Additional orders of the Central Committee for defense against Jewish horror and boycott agitation.
NSK. The following additional orders are issued by the Central Committee for defense against Jewish horror and boycott agitation :
Order No. 3
In enforcing the defensive boycott, the closing of Jewish business or the use of violence against their customers is to be avoided under all circumstances.
If such an establishment closes its doors voluntarily, no higher power is involved, and the proprietors have no excuse for discharges without notice or for the refusal to pay wages and salaries or for reductions. .
Order No. 4
Numerous reports are received by the Central Committee saying that Jewish proprietors are transferring their establishments to German figureheads in order to avoid the effects of the defensive propaganda.
Therefore it is decreed that: Establishments transferred to German figureheads by the Jewish proprietors after 28 March 1933 will be considered as Jewish establishments for the duration of the defensive boycott.
Signed : Streicher
Order No. 5
Concerning the defensive action against the Jewish horror and boycott agitation beginning Saturday, 1 April at 10 AM, the local action committees are again reminded to see to it most strictly:
1. That any use of force is to be avoided, establishments cannot be closed by the committee or by its agents. On the other hand, closing by the proprietor himself is not to be prevented.
Entering of Jewish establishments is strictly forbidden to SA or SS members or other agents of the action committee.
The only duty of the defensive guards is to inform the public that the proprietor of the establishment is a Jew.
2. That boycotting of establishments is refrained from if it has not been definitely proved that the proprietor is a Jew.
3. That provocateurs cause no property damage which is counter to the purpose of the defensive action.
4. That the action committee be kept informed of all details of the course of the defensive action by the SA and SS controllers so as to be constantly well posted.
5. Posters with provocative contents are forbidden.
Central Committee for defense against the Jewish horror and boycott agitation.
Instructions for the boycott of Jewish businesses, with SA and SS guards to inform the public that businesses are Jewish-owned and to avoid any violence
Julius Streicher (publisher, propagandist)
Julius Streicher
German publisher, Nazi politician and convicted war criminal (1885-1946)
![Julius Streicher durant els Judicis de Nuremberg](
- Born: 1885-02-12 (Fleinhausen)
- Died: 1946-10-16 (Nuremberg)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: journalist; politician; publisher
- Member of political party: German Socialist Party; Nazi Party
- Member of: Deutschvölkischer Schutz und Trutzbund
- Participant in: Beer Hall Putsch
- Position held: member of the Reichstag of Nazi Germany; member of the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic
Central Committee for Defense against Jewish Horror and Boycott Agitation (1933)
Date: 31 March 1933
Literal Title: National Socialist Party Correspondence . . . Additional orders of the Central Committee for defense against Jewish horror and boycott agitation.
Defendant: Julius Streicher
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2154
HLSL Item No.: 451060
Notes:This copy of PS 2154 was not entered as evidence in the trial; another copy was apparently entered as UK exhibit 167.
Document Summary
PS-2154: Decree No. 1 of the 'Central committee to Combat Jewish Atrocity and Boycott [Illegible]' published in the [Illegible] Partei-Korrespondenz
PS-2154: Directives by Streicher, 31 .march 1933, concerning the boycott of Jewish businesses planned for April 1