The office of the district press makes information accessible to editors through press conferences, receptions with functionaries of the individual party offices, etc. It informs the editorial boards of the district of the special journalist political wishes of the Gauleitungen.
Information given to the party press:
The office of the district press, on the basis of reports of the political press organ, informs the editorial boards of the party press about the wishes of the readers in regard to newspaper technique. Moreover, it is in charge of local reporting of party affairs and educates the editorial board and press officials as regards newspaper technique.
b. The editor of the district press and the head of the local group :
The editor of the district press and the head of the local group respectively, have duties that are technically derived from those of the Head of the Office of the district press. Permission to publish must, however, in all cases be granted through the head of the office of the district press. Press representatives of the organizations and offices can also be requested here. In the hands of the press chiefs of the local groups, who can have the rank of a
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head of the office of a local group, there lies, above all, the reporting of local party news, namely, the journalistic evaluation of the entire social service work of the local group, formulated in accord with the directives of the political journalistic service.
III. In order to carry out his duties, the Chief of the Reich press has established the following bureaus in Berlin, as well as in Munich:
1. The press personnel bureau with the office in Munich. The press personnel bureau works out all personal questions, especially that concerning the conferring of the "party press armband" upon proved national socialist editors. (The armband is to be worn on the left forearm only on special occasions). Moreover in a special department the official gazette of the Reich Government is being prepared.
2. The political press bureau with its office in Berlin. The political press bureau concerns itself with the general principles regarding the work of the party press as well as the entire use of the political press organ of the party.
The head of the political press bureau has also been chosen by the chief of the Reich press as his commissioner for the entire press service system of the party and exercises the right of controlling and vetoing all press releases, which are issued by party bureaus or those which are regarded as national socialist.
The head of the political press bureau is editor-in-chief of the national socialist party press service [N.S.K.] The NSK is the only official press service of the NSDAP and it alone is empowered to publish in the name of the party, for all Reich Government offices, including their subsidiary and subordinate organizations. The NSK as press service is at the disposal of all the editorial staffs of the whole German press.
The political press bureau has its headquarters in the NS press House in Berlin. In the NS Press House all party papers are represented by their own Berlin editors.
[Pages 307-310].
The Reich Director of the Press
The Reich Director of the Press has to perform the duties of a publisher and politician [verlagspolitische Aufgaben].
He is commissioned to furnish the German people with a press, which owes allegiance to them and is responsible to them and which is to reflect the life and the experiences of the German community. Furthermore, the Reich Director of the Press has the duty of taking the necessary measures to enforce the demands
made on him as publisher and politician which are laid down in the program of the NSDAP under point 23 and to see that they are carried out. The latter applies especially to the decree of April 25, 1935 relative to "the preservation of the independence of the newspaper publishing business" and to the "closing of newspaper publishing houses for the purpose of eliminating unhealthy conditions of competition." Finally he is commissioned to publish all the standard literature for the national socialist movement.
The Reich Director of the Press is authorized by the Fuehrer to take all necessary measures for the execution of his duty and he has the following powers:
1. The recognition of periodic publications as official party organs.
2. The decision concerning the founding and the appearance of periodic publications, which are published by party members, even when they do not aspire to recognition as official party organs.
3. a. The issue of general regulations for the whole publishing business to the entire press published by party members. The regulations are valid as orders, as long as nothing else is laid down by the Reich Director of the Press.
b. The decision over all questions of publication whose significance is a matter of principle and extends beyond the individual publication, when he takes this decision upon himself. The publications in these instances are obliged to submit these questions to the final decision of the Reich Director of the Press.
c. The inspection at any time of all official party publications and their economic organization and direction, as well as the right and power of exercising influence.
The responsibility of the individual publishers for the direction of the publishing business is not affected thereby.
4. The employment of responsible directors and their deputies only takes place by the Reich Director of the press, who has to decide the person and the contract. The Reich Director of the Press decides whether the existing contract is to be continued or dissolved. The Reich Director of the Press is also empowered to appoint commissioners for directing publication, and their directives are to be followed by the publishers' staffs and by the entire firm. The right of appointing commissioners over the publishers' staffs is reserved for the Reich Director.
The following are subordinate to the Reich Director of the Press:
1. The governing board of the Reich Director of the Press. The governing board sponsors and inspects the NS district publications. These are the ones recognized as party organs and as party newspapers which are exclusively party property. The directors of the NS district publications are political leaders on the staff of the district leader and are personally and officially subordinate to him. From a professional point of view the directors of the NS district publications are exclusively subordinate to the Reich Director of the Press. His approval is necessary for changes of personnel. Lower classifications in districts, etc., do not exist.
2. The central publishing house of the NSDAP with its publications: Voelkischer Beobachter, Der Angriff, Illustrierter Beobachter, Der S.A.—Mann, das Schwarze Korps, N.S.—Funk und Bewegung, Funktechnischer Vorwaerts, Der Arbeitsmann, Die H.J., Die Bewegung, Die Brennessel, N.S.—Monatshefte, Die N.S. — Gemeinde, Der Schulungsbrief, Unser Wille und Weg, Auf-klaerungs und Rednerinformations — Material, Reichsplanung, Deutsche Presse, Verordnungsblatt der Reichsleitung der NSDAP, Der Parteirichter, Mitteilungsblatt der Kommission fuer Wirtschaftspolitik, Das Parteiarchiv, Der S.A.—Fuehrer (as well as the entire literature of the movement.)
The Reich director of the press is at the same time President of the Reich Press Association. In the following organizations, which are not party bureaus, the Reich Director of the Press is represented by a commissioner who has to direct the supervision of and the liaison with these organizations:
Reichassociation of German Newspaper Publishers.
Reichassociation of German Publishers of Periodicals.
Professional Association of the Radio-Press.
Professional Group of Student Publications.
Professional Group of the Youth Press.
Professional Staff of the Catholic Church Press.
Reich Association of the Evangelical Press.
Reich Association of the German Press and Information Bureau, Incorporated.
Association of German Newspaper and Periodical Wholesalers.
Reich Association for the Recruiting of Periodical Trade.
Reich Professional Staff of the German Newspaper and Periodical Trade.
Reich Association of German Railway Station Booksellers. Reich Association of German Reading Circle Proprietors. Reich Association of German Newspaper Stenographers. Reich Association of the German Press.
Professional Staff of Publishing House Employees.
German Book Publishers. (Organized Brokers' Association and League of Reich German Book Publishers). Recruiting Office of German Economy.
The Chief of the Foreign Press
I. The Chief of the Foreign Press of the NSDAP is the highest party functionary for all matters affecting the foreign press. He is subordinate to the Fuehrer and his deputy. He is in charge of the governing body of all foreign Party Press Bureaus.
II. The offices of the chief of the foreign press are at the disposal of all party offices, organizations, and associated groups in all matters affecting the foreign press. (For example, instruction concerning German and foreign papers and periodicals abroad as well as foreign press correspondents in Germany.)
III. The Chief of the foreign press has offices in Berlin, corresponding to the office of the Fuehrer and his deputy in Berlin (with Referat: United States of North America) and Munich. The main office is in Berlin.
Foreign Political Office of the NSDAP
1. 1. The foreign political office (APA) of the NSDAP includes two different fields of operation: one domestic, the other foreign, in character.
2. In the domestic field, the APA is entrusted with the task of introducing the foreign political aims and endeavors of the National Socialist State into all offices and organizations of the party.
3. In the foreign field, the APA is entrusted with the task of enlightening those in foreign lands and especially the foreigners who visit Germany or remain there as foreign correspondents, of the nature and aims of National Socialism in order to arouse thereby the understanding of other people for the fundamental needs of the German people and to convince foreign nations that' National Socialism in Germany desires peace for progress and peace with other nations without at the same time rejecting the defence of their right to existence.
II. 1. The APA is divided into three main offices:
A. Office for Foreign Referants with the Main Offices.
a. England and Far East.
b. Near East.
c. South East.
d. North.
e. Old Orient.
/. Controls, personnel questions, etc.
B. Office of the German Academic Exchange Service.
In order to effect as close cooperation as possible between the German academic exchange service and the party, the president of the German academic exchange service is chief official in the
C. Office of Foreign Commerce.
2. Moreover, there is in the APA a main office for the press service and an educational office.
[Page 312]
The Commissioner of the Fuehrer for the Surveillance of the Whole Spiritual and Ideological Education of the NSDAP.
In order to effect the surveillance of the whole spiritual and ideological education of the NSDAP the Commissioner makes use of the following offices:
1. Chief of Staff.
2. Office of artistic development.
3. Philosophy and pedagogy.
4. Central office of national and ancient history.
5. Historical Referat.
6. Referat for Aryan ideology.
7. Referat for Nordic questions.
8. Central office for educational questions.
9. Referat for collection of material and curriculum (surveillance).
10. Referat Organizations.
11. Central office for the cultivation of literature.
12. Referat ideological information.
13. Organization and business administration.
14. Press Office.
15. Association for the Education of the whole movement.
For the purpose of promulgating an ideological train of
thought, the Commissioner publishes the periodical "NS Monthly Magazine."
* * * * * * [Page 327]
Colonialpolitical Office
For the treatment of all colonialpolitical and colonial economic questions within the national socialist movement and its press, the colonialpolitical office only issues general principles and in-
structions (see point 2 of the decree of the Fuehrer's Deputy 17/34, series 71).
The colonialpolitical office is operated only as an office in the Reich Government of the NSDAP.
* * * * * _ * *
[Page 337]
Official Party Board of Examiners for the Protection of NS Literature
I. The official Party Board of Examiners is not a censorship office, but an office for the protection and defense against pseudonational socialist literature and it insures that the National Socialist ideology is not misused by an unqualified man and commercially exploited in a way that deceives the public:
II. The official Party Board of Examiners gives an opinion on:
1. The NS literature in a narrower sense.
To this belongs the NS literature that has come into existence by its immediate identification with the movement. This literature, corresponding with national socialist ideology, is exclusively political.
2. Literature related to national socialism.
From the point of view of time, this covers a very broad field and includes the literature dealing with political thoughts and demands that lie within the line of national socialist development.
III. A reliable staff of lecturers is at the disposal of the official examining Party Board of Examiners in an advisory capacity. Writings which have been considered satisfactory by the examiners will be added to the NS Library [NSB]. The chairman of the PPK leaves the publishing to the decision of the report by the lecturers. It is stated in this:
1. The work is unobjectionable from the standpoint of the political will represented by the party. The work will be marked unobjectionable in this case, i.e. the following sentence may be printed in the work. No objections are raised by the NSDAP against the publication of this writing.
2. Against the contents of a work no objections are offered. However, it cannot be classified as belonging to national socialist literature in a more narrow sense.
Here however, there is the possibility that the work will be added to the NSB under the category of literature related to national socialism. Such a work embodies in its text no notice that it has been examined.
3. The work does not agree with the principles of the NSDAP; hence it is rejected. Here there are the following possibilities: a. The work may be put on sale but not brought into relationship with national socialism. .
b. The writing may no longer be distributed. More detailed instructions are given by the president of the Reich Chamber of Literature.
4. Construction & Organization of PPK see Plan of Organization.
Extracts from the organizational manual of the NSDAP, including offices for its foreign operations, propaganda, radio broadcasting, culture, the press, colonies, and literature
Date: 1937
Literal Title: Organization Manual of the NSDAP . . . The Organization of the NSDAP in Foreign Countries
Total Pages: 16
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2319
Citation: IMT (page 259)
HLSL Item No.: 450327
Trial Issues
Conspiracy (and Common plan, in IMT) (IMT, NMT 1, 3, 4) Education, propaganda, and youth programs (IMT) IMT count 1: common plan or conspiracy (IMT) Nazi regime (rise, consolidation, economic control, and militarization) (I…
Document Summary
PS-2319: Survey of the organization of the office of foreign affairs of the Nsdap as of the year 1937