Organization Book of the NSDAP 1943 edition, Editor the Reich Organization Leader of the NSDAP (Dr. Robert Ley), Published by the Central Publishing House of the NSDAP, Franz Eher
Successor, Munich.
[Page 6 e.] '
3. Resignations.
* * * * * * *
Authorized to decree dismissal on the basis of a lawful decision of a party court are :
(а) The Local Chapter Directors [Ortsgruppenleiter].
(б) The County Directors [Kreisleiter].
(c) The District Directors [Gauleiter].
(d) The Fuehrer.
[Page 7]
6. Duties of the Party Members.
The commandments of the National Socialists :
The Fuehrer is always right.
* * * * * * *
The program be your dogma :
It demands your utter devotion to the movement : *******
Right is, what serves the movement and thus Germany
which means the Nation.
******* [Page 13]
The aims of the Party are Only Ideological Ones.
It must be attempted to transfer all professional duties which, during the reconstruction in connection with the rebuilding of the Reich, are still being executed by the Party, to the affiliated organizations or, if possible, to the State administration in due time. If necessary, and if. possible, directives to this effect will be issued by the competent officers of the Reich Directorate [Reichsleitung].
The party as an instrument of ideological education, must grow to be the Leader Corps [Fuehrerkorps] of the German nation.
This Leader Corps is responsible for the complete penetration of the German Nation with the National Socialist spirit and to overcome the dependence on the international influences in which the nation is still partly rooted.
It will further be the duty of this Fuehrerkorps to see that the professional and general duties within the affiliated organizations and within the State administration will be handled according to National Socialist directives.
1893 PS
[Page 14]
The Political Director [Der Politische Leiter],
The basis of the Party organization is the Fuehrer thought. The public is unable to rule itself either directly or indirectly. The man best suited for the job will be a Fuehrer. He will be carried by the confidence of the people. All Political Directors stand as appointed by the Fuehrer and are responsible to him. They possess full authority towards the lower echelons. In choosing the Political Director the main consideration will be to put the right man in the right place * * * . In principle
this is to be noted: Only a man who has absorbed the school of subordinate functions within the Party has a claim to the higher Fuehrer offices if he should be otherwise suited. We can only use Fuehrers who have served from the ground up. Any Political Director who does not conform to these principles is to be . dismissed or to be sent back to the lower offices, as Blockleiter, Zellenleiter, for further training.
Each Political Director must be conscious always, as a Political Fuehrer, that leadership does not only confer greater powers, but first and foremost higher duties * * * .
[Page 15]
The Type of the Political Director.
All this shows the character of the Political Director. The Political Director is not an office worker but the Political Deputy of the Fuehrer * * * . With the Political Director we are
building the political leadership of the State * * * . The
type of the Political Director is not characterized by the office which he represents. There is no such thing as a Political Director of the NSBO, etc., but there is only the Political Director of the NSDAP.
[Page 16]
The Oath of the Political Director.
The Political Director is sworn in yearly. The oath is worded as follows:
"I pledge eternal allegiance to Adolf Hitler. I pledge unconditioned obedience to him and the Fuehrers appointed by him."
The Political Director is inseparably tied to the ideology and the organization of the NSDAP. His oath only ends with his death or with his expulsion from the National Socialist community. . .
[Page 17]
The Protection of the Honor of the Political Director.
530 ~
The leading personalities of State and Party are protected against vicious attacks upon State and Party. (See Section 6).
This law primarily protects leading Party members from District Directors on up.
Should, however, a situation exist which is liable to degrade the Party and its institutions (for instance an allegation of embezzlement by a Kreisleiter in which matter nothing was being done which would mean, in other words, that bad conditions were tolerated) the prosecution may be directed by authority of paragraph 1 of the law.
In case of attacks which are liable to degrade the Party and its officers prosecution may be requested through the competent State prosecutor after consultation with the proper law office ' of the Party.
[Page 19]
The Appointment of Political Directors.
1. The Fuehrer appoints the following Political Directors:
(a) Reichsleiter and all Political Directors to include the Directors of the Women's Leagues within the Reich Directorate [Reichsleitung].
(b) Gauleiters to include the Directors of an office of the Gau Directorate, as well as the Directors of the Women's League's of the Gau.
(c) Kreisleiters.
Their appointment will be published in the official paper [Verordnungsblatt].
2. The Gauleiter appoints:
(a) The Political Directors and the Directors of the Women's Leagues within the Gau Directorate, and the Directors of the Main Offices up to Associate Directors [Mitarbeiter].
(a) The Political Directors and the Directors of the Women's Leagues in the Kreis Directorate.
(c) The Local Chapter Directors [Ortsgruppenleiter].
3. The Kreisleiter appoints: The Political Directors and the Directors of the Women's Leagues df the Local Chapter [Ortsgruppen] to include Block and Cell Directors and Block Helpers, as well as the Political Directors in the factories (inasmuch as they are Party members). All Political Directors and Directors of the Women's Leagues will be issued an identity card.
[Page 24.]
All political directors irrespective of the local chapter, the county, or the district in which they may be in office will wear a uniform office suit.
All political directors irrespective in what party offices they execute their duties, be it in the political directorate, the administration, the party courts, the affiliated associations or in the factories, will wear a uniform office suit.
[Page 49],
The bearers of sovereignty of the party are responsible for the membership meetings planned by all party offices and affiliated associations. They will be approved:
1. By the local chapter director if they do not go beyond the local chapter in their importance.
2. By the county directors if they do not go beyond the county in their importance.
3. The district directors if they have a general political significance for the district.
The meetings will be conducted along the lines laid down by the local organization and propaganda offices.
[Page 50].
1. Time of meetings:
Cell evenings of the NSDAP will be held once a month.
2. Conduct of the Cell Evenings:
The cell evenings of the Party will be conducted by the cell director of the NSDAP. If no suitable cell director is on hand— either because of his short time in office or insufficient indoctrination—the meeting will be in the hands of the local Chapter Director of the NSDAP.
3. Participants:
(a) Participation at a cell evening is compulsory for:
All political directors of the cell:
Block leaders and block helpers, cell foremen and block foremen living within the cell zone.
Factory cell and factory block foremen of the German Labor Front [DAF] and their co-workers.
NSV cell and block managers:
Cell and block leaders of the Women's League and the coworkers of the NSV and NSF whose domicile is within the Cell Zone.
All Party members within the cell;
All members of organizations of the NSDAP. * * *
5. Program of the Cell Evenings. (During War Time): Following are the rules for the program of a cell evening:
(6) Lecture (not over 30 minutes) based on the directives issued by the Reich Directorate for Propaganda of the NSDAP. [Page 50A-51].
1. Leader conferences in the local chapter zone.
(a) Local chapter directors and office chiefs, cell directors and block directors possibly in the presence of cell and block foremen, as well as cell and block managers and cell and block directors of the Women's League, as well as the local leaders of the organizations and possibly the deputies of the Kreis offices (health, education, civil servants, county policy, etc.).
Once a month.
(b) Cell directors with block directors and cell foremen, cell managers and cell directors of the Women's League.
Once a month.
(c) Block directors with block foremen, block managers, block leaders of the Women's League and block helpers.
Once a month.
(d) All officers of the local chapter are also to participate in:
1. The official formation within the region of the local chapter (may be combined with leader conference (a) ).
2. Official formations of the county.
Every three months.
3. The District Day. [Gautag],
One every three years.
4. The County Day. [Kreistag],
If coinciding with District Day, County Day will be cancelled.
Once a year.
(e) Participation in schooling:
1. Participants: The political directors, foremen, managers, advisers, directors of the Women's League, etc. *******
Once a month.
(/) Participation in education.
The political directors of the local chapter; in the evenings or Sunday mornings, sport to be conducted concurrently. (For further details see AVM).
Twice a month.
2. Leader conferences in the county [Kreis] :
(a) County director and his staff every 8 to 14 days.
(ft) If possible the county director is to arrange for a week end
. 1893—PS
course of IV2 to 2 days duration. (Possibly at a county school [Kreisschule], with the participation of the directors of the county offices and local chapter directors.)
One every 3 months.
Purpose: To hear fundamental lectures, to gather socially in the presence of the bearer of sovereignty, to get to know each other, to overcome difficulties of personal and professional nature by a mutual exchange of thought.
In counties having a large number of local chapters, these courses can be divided. Participation in these conventions is compulsory and official duties are not constituted an excuse under any circumstances.
***** * *
(d) The bearers of sovereignty will meet at least once a month with the leaders of the SA, SS, NSKK, HJ, as well as the RAD, and NSFK, in so far as they are located within their sector for mutual orientation.
3. Leader conferences in the District:
(a) District leaders [Gauleiter] with his staff every 8 to 14 days.
(b) It is further absolutely necessary that the directors of the GAU offices will meet with the county directors of their district once every three months for a three day convention (possibly at a district schooling castle) where they will have an opportunity to overcome difficulties of personal and professional nature, apart from hearing fundamental lectures, by social gatherings in the presence of the bearer of the sovereignty, by getting to know each other and by a mutual exchange of ideas. Participation in these conferences is compulsory and duty would not constitute an excuse under any circumstances.
(c) The arrangement of social meeting in the presence of leaders of the organizations of RAD and NSFK of the respective zone of sovereignty. In the course of these meetings differences of opinions may be straightened out in discussions.
(d) The bearer of sovereignty will meet at least-once a month with the leaders of the SA, SS, NSKK, HJ, as well as the RAD and the NSFK who are within the zone for the purpose of mutual orientation.
[Page 98].
Bearers of Sovereignty—[Hoheitstraeger].
Sectors of Sovereignty—[Hoheitsgebiete].
Among the Political Directors [Politische Leiter] the Bearers of Sovereignty assume a special position. Contrary to the
other Political Directors who have departmental missions and serve as advisers to the Bearers of Sovereignty, the Bearers of Sovereignty themselves are in charge of a geographical sector known as the Sector of Sovereignty [Hoheitsgebiete].
Bearers of Sovereignty are:
The Fuehrer.
The District Directors [Gauleiter],
The County Directors [Kreisleiter].
The Local Chapter Directors [Ortsgruppenleiter].
The Cell Directors [Zellenleiter].
The Block Directors [Blockleiter].
The Sectors of Sovereignty are:
The Reich.
, The District.
The County.
The Local Chapter.
The Cell.
The Block.
Within their Sector of Sovereignty the Bearers of Sovereignty have sovereign political rights. They represent the Party within their Sector, internally and externally, and they are responsible for the entire political situation within their Sector. The Bearers of Sovereignty supervise all Party officers within their jurisdiction and they are responsible for the maintenance of discipline within their sector. On the other hand, the Directors of the Offices, etc., and of the affiliated organizations are responsible to their respective Bearers of Sovereignty as regards their specific missions apart from their responsibility towards their departmental superiors. The Bearers of Sovereignty are superior to all Political Directors, .Managers, etc., within their sector. As regards personal considerations Bearers of Sovereignty, from a Local Chapter Director on up are endowed with special rights. They may, within the provisions of their general directives regarding personnel authorizations, appointments, leaves and dismissal of Political Directors, execute the judgments of the Party law courts which have jurisdiction within their Sector of Sovereignty.
The Bearers of Sovereignty of the Party are not to be administrative officials for a certain sector but are to move in a continuous vital contact with the Political Directors and the population within their sector. The Bearers of Sovereignty are responsible for the proper and good supervision of all members of the nation within their sector. The supervision within a Local Chapter of the NSDAP should, if possible, not be conducted
through its business office but through the Blocks and Cells and by the Directors of those units. Through the arrangement of regular interview hours everyone should be given the opportunity to contact his Bearer of Sovereignty.
* * * The Party intends to achieve a state of affairs in
which the individual German will find his way to the Party not only in cases of emergency but where the Party, upon its own initiative, as desired by the Fuehrer, will currently supervise and care for all members of the nation.
[Page 70].
The political leaders conduct the practical political work and care for the German nation.
The SA is the instrument of training and education through the Party. The parallel organizations, SS and NSKK, are charged with maintaining physical fitness and soldierly spirit within their organizations and with the possibility of commitment as an inner political troop.
Smooth cooperation in the service of the Movement and the avoidance of all petty jealousies is the absolute duty of both parties.
Mutual Leader Conferences.
To emphasize unity and to promote it, the following principles will apply:
Hoheitstrager [bearers of sovereignty], gauleiters, kreisleiters, etc., will meet at least once a month with the leaders of the SA, SS, NSKK, and HJ, as well as RAD and NSFK, as found within their zone for the purpose of mutual orientation.
More than that, it is desirable to invite the £JA leader to other political Fuehrer talks and the political leader to the SA Fuehrer talks.
[Page 71]
The Hoheitstrager is responsible for the entire political appearance of the Movement within his zone. The SA leader of that zone is tied to the directives of the Hoheitstrager in that respect.
Requisitioning the SA.
The Hoheitstrager is the ranking representative of the Party to include all organizations within his zone. He may requisition the SA located within his zone from the respective SA leader if
they are needed for the execution of a political mission. The Hoheitstrager will then assign the mission to the SA.
Should the Hoheitstrager need more SA for the execution of a political mission than is locally available, he then applies to the next higher office of sovereignty which, in turn, requests
the SA from the SA office in his sector.
[Page 75]
POLITICAL LEADERS AND THE SS The directives laid down with regard to the relationship to
the SA are similarly applicable to the SS.
POLITICAL LEADERS AND THE NSKK The directives laid down with regard to the relationship to the SA are similarly applicable to the NSKK.
[Page 76]
POLITICAL LEADERS AND THE HJ The directives laid down with regard to the relationship to the SA are similarly applicable to the HJ.
In appointing leaders of the HJ and the DJ, the office of the HJ must procure the approval of the Hoheitstrager of his zone. This means that the Hoheitstrager can prevent the appointment of leaders unsuited for the leadership of youth. If his approval has not been procured, an appointment may be cancelled if he so requests.
The political leader has the right to requisition the HJ, in the same manner as the SA, for the execution of a political action.
[Page 76a]
General Collaboration.
The ranking unit leader of the NSFK within the zone will be consulted during the general leader conferences by the Hoheitstrager of the NSDAP. Similarly, the Hoheitstrager or his deputy will be invited to general leader conferences and other meetings of the NSFK.
! ' [Page 76b]
General Collaboration.
Although the Reich Labor Service is no longer an organization within the NSDAP—on the basis of the Labor Duty Law of 26 June 1935—the connection of this service with the Party is demonstrated by the appointment of the Reich Labor Leader to be Reichsleiter of the NSDAP.
To emphasize this union, the leaders of the Reich Labor Service within the zone will participate in the monthly leader conferences of the Hoheitstrager. More than that, it is desirable that the Reich Labor Leader will be invited to other political Fuehrer talks and, vice versa, the political leader to meetings of the Reich Labor Service.
[Page 77]
To achieve unity of Party and State, the Chief of the Party Chancellery has been given the powers of a Reich Minister. In fundamental questions, the official channels of all Party offices and organizations of the NSDAP with the ministries and other State authorities and, in the opposite direction, of all State offices with organizations of the Party go through the Party Chancellery. This method will assure unified procedure of the Party towards the State.
The Chief of the Party Chancellery must be heard prior to the appointment of any higher civil servant; he will indicate the judgment of the Party towards the person of the proposed civil servant. To make sure of agreement between the municipal administration and the Party, the deputy of the NSDAP will have a decisive voice in the appointment and dismissal of the mayor, the alderman, and the municipal councillors, and furthermore, in the following decisions of the mayor :
1. The decree of principal directives.
2. The bestowal of honorary citizen rights and honorary titles.
The Chief of the Party Chancellery appoints the deputy of the NSDAP. On the basis of his directives, the gauleiter appoints the deputies as follows: for town and country districts, the kreisleiter. If this official happens to be an employee of a municipality or of 'an inspectorate, a gau inspector will be appointed. In special cases, the gauleiter may appoint himself as deputy.
[Page 92].
Membership in Affiliated Organizations.
The tasks of the affiliated organizations are laid down by the chief offices of the Party which have jurisdiction in the zone of those organizations.
* * * * 5is * *
Only those organizations may claim to uphold the Fuehrer principle and the form of National Socialist organization and thus be recognized as promoting the continuation of State and people in the National Socialist sense who have found, and will find in the future, structure, supervision, and general character through the Party.
All others, living an existence of their own, are to be turned away as outsiders and must either change or disappear from public life. .
[Page 99].
1. Regional Sector.
The household: The household is the basic community upon which the block; and cell system is built. The household is the organizational focal point of all the Germans united in an apartment and including roomers, domestic help, etc.
The block of the NSDAP consists of 40 to 60 households (if possible no more than 50).
2. Personnel Questions.
a. The blockleiter is Hohekstrager of the NSDAP.
* * * * * * *
c: Subordination: Within the local chapter the blockleiter is subordinate to the cell leader in disciplinary matters.
d. Appointment: The blockleiter will be appointed by the Ortsgruppenleiter (local chapter director). 3
3. Tasks and Jurisdiction.
The blockleiter has jurisdiction over all matters within his zone relating to the Movement, and he is fully responsible to the cell leader.
[Page 101].
It is his duty to find people disseminating damaging rumors and to report them to the Ortsgruppe so that they may be reported to the respective State authorities.
The blockleiter must not only be preacher and defender of the National Socialist ideology towards the members of nation and Party entrusted to his political care, but he must also strive to achieve practical collaboration of the Party members within his block zone and he must make those of special talents and ability known to the Hoheitstrager.
[Page 102].
The blockleiter shall continuously remind the Party members of their particular duties towards the people and the State.
ifc !{{ £
Furthermore, the blockleiter completes a list (card file) about the households.
* * * * * * * [Page 103].
It is the blockleiter's aim to achieve to the greatest extent possible that the sons and daughters of families within his zone become members of the various formations of the HJ, SA, SS, NSKK, as well as the corresponding affiliated organizations of the Party, and the German Labor Front, that they visit the National Socialist meetings, rallies, celebrations, etc. In short, the blockleiter must be an untiring activist and propagandist of the Movement.
. * * * * * 3j£ *
In principle, the blockleiter will settle his official business verbally, and he will receive messages verbally and pass them on in the same way. Correspondence will only be used in cases of absolute necessity and practicability.
[Page 104].
5. Attitude Towards Members of the Nation.
a. The blockleiter conducts National Socialist propaganda from mouth to mouth. He will eventually awaken the understanding of the eternally dissatisfied as regards the frequently misunderstood or wrongly interpreted measures and laws of the National Socialist government. He is to encourage the members of the nation to ask questions and he is to point out that they may go ahead and talk to him without having to expect difficulties. He will admonish them, however, to exercise discretion towards other
members of the nation as regards loose talk. It is not necessary for him to fall in with complaints and gripes about possibly obvious shortcomings of any kind in order to demonstrate this solidarity, but he must always be eager to think in a positive manner and to influence those under his care by his attitude of confidence. * * *
b. A condition to gain the confidence of all people is to maintain absolute secrecy in all matters. * * *
[Page HO].
1. Regional Sector.
The cell consists of four to eight blocks.
SjC SjC SjC SjC 3^C SjC 3^C
2. Personnel Questions.
a. The cell leader is the Hoheitstrager of the NSDAP immediately superior to the block leader.
* * * * * * *
[Page 112].
3. Mission and Jurisdiction.
The missions of the cell leader correspond to the missions of the block leader.
* * * * * * *
[Page 116].
1. Regional Sector.
The zone of sovereignty includes one or more communities; if necessary, towns may be subdivided into several zones of sovereignty.
* * * * % * *
[Page 119).
3. The Local Chapter Director.
I. Personnel Questions.
a. The Ortsgruppenleiter of the NSDAP in his capacity as Hoheitstrager is endowed with special rights.
[Page 119a].
c. Place of Rank: The Ortsgruppenleiter is directly subordinate to the respective (County Director) [Kreisleiter],
d. Appointment: The Ortsgruppenleiter is appointed by the Kreisleiter.
[Page 120],
II. Mission and Jurisdiction.
(1) General Responsibility.
Contrary to the time before the assumption of power, the actions of the NSDAP are not limited to the care of its members but now include the care of the entire German nation. This results in the following basic conditions for the Ortsgruppenleiter and his office chiefs:
The Ortsgruppenleiter and his office chiefs must manage their Party duties in addition to the fulfillment of their professional and family duties.
Therefore, the proper conduct of Party tasks is only possible if the tasks of the individual and, in particular, the honorary co-workers of the Party are as limited as possible.
As Hoheitstrager, all expressions of the Party will emanate from him; he is responsible for the political and ideological leadership and organization within his zone of sovereignty.
The Ortsgruppenleiter carries the over-all responsibility for the political results of all measures initiated by the offices, organizations and affiliated associations of the Party. The Party office directors (office chiefs, etc.) within the staff of the Ortsgruppenleiter are the deputies of the Hoheitstrager in their respective offices.
The Ortsgruppenleiter has the right to protest to the Kreisleiter against any measures contrary to the interests of the Party with regards to a unified political appearance in public.
$ * * * £ ifr ljt
[Page 121].
(2) Special Tasks and Duties.
% * * * # *
c. Leader Conferences: The Ortsgruppenleiter has the duty to issue directives in regular conferences.
i'fi ^ % * ¿fi *
[Page 130].
4. The County Director [Kreisleiter]
I. Personnel Questions.
a. Place of Rank: The Kreisleiter is directly subordinate to the Gauleiter.
* * * * * * *
c. Appointment: The Kreisleiter is appointed by the Fuehrer upon suggestion of the Gauleiter.
[Pages 132-183-134].
II. Mission and Jurisdiction of the Kreisleiter.
The Kreisleiter carries the over-all responsibility towards the Gauleiter within his zone of sovereignty for the political and ideological training and organization of the political leaders, the Party members, as well as the population.
[Page 136]
The Gauleitung—Gauleiter and Gau staff—have the political leadership of a designated sector of the Reich and there they perform creative work.
1. Regional Sector. '
The Gau represents the concentration of a number of Party counties [Parteikreis].
* * * # * * *
4. The Gauleiter.
The Gauleiter is directly subordinate to the Fuehrer. He is appointed by the Fuehrer.
The Gauleiter bears the over-all responsibility to the Fuehrer for the sector of sovereignty entrusted to him. The rights, duties, and jurisdiction of the Gauleiter result primarily from the mission assigned by the Fuehrer and, apart from that, from detailed directives.
* # * * * * *
[Page 140b],
7 B. Functions.
(1) The edition of the official gazette of the Gauleitung.
* * * * * * *
(3) The central coordination office of the Gau directorate with the State authorities (Reich deputies, police, Gestapo, etc.). The arrangement of conferences between the Gauleiter and offices outside the Party (State, economy, and others) inasmuch as several Gau main offices or Gau offices are interested, in the presence of the respective professional Gau office directors.
(4) The installation of the M Section into the Gau staff office and, thus, the connection to the Armed Forces.
(7) Preparation of matters of pardon and commutation of sentence.
* * * * * * *
[Page 141a], -C. Structure.
To be able to handle all these tasks the staff office director of
the Gau is assigned the necessary number of co-workers. The above-mentioned tasks of the staff office director of the Gau are combined in the following main offices.
(1) Referee for questions of the Armed Forces (mobilization matters).
(2) Information and report matters.
(3) Pardon matters.
(4) Matters of interior conduct of business in as far as these are not a concern of the Gau treasurer.
(5) Chancellery for personal-official concerns of the Gauleiter and the Deputy Gauleiter. ,
(6) Law consultant of the Gau.
(7) Complaints and reception of visitors.
[Page 146]
The recognition of the sociological mismanagement in prewar Germany which prevented the growth of a genuine people's community, the front line experiences of the World War filled with the spirit of comradeship, and the disgust with the traitorous pacifist postwar Germany, matured the Fuehrer's decision to become a. politician and to give the German people a state form which would assume its justified life interests for centuries.
To achieve this aim the Fuehrer created the National Socialist German Workers' Party. He filled it with his spirit and his will, and with it he conquered the power of the State on 30 January 1933. The Fuehrer's will is supreme in the Party. As supreme bearer of sovereignty in the Movement, he possesses the right of pardon in Party court matters.
By authority of the law about the Chief of State of the German Reich, dated 1 August 1934, the office of the Reich President has been combined with that of the Reich Chancellery. Consequently, the powers heretofore possessed by the Reich President were transferred to the Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler. Through this law, the conduct of Party and State has been combined in one hand. By1 desire of the Fuehrer, a plebiscite was conducted on this law on 19 August 1934. On this day, the German people chose Adolf Hitler to be their sole leader. He is responsible only to his own conscience and to the German nation.
To assist him, particularly in party-political questions, the Fuehrer uses the Party Chancellery.
The Chief of the Party Chancellery, to guarantee closest collaboration between the offices of the Party and the State authorities, has the powers of a Reich Minister and is a member of the Reich Cabinet.
With the execution of tasks particular to the Party, the Fuehrer has entrusted the Reichsleiter within the Reich Directorate of the NSDAP.
[Pages 148-149]
The NSDAP represents the political conception, the political conscience, and the political will of the German nation. Political conception, political conscience, and political will are embodied in the person of the Fuehrer. Based on his directives and in accordance with the program of the NSDAP, the organs of the Reich Directorate directionally determine the political aims of the German people. It is in the Reich Directorate where the strings of the organization of the German people and the State meet. By endowment of the Chief of the Party Chancellery with the powers of a Reich Minister, and by special administrative directives, the penetration of the State apparatus with the political will of the Party is guaranteed. It is the task of the separate organs of the Reich Directorate to maintain as close a contact as possible with the life of the nation through their sub-offices in the Gaus. Observations at the front are to be collected and exploited by the offices of the Reich Directorate.
The structure of the Reich Directorate is thus that the channel from the lowest Party office upwards shows the most minute weaknesses and changes in the mood of the people, and that the directives thereby produced in the Reich Directorate will reach the outer command posts of the Party quickly and clearly.
The Reich Directorate, then, sees to it that the reports of the mood of the people will move from the lower to the higher echelons uninterruptedly and quickly, and that the will of the Fuehrer will reach the most distant branches quickly and accurately, even as in the healthy organism of a tree, where the roots receive the food from the soil and lead it into the leaves while the juices formed in the leaves are being sent to the most distant roots. This coordination guarantees an ever-renewed reception of power and an ever-strengthening anchorage of the roots, and it permits the crown to spread further and further, to reach higher and higher, and yet to withstand wind and weather.
Since the National Socialist Movement has originated from the people, it is the most noble task of the Reich Directorate to watch
that the strong roots of the Party—namely its ties within the nation—will not die off.
Another essential task of the Reich Directorate is to assure a good selection of leaders. It is the duty of the Reich Directorate to see that there is leadership in all phases of life, a leadership which is firmly tied to National Socialist ideology and which promotes its dissemination with all its energy.
Apart from the general great political tasks which are the responsibility of the Reich Directorate, it will also see that the Party is well organized in all its offices. For that purpose, the Reich Organization Leader exercises a continuous supervision of the organizations of the entire Party apparatus, and he prevents the birth of a bureaucracy which would paralyze the striking power of the Party. It is the supreme task of the Reich Organization Leader to preserve the Party as a well-sharpened sword for the Fuehrer.
The inner organization of the Reich Directorate serves for the execution of the above-named tasks. The number of its offices is so arranged that there will be a representation of all phases of national life within the Reich Directorate. The offices will have subordinate organizations in the other zones of sovereignty as may become necessary. The tasks, jurisdiction, etc., of the offices are further defined in detail in the following chapters.
Extracts from the Organization Book of the NSDAP, including the duties of members; political directors; local (cell) meetings; conferences; the SA, SS, HJ (Hitler Youth), and labor service; party-state unity; household-block-cell system; local-county-gau organization; the fuehrer's role; and the party's reich directorate
Robert Ley (Dr., Reichsleiter of German Labor Front)
Robert Ley
German Nazi politician; indicted by the International Military Tribunal for war crimes (1890-1945)
- Born: 1890-02-15 (Niederbreidenbach)
- Died: 1945-10-25 (Nuremberg Court Prison)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: aircraft pilot; chemist; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: Sängerschaft zu St. Pauli Jena
- Military rank: lieutenant
- Position held: Member of Landtag of Prussia; member of the Reichstag of Nazi Germany; member of the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic
Date: 1943
Literal Title: Excerpts from Various Pages of Organization Book of the NSDAP (Organisationsbuch der NSDAP) 1943
Defendant: Robert Ley
Total Pages: 21
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-1893
Citation: IMT (page 255)
HLSL Item No.: 450139
Notes:For a summary of the organization of the NSDAP, see document PS 1814.
Trial Issues
Administration & organization (all cases) Conspiracy (and Common plan, in IMT) (IMT, NMT 1, 3, 4) IMT count 1: common plan or conspiracy (IMT) Nazi regime (rise, consolidation, economic control, and militarization) (I…
Document Summary
PS-1893: Extracts from the Organization Book of the NSDAP, 1937, p. 418, concerning the Leadership Corps of the NSDAP.