The treatment of captured partisans has been laid down in the combat directive for the combatting of partisans in the East [Kampfanweisung fuer die Bandenbekaempfung] of 27.11.42 (cf. 27.11/11/1) and Hitler's order [Fuehrerbefehl] of 16.12 (cf. 16.12/1). On the basis of the foregoing the Reichsfuehrer SS ordered on the 30.12 that persons suspected of being partisans or their assistants, who are not to be executed, are to be transferred to concentration camps in Germany.
This order, which corresponds to the terms of reference already decreed, differs from an order already given on the 30.10.42 by the Commander in Chief [Oberbefehlshaber] of the 18th Army, which calls for the shooting without discrimination of all members of partisan groups and which is covered by the subsequent orders of the 15.11 and 16.12 only on their strictest interpretation. The Reichsfuehrer SS therfore sent to the Armed Forces Operations Staff [Wehrmachtfuehrungstab] on the 21.1 a letter of the Chef der S.P. and S.D. in which it is requested that, in the area of the 18th Army also, partisan helpers and persons suspected of such activity, should be dealt with in accordance with the terms of reference of 30.12.
The Armed Forces Operations Staff handed the matter over on the 25.1 to the Army General Staff [Generalstab des Heeres] Competent for the combatting of partisans, and thereby conforming with the ruling given by the Reichsfuehrer SS. This decision was confirmed by the Chief of the High Command of the Armed Forces [Chef des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht].
Since the ruling of the combat directive, figs. 85, 86 & 104, provides for work in Germany as a punitive measure for partisan
helpers and suspects and has proved to be disadvantageous for the enlistment of voluntary workers, the General Plenipotentiary for Labour [Generalbevollmaechtigter fuer den Arbeitseinsatz], has requested that no threat of forced labour in Germany as a punitive measure should be made, or that at least, suspects should be described as such to the labour authorities for the purpose of supervision.
The General Quartermaster together with the Economic Staff (East) [Wirtschaftsstab Ost] has proposed that the deportees should be sent either to prison camps or to "training centers in their own area", and that deportation to Germany should take place only when the deportees are on probation and in less serious cases.
In view of the Armed Forces Operations Staff this proposal does not take sufficient account of the severity required and leads to a comparison with the treatment meted out to the "peaceful population" which has been called upon to work. He recommends therefore transportation to concentration camps in Germany which have already been introduced by the Reichsfuehrer SS for his sphere and which he is prepared to introduce for the Armed Forces [Wehrmacht] in the case of an extension to the province of the latter. The High Command of the Armed Forces [Oberkommando der Wehrmacht] therefore orders that partisan helpers and suspects who are not to be executed should be handed over to the competent Higher SS and Police Leader and orders that the difference between "punitive work" and "work in Germany" is to be made clear to the population.
Memorandum on the policy of sending partisan sympathisers to German concentration camps as workers
Date: 14 March 1943
Literal Title: Extract from War Diary of the Deputy Chief of the Armed Forces Operations Staff
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-1786
Citations: IMT (page 2211), IMT (page 2242)
HLSL Item No.: 451864
Trial Issues
Criminal organizations (Gestapo, Leadership Corps, Cabinet, SS, SD, OKW) (… Partisan fighters (and commandos), operations against, and treatment of (I… Forced labor in concentration camps and SS labor units (IMT, NMT 4)
Document Summary
PS-1786: War Diary (Secret) recorded by Cav. Capt. Dr. Schramm, based on reports from the OKW and the WFST
PS-1786: Entry, 14 March 1943, in the war diary of the "WehrmachtfÜhrungsstab : those partisan supporters and suspects who according to existing instructions are not to be shot immediately, are to be transferred to concentration camps in the Reich