1935 REICHSGESETZBLATT, PART I, PAGE 769 Law creating Reich Labor Service of 26 June 1935
The Reich Government has decided to enact the following law which is hereby made public:
Chapter I
Labor Service of the Reich
Article 1
1. The Reich Labor Service is a service of honor for the German people.
2. It is the duty of all young Germans of both sexes to serve their nation within the Reich Labor Service.
3. It is the task of the Reich Labor Service to educate the German youth in the spirit of National Socialism for the community of the nation and the true conception of labor, particularly to inspire them with the necessary respect for manual labor.
4. The purpose of the Reich Labor Service is the execution of work for the common benefit.
Article 2
1. The Reich Labor Service is subordinated to the Reich Ministry of the Interior. The Reich Labor leader rules under its jurisdiction over the Reich Labor Service.
2. The Reich Labor leader is at the head of the Reichsleitung of the Labor Service. He dictates its organization, decides about the mobilization of labor and directs training and education.
Chapter II
The Labor Service Duty of the Male Youth Article 3
1. The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor determines the number of the eligible recruits for every year and decides about the length of service.
2. The service starts at the minimum completed age of 18 and
ends with the maximum completed age of 25.
3. As a rule, the eligible recruits will be called for labor duty in the year of completion of their 19th year.
4. Voluntary admission at an earlier age is possible.
5. Prison terms of more than 30 days will have to be made up for by the recruits and volunteers of the Reich Labor Service, if their offense does not make necessary their dismissal from the Reich Labor Service, according to Article 16.
Article 4
The eligible recruits for labor will be conscripted by the "Ersatzdienststellen of the Reich Labor Service."
Article 5
1. The following are excluded from the Reich Labor Service:
a. ex-convicts,
b. who is not in possesion of the civic rights,
c. who comes under the regulations of security and correction
according to Article 42a of the penal code,
d. who has been expelled from the National Socialist Party because of dishonorable activities,
e. who has been condemned by the court because of activities
against the State.
2. The Reich Minister of the Interior can make exceptions concerning Part 1, letters c and e.
3. Labor Service recruits who have been declared unworthy to occupy public offices can only be called, after the time of the loss of that honor, determined by the verdict, has elapsed.
Article 6
1. Persons who are completely unfit for labor service will not be conscripted for same.
2. Labor Service recruits residing abroad or intending to go abroad can be exempted from the fulfillment of labor service for up to two years, in exceptional cases even permanently, but in any case only as long as they stay abroad.
Article 7
1. Not eligible for labor service are persons of non-aryan descent or who are married to a person of non-aryan descent. The ruling of the Reich Minister of the Interior as in Article 1, part 3 of the Reich Law for Civil Servants, dated 8 August 1933 (RGB1 I, 575), determines who is to be considered of non-aryan descent.
2. Non-aryans who have been declared worthy for armed service [wehrwuerdig] according to Article 15, part 2 of the Armed Service Law [Wehrgesetz] can also be accepted for labor service. They cannot occupy superior positions in the labor service, though.
Article 8
Eligible labor recruits can be deferred from labor service for up to 2 years, in the case of vital professional reasons up to 5 years.
Chapter III
The Labor Service Duties of the Female Youth
Article 9
The rules concerning the labor service of the female youth will be a matter of special legislation.
Chapter IV
Duties and Privileges of the Members of the Reich Labor Service
Article 10
1. The following are members of the Reich labor service:
a. The cadre,
b. The conscripted recruits,
c. The labor service volunteers
2. People can be hired by contract for certain functions of the interior service.
Article 11
1. The cadre consist of the leaders and office holders according to plan (T.O.) as well as the candiates for these offices. The regular leaders and office holders work for the Reich Labor Service on a professional basis.
2. The leader candidate has to sign up for at least ten years of continuous service and must prove his aryan descent, before he can be promoted to a regular leader [Truppfuehrer-sergeant]. He must also have accomplished his military service.
3. Regular leaders and office holders must absolutely resign
at a certain age limit. .
4. Civil servants of other administrations who are transferred to the Reich Labor Service retain their claim concerning their financial privileges which they acquired prior to their transfer.
5. The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor nominates and dismisses the members of the Reich Labor Service from the rank of major [Arbeitsfuehrer] and up. The other members of the Reich Labor Service are nominated and dismissed by the Reich Minister of the Interior on the proposal of the Reich Labor Leader [Reichs-arbeitsfuehrer]. He can confer this authority onto the Reichs-arbeitsfuehrer.
Article 12
1. A regular Fuehrer or office holder can be dismissed from the service in any of these instances:
a. in justified cases on his own request,
b. if he does not possess any more the necessary physical and mental capacities to carry on in his job, and if the recovery of these capacities cannot be expected within a year, according to a certificate of a doctor of the labor service.
c. if his superior decides that he does not possess the necessary qualifications any more to carry on in his office.
2. Subsequent discovery of reasons for inadmissibility to the Reich Labor Service according to Articles 5 and 7 will result in immediate dismissal.
3. The intention of dismissal is, in the cases of part 1, letters b and c, to be made known 3 months in advance to the members of the cadre with more than 5 years of service and 1 month for the other members, with the motivation of dismissal. No previous notification of dismissals are necessary in all other cases.
Article 13
The membership of the Reich Labor Service lasts from the day of admission or conscription [Gestellungstag] until the end of the day of discharge.
Article 14
Membership of the Reich Labor Service does not constitute a work and service relationship in the sense of labor rights and social security as put down in Article 11.
Article 15
The members of the Reich Labor Service come under the penal regulations of the Reich Labor Service.
Article 16
1. Labor service recruits and volunteers can be released before the end of their term in the following cases:
a. on their request, if a reason for deferment, according to Article 8 came into existence after induction.
b. if they are no longer in the possesion of the physical or mental capacities necessary for the performance of the service.
2. A premature dismissal of labor service recruits and volunteers must be ordered in the case of subsequent discovery of reasons for inadmissibility to the Reich Labor Service according to Articles 5 or 7.
Article 17
1. Members of the Reich Labor Service who belong to the National Socialist Party, cannot participate in the activities of the Party or its subdivisions.
2. In order to acquire and to exercise membership of any kind of organization as well as in order to form any kind of organization within or without the Reich Labor Service, the members of the Reich Labor Service must first obtain the authorization of the Reich Labor Service. The acquisition of membership of the National Socialist Party does not necessitate an authorization.
Article 18
The members of the Reich Labor Service must obtain an authorization in order to get married.
Article 19
The members of the Reich Labor Service must obtain an authorization in order to carry on a trade, for themselves and the members of their household, as well as in order to accept a paid, supplementary occupation.
Article 20
1. The members of the Reich Labor Service can refuse the position of a guardian, trustee, foster-father and supporter as well as any honorary occupation in the service of the Reich, country, community or the party.
2. An authorization is necessary for the acceptance of such a function. It can only be refused in vital cases.
Article 21
Members of the Reich Labor Service are entitled to free medical treatment and care in the case of sickness and accidents, according to special regulations.
Article 22
The salaries of the members of the Reich Labor Service are handled by the wage regulations of the Reich Labor Service.
Article 23
1. Financial claims resulting from the participation in the Reich Labor Service come under the regulations applicable to civil servants of the Reich. The highest authority in the spirit of these regulations is the Reich Labor Leader.
2. The decisions of the Reich Labor Service concerning the induction (Articles 5, 6, 7), deferment (Article 8) and dismissal (Articles 12 and 16) are binding for the courts. The same applies to decisions about temporary relief of duty.
Article 24
The protection of the incapacitated in performance of the service and the personnel release after at least ten years of service and their survivors is regulated by the Reich Labor Protection Law [Reichsarbeitsdienstversorgungsgesetz].
Article 25
1. The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor or his appointed representative office can authorize the departing members of the Reich Labor Service to wear the Reich Labor Service uniform until further notice.
2. This privilege is ordinarily only granted after at least 10 years of honorable service.
Chapter V Final Instructions
Article 26
The legal and administrative regulations necessary for the execution and completion of this law will be issued by the Reich Minister of the Interior.
Article 27
1. This law becomes-effective the day of its publication.
2. The Reich Minister of the Interior is authorized to determine at a later date for the effectiveness of various regulations of this law.
Berlin, 26 June 1935
The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reich Minister of the Interior Frick
Search the archive
Law creating the Reich Labor Service (RAD), for service by young men and women in "work for the common benefit"
Adolf Hitler (Fuehrer, Reich Chancellor, Supeme Commander of Wehrmacht)
Adolf Hitler
Austrian nationalized German politician, leader of the National Socialist party and dictator of Germany (1889-1945)

- Born: 1889-01-01 1889-04-20 (Braunau am Inn) (country: Austria-Hungary; located in the administrative territorial entity: Archduchy of Austria above the Enns; statement is subject of: Adolf-Hitler-Geburtshaus)
- Died: 1945-04-30 (Berlin Führerbunker) (country: Nazi Germany; located in the administrative territorial entity: Berlin; statement is subject of: death of Adolf Hitler)
- Country of citizenship: Cisleithania (period: 1889-04-20 through 1918-11-11); First Republic of Austria (period: 1919-01-01 through 1925-04-30); Nazi Germany (end cause: death of Adolf Hitler; period: 1933-01-30 through 1945-04-30); Republic of German-Austria (period: 1918-01-01 through 1919-01-01)
- Occupation: painter (statement is subject of: paintings by Adolf Hitler); political writer; politician (reason for preferred rank: generally used form); soldier
- Member of political party: German Workers' Party (period: 1919-09-12 through 1921-07-11); Nazi Party (series ordinal: 556)
- Member of: Nazi Party
- Participant in: Aktion T4; Beer Hall Putsch; The Holocaust; ethnic cleansing
- Significant person: Albert Speer; Benito Mussolini; Eva Braun; Joseph Stalin
Wilhelm Frick (Minister of the Interior; chief of Nazi delegation, Reichstag; admin. Plenipotentiary)
Wilhelm Frick
German Nazi official (1877-1946)

- Born: 1877-03-12 (Alsenz)
- Died: 1946-10-16 (Nuremberg)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: diplomat; lawyer; politician
- Member of political party: German Völkisch Freedom Party; National Socialist Freedom Movement; Nazi Party
- Member of: AGV München; Thule Society
- Participant in: Aryanization; Beer Hall Putsch; International Military Tribunal (role: defendant)
- Position held: Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (period: 1943-08-24 through 1945-05-04; replaces: Konstantin von Neurath); Reichsminister des Innern (period: 1933-01-30 through 1943-08-20; replaced by: Heinrich Himmler; replaces: Franz Bracht); member of the Reichstag of Nazi Germany; member of the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic
Date: 26 June 1935
Literal Title: 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt . . . Law creating Reich Labor Service of 26 June 1935
Total Pages: 5
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-1389
Citation: IMT (page 255)
HLSL Item No.: 450385
Trial Issues
Conspiracy (and Common plan, in IMT) (IMT, NMT 1, 3, 4) IMT count 1: common plan or conspiracy (IMT) Nazi regime (rise, consolidation, economic control, and militarization) (I…
Document Summary
PS-1389: 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, Page 769: Law Creating Reich Labor Service