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Gerhard Maurer (Office 2 (inmate labor) in Amtsgruppe D, WVHA; Waffen SS-Standartenfuehrer)
SS Economic and Administrative Main Office (WVHA, 1942-45) (or predecessor office)
Date: 05 October 1942
Literal Title: Re: Jewish prisoners
Defendant: Waldemar Hoven
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Evidence Code: PS-3677
Exhibit Code: Hoven 6
Document Book No: Hoven 1
Defense Document No.: Hoven 7
Citation: NMT 1 (page 9842)
HLSL Item No.: 677
Notes:At the end, a note by "Volkmar," 7 Oct 1942, reports 32 Jews at Natzweiler.
PS-3677: 5 October 1942 - Copy of letter from WVHA to Concentration Camp Natzweiler stating that all Reichs Concentration Camps are to be freed from Jews, who are to be transferred to Auschwitz or Lublin; the number of Jews transferred to be reported, with notations on those who cannot be transferred because of their work.
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