Reich Youth Leadership
Berlin Teletype message No. 1516, 30 March 1942 12:25
The Reich Youth Leader to Reichsleiter Baldur von Schirach,
Below I am transmitting to you the draft of the Fuehrer decree regarding the war commitment of German youth, in respect to which a basic agreement could be reached with the supreme Reich authorities concerned, primarily with the Reich Minister for Science and Education, I request your concurrence.
This draft is going now to the Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Chancellery, who will officially request the approval of the supreme Reich authorities concerned and who will then present the decree together with Reichleiter Bormann to the Fuehrer for signature.
Heil Hitler [signed] Axmann
Postscript for teletype office:
This teletype message very urgent—please present at once. From: Reichs youth leadership, Berlin/ Kleist.
Transmitted: rjf Berlin/Kleist Received: 12.30
Reich Governor in Vienna/Hirsche
Decree of the Fuehrer on the war commitment of German youth.
1. For the sake of uniform direction of the tasks arising in ever-increasing degree for German youth in the framework of war commitment, I am delegating the direction of the war commitment of German youth to Reichsleiter Baldur von Schirach.
2. The leader of the war commitment of German youth has to take all necessary steps in order to insure its greatest possible efficiency. For this purpose he has to coordinate the different commitment tasks, particularly those of school and Hitler Youth.
The differentiation of the war commitment of German youth
from other lines of duty is carried out in agreement with the supreme Reich authorities concerned, who have to take the necessary measures in their field to further the war commitment.
The commitment of school boys and school girls takes place according to the directives issued by the leader of war commitment together with the Reich Minister of Education.
The Reich Minister of Education in agreement with the leader of war commitment regulates the educational care of youth during commitment.
3. Commitment of Hitler Youth is carried out by the Reich Youth Leader.
4. The financing of the war commitment is regulated by the Reich Treasurer of the NSDAP.
5. Orders necessary for execution and general administrative regulations are issued by the leader of the war commitment in agreement with the Head of the Party Chancellery and the supreme Reich authorities concerned.
The Fuehrer's Headquarters, the * * * Transmitted: rjf Berlin/Kleist Received: 12:40
Reich Governor in Vienna/Hirsche
Message to Schirach with a draft of a decree on the preparation of German youth for "war commitment," by Hitler Youth, the minister of education, and the party
Arthur Axmann (Reich Youth leader (1942))
Arthur Axmann
Nazi official (1913-1996)

- Born: 1913-02-18 (Hagen)
- Died: 1996-10-24 (Berlin)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: military personnel; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Military rank: Reichsjugendführer
- Position held: member of the Reichstag of Nazi Germany
Date: 30 March 1942
Defendant: Baldur Schirach, von
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-3933
Citation: IMT (page 10386)
HLSL Item No.: 453118
Notes:For Schirach's views on the subject in August 1941, see PS 3931. The draft decree was to be presented to Hitler for signing.
Trial Issues
Education, propaganda, and youth programs (IMT) Nazi regime (rise, consolidation, economic control, and militarization) (I…
Document Summary
PS-3933: Teletype from Reich youth leader axmann to Schirach in his capacity as Reich leader for youth training, 31 March 1942: request for consent to draft decree concerning employment of German youth on war duties