Secret State Police / State Police Precinct WEIMAR.
Received March 12, 1945 [red stamp]
FS.-NR. 2470 [blue stamp]
PRAG NR. 8005 2.3.45 1730—KIL—
To State Police DARMSTADT
Subject: Protective prisoner ALEX MUUL, born Nov. 1, 1899 in KRIUSCH, Russia Estonia.
Reference: Report of January 26, 1945—ROEM.
4-6 Kl. B—2181/44—SCHM.—
Protective custody until further notice Examination date May 19, 1945 Reason: Anti-German remarks
As prisoner of grade—11—to be left in concentration camp Buchenwald.
RSHA-ROEM. 4A 6 Kl. B—Nr. M 34 591-
File of Orders for Commitment to Concentration Camps All issued by RSHA, Amt IV A 6, Prague to Stapo Darmstadt signed by Dr. KALTENBRUNNER.
Date Grounds KL Class Name Nationality
6.10.44 Vagrancy, suspected subversive activity Lachren- hausen I Vaculik Czech
20. 9.44 Sex relations with Pole Ravens- brueck — Hartmann German
30. 9.44 Refusal to work Ravens- brueck — Hilbert German
19.10.44 Religious propaganda Dachau I Bruecher German
2.11.44 Association with Frenchmen and suggesting breach of labor contract Ravens- brueck Wetzel German
22.11.44 Sex relations with PW's. Ravens- brueck — Merz German
2.12.44 Work sabotage and obstinacy Dachau I Meriadec French PW
2.12.44 Work sabotage Dachau I Selderyk Dutch
20.12.44 Sexual intercourse with Pole Ravens- brueck — Dillmann German
20.12.44 Work sabotage Ravens- brueck — Francurchi [French?] Corsican
27.12.44 Vagrancy; escape from transport; illegal use of RB. Dachau I Garco Italian
31.12.44 Escape from transport, vagrancy Dachau I Dellominut Italian
31.12.44 Work sabotage and association with foreigners Ravens- brueck Buettner German
12. 1.45 Molestation and threatening of German woman ; Communist statements Hossen- burg II Nomkin Lithuanian
20. 1.45 Loafing on job repeatedly Bergen- Belsen — Filber German
1. 2.45 Conduct inimical to Germany; spreading of enemy propaganda; suspected membership in resistance movement Hossen- burg II Leclair French
Date Grounds KL Class Name Nationality
9. 2.45 Working against Reich Buchen- wald I Etie. French
9. 2.45 Spreading of rumors detrimental to morale Buchen- wald I Farichon French
9. 2.45 Spreading of rumors detrimental to morale KL transfer later Farichon French
2. 3.45 "Aktion Gitter" Dachau I Laux German
2. 3.45 "Aktion Gitter" Dachau I Appel German
2. 3.45 Creating1 public nuisance (KL transfer later) Rauxloh German
2. 3.45 Black market Buchen- wald I Cau French
2. 3.45 Breach of work contract Buchen- wald I Coudoning French
2. 3.45 Sex relations with French PW. (Investi- gation cont'd) Meyer German
2. 3.45 Black market operator Flossen- burg II Biache French
2. 3.45 Black marketing of stolen goods Dachau I Fruche French
2. 3.45 "Aktion Gitter" Dachau I Rueffer German
2. 3.45 Work sabotage; suspected activity Buchen- wald I Revenranius Greek
2. 3.45 Loafing on job; creating public nuisance (KL transfer later) Oberle German
2. 3.45 Statements against Germany Buchen- wald I Agurini Italian
2. 3.45 Statements against Germany Buchen- wald II Muul [USSR?]
2. 3.45 Loafing on job Thurenan- stadt Lang Jew
2. 3.45 ( "Aktion Gitter" J Man and wife? Ravens- brueck Maurer Jew
2. 3.45 1 "Aktion Gitter" Dachau I Maurer German
Date Grounds KL Class Name Nationality
2. 3.45 Assault on foreman Buchen- wald I Toorn Dutch
2. 3.45 Theft of foodstuffs; resale at excess prices; or bartering Dachau IA Rouanet French
2. 3.45 Defeatist statements (KL transfer later) Ezrenlaub German
2. 3.45 Working against Reich Buchen- wald II Bougoen ?
2. 3.45 Attempted looting after air raid Buchen- wald II Borge ?
2. 3.45 Theft and escape from jail Buchen- wald I Top Dutch
2. 3.45 Work sabotage (KL later) Eberhardt German
Order that Alex Muul is to be confined at Buchenwald for "Anti-German remarks," and a list of 24 prisoners assigned to concentration camps for various reasons (October 1944 to March 1945)
Ernst Kaltenbrunner (chief of security police and security service (SD), RSHA)
Ernst Kaltenbrunner
Austrian SS official, a major perpetrator of the Holocaust and convicted war criminal (1903-1946)
![Image of Ernst Kaltenbrunner](
- Born: 1903-10-04 (Ried im Innkreis) (country: Austria-Hungary)
- Died: 1946-10-16 (Nuremberg Court Prison)
- Country of citizenship: Austria; German Reich
- Occupation: lawyer; military officer; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Military rank: Obergruppenführer
- Military branch: Schutzstaffel (period: 1940-01-01 through 1945-01-01)
- Position held: Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (period: 1943-01-30 through 1945-05-08); President of Interpol (period: 1943-01-30 through 1945-05-12; replaces: Arthur Nebe); member of the Reichstag of Nazi Germany
Date: 02 March 1945
Literal Title: Subject: Protective prisoner Alex Muul, born Nov. 1, 1899 in Kriusch Russia Estonia
Defendant: Ernst Kaltenbrunner
Total Pages: 3
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2239
Citation: IMT (page 1986)
HLSL Item No.: 451716
Document Summary
PS-2239: Telegrams signed Kaltenbrunner, ordering deportation of various persons into concentration camps
PS-2239: 42 telegraphic orders for the arrest of Germans and foreigners issued by the Gestapo and signed by Kal-tenbrunner, covering the period 20 September 1944 to 2 february 1945; the persons named are to be consigned to concentration camps for participation in subversive political or religious activities, refusal to work, sexual intercourse with foreigners, etc.