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Conference of "Fall Barbarossa" and "Sonnenblume"
5 Copies, 5th Copy
The following persons attended:
The Fuehrer
Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces Chief of the Armed Forces Ops Staff
C-in-C Army
Chief of the Army General Staff Chief of Army Op. section Colonel Schmundt Major Christian Major Engel
Chief of Army General Staff—1. Enemy strength approximately
100 Infantry divisions, 25 Cavalry divisions, approximately
30 mechanized divisions. Our own strength about the same,
far superior in quality.
In estimating the leading personalities, Timoshenko is the only outstanding figure. The only one, that is, according to Gen. Koestring.
Details of the strength and organization of the Russian divisions are important only in that even the Infantry Divisions include a comparatively large number of tanks, though the material is bad and merely thrown together.
In the case of mechanized divisions, we have superiority with regard to tanks, weapons [Schuetzen] and artillery. The Russians are superior in numbers, we in quality.
The Russians are normally equipped in artillery. Materials likewise inferior. The Command of the Artillery is insufficient. The Russian operational intentions are unknown. Strong forces are at the frontier. Any retreat could be only on a small scale since the Baltic States and Ukraine are vital to the Russians for supply reasons. Fortification work is in progress especially on the North and Southern flanks.
There is no fresh information on the communications system.
Directives to Army Groups so given that the Russian front will be split into 2 sections and a Russian retreat on the Dnjeper-Duena Line prevented.
The Army Group North and Center ordered to press forward across the Duena in a north-easterly direction with concentrated armored forces in 3 armored groups (the strongest in the South).
The most northerly group is to press on up to the region of Lake Peipus, then advance further to the East in cooperation with other two armored groups, who will be attacking Smolensk.
The Army Group South is to advance across the Dnieper in a south-easterly direction. Army Group North and Center is to carry out operations North of the Pripet Marshes. Army Group South will be to the South, that is, separate and independent. The main sector lies in the North; army reserves are massed there.
6 armored divisions are required from the "Marita" operation ; of these the 2 training divisions are for the 1st line, a further 2 from Roumania itself for the Southern Group, the last 2 divisions are reserves for the Northern Group. It all depends on the Balkan situation (Turkey's attitude).
Fuehrer—When the die has been cast, the Turks will not make any further moves. No special protection of the Balkans is therefore necessary. One dangerous moment will be if North Africa is cleared by the British, thus enabling the British to operate in Syria with unhampered forces.
Chief of Army General Staff—Northern Group 50]
divs, 13 armored divs, 9 motorized divs. Southern ¡Attack Forces
Group 30 divs, 5 armored divs, 3 motorized divs.J
In addition; Supreme Command of the Army Reserves.
Assignment of Pioneers is not entirely satisfactory. This is made good by additional bridge-building units [Brueckenma-teria].].
Fuehrer—agreed with the large dispositions.
Chief of Army General Staff—It is proposed to isolate a large number of Russian troops in various places at the time the split is effected. The early use of reserves is necessary for this purpose.
Note: the Pripet Marshes are not definitely taboo.
Fuehrer—mentioned the Russians tactics of flank attacks.
Chief of Army General Staff—The cavalry divisions are particularly dangerous in this respect.
Orders issued to date:
Orders for Army Group are binding.
Orders for Armies set out the targets.
Orders for Units leave possibility for changes.
He expounded on the orders issued to Army groups, etc., up to the present.
Fuehrer—mentioned that the operational areas were enormous, that the enemy troops could be successfully encircled, only if the encirclement were complete (Cavalry divisions). (At the moment, there is a very biased play on in Moscow about Suwarow). The immediate surrender of the Baltic States, including Leningrad and the Ukraine, cannot be expected at once. It is, however, possible that after the initial defeat, the Russians, knowing our operational aims, will retreat on large scale and prepare for defense further East behind some barrier.
In this case, the North, regardless of the Russians in the East, will be cleared. From there (a favorable supply-base) a thrust in the rear of the Russians without a frontal attack. It is essential
to wipe out large sections of the enemy and not to put them to flight. This will be accomplished if we occupy the flanking areas with the strongest possible forces. Then, with the enemy held in the center, he can be maneuvered out of it from the flanks.
Chief of Army General Staff—The Falkenhorst army can advance on Petsamo with 11/% divisions, by using Swedish railways, with a further 1divisions (including 1 SS Brigade). The aim is the protection of the Finnish northern industrial area, trapping and cutting off the Murmansk forces.
The Finns will probably make a strategic concentration in the South with 4 Army Corps [Aks] of which an attacking group of 5 divisions will advance in the direction of Leningrad, with 3 divisions against Lake Onegin, 2 divisions against Hango, they need strong support. There are 15 Russian divisions on the Finnish front, approximately 1 division in Murmansk.
Fuehrer—assumed that Sweden would join with us at a price. The price: the Aaland Islands (not our possessions). There is no question of a union between Finland and Sweden as this would not suit the European New Order.
Norway must be under protection; no repercussions are desired from that quarter. Artillery reinforcements are required.
In the South: The most important task is the protection of the oil fields, therefore speedy action from Roumania is necessary.
Chief of Army General Staff—Position of Hungary. If Hungary is not to participate, we must withdraw from Hungary. The destination of the march will be given as Roumania. At the last minute the direction will change towards the Russian frontier. Hungary will permit anything so long as she is given the corresponding political assurances. Agreements with all states taking part (with the exception of Roumania) can be made only at the eleventh hour. With Roumania it is a matter of life and death.
Chief of Army General Staff—Armored reconnaissance forces are still scarce.
Flak question is still unsettled, it depends on the conditions of the roads (to follow in writing).
The Air Force commands 30 Flak battalions, in addition 30 batteries set up by the Army.
The Navy must hasten the opening of supply routes to the Baltic.
Supply is a road transport problem as the gauge has to be changed on the railroads here. A system of long-distance trucks, which can bring supplies to supply bases.
Agreement with the Air Force that all transport is to be used to the full.
Supply areas, shifted to the region of East Poland, are at present being developed. (Possibilities in Roumania are still being explored).
In connection with Marita, the difficulties of transporting back those forces urgently needed for Barbarossa were stressed.
The intended time period was discussed with a plan. 1st Deployment Staffel [Aufmarschstaffel] transfer now, Front-Ger-many-East. 2nd Deployment Staffel [Aufmarschstaffel] from the middle of March will give up 3 divisions for reinforcement in the West. Army groups and Army High Commands are being withdrawn from the West. There are already considerable reinforcements though still in the rear area. From now on, Attila can be carried out only under difficulties. Industrial traffic is hampered by transport movements. From the middle of April, Hungary will be approached about the march through. 3 deployment staff els from the middle of April. Felix is now no longer possible as the main part of the artillery is being entrained.
In industry the full capacity time table is in force. No more camouflage.
From 25.IV-15.V, 4 staffels to withdraw considerable forces from the West. (Seeloewe can no longer be carried out). The strategic concentration in the East is quite recognizable.
The full capacity time table remains. 8 Marita divisions complete the picture of the disposition of forces on the plan.
C-in-C Army—requested that he no longer have to employ 5 control divisions for this, but might hold them ready as reserves for commanders in the West.
Fuehrer—When Barbarossa commences, the world will hold its breath and make no comment.
Chief of the Air Force General Staff—joined the conferences. Fuehrer—discussed the Italian situation in the Mediterranean.
He stated that the loss of North Africa could be withstood in the military sense but must have a strong psychological effect on Italy.
Britain can hold a pistol to Italy's head and force her either to make peace and retain everything or after the loss of North Africa to be bombarded. This would be to our disadvantage. British forces in the Mediterranean area will not be tied down. We ourselves have a weak base there through Southern France. The British have the free use of a dozen divisions and can employ them most dangerously, i.e. in Syria.
We must make every effort to prevent this. Italy must be given support.
We are already doing this in Marita. We must, however, attempt to render effective assistance in North Africa.
The Italians are of the opinion that they can put up a defense now only at Tripoli. This is not feasible. The Air Force cannot operate there. Therefore the position cannot be held. There must be some larger protection zone. Our blocking units can also be effective only in larger protection zones.
He discussed the connection between successes, even defensive successes there and Balkan events, possibly a peaceful settlement in the Balkans.
Wheat can he done?
Land units will arrive late even if not too late. Graziani must receive some kind of support. Therefore the Air Force must be employed, if possible with Stuka groups, with jumping-off bases and homefields in Lybia.
If this can bring the British advance to a standstill, the intended blocking unit is still insufficient and must be reinforced by a mobile unit (strong armored division).
The British personnel and material must have been exhausted during the advance. If the British encounter fresh and well-equipped German forces, the situation will soon alter.
Query from C-in-C Army. Can we spare an armored division for this?
C-in-C Army—unwillingly from Marita.
Fuehrer—out of the question.
C-in-C Army—If it comes to that, Barbarossa is also in need.
If we send help to North Africa, we must do so at once before the Italians. (We have made the offer to the Italians).
The primary consideration is: Can the Air Force intervene now.
The time required for the transport of Air Force supplies, blocking unit, and armored divisions must be established at once.
Then, what are the climatic conditions ?
C-in-C Army—It is important that British supplies by land and sea are stopped. This can be done only by the German Air Force. Fuehrer—The Italians must be asked how long they can allow for the transport of the above-mentioned German troops.
If necessary, transport groups must be employed.
Proposal: General Jeschonek III/KG for special duties, from Foggia. .
C-in-C Army—proposed that the blocking unit should first be reinforced by 1 armored regiment. The rest to follow. The Fuehrer agreed.
Chief of Air Force General Staff—spoke of the position of the ground-organization in North Africa. Only in Benghazi are Stuka-Forces ready within range for operations.
Fighter forces will naturally be sent there also, or Italian fighters be placed under German orders.
It is most important that the air base of Malta be subdued. Fuehrer—agreed. The Italians are to withdraw Italian fighters from the Channel coast. (He will speak to the Duce.)
The Air Force must test immediately, the possibilities of intervening in North Africa. The Army is to see to the transport for the blocking unit.
The transport must be speeded up. Reinforcement by an armored regiment, further reinforcement up to an armored division, will be withdrawn from Marita. Flak forces on ahead. C-in-C Army—proposed a united command of all mobile forces under 1st General Headquarters. Cooperation with the Air Force which also commands the Italian naval air forces.
1. Barbarossa.
a. The Fuehrer on the whole was in agreement with the oper-tional plan. When it is being carried out, it must be remembered that the main aim is to gain possession of the Baltic States and Leningrad.
b. The Fuehrer desires that the operation map and the plan of the disposition of forces be sent to him as soon as possible.
c. Agreements with neighboring states, who are taking part, may not be concluded until there is no longer any necessity for camouflage. The exception is Roumania with regard to the reinforcing of the Moldau.
d. It must, at all costs, be possible to carry out Attila (auxiliary measure).
e. The strategic concentration for Barbarossa will be camouflaged as a feint for Seeloewe and the subsidiary measure Marita.
2. Sonnenblume.
a. The Air Force must intervene as soon as possible with Stuka and Fighter forces. Bases and jumping-off bases in accordance with decisions made in North Africa. It is desired that the Italian fighter forces be placed under German orders.
b. The 10th Flieger Korps is to take over the task of protecting
the transports to East Africa, in the closest cooperation with the Italian Air Force and Naval Commander in Catania.
c. The 10th Flieger Korps is to strike a strong blow against the British troops in Cyrenaica as soon as possible (with the use of the heaviest bombs).
The main task is to disrupt British supplies by land and sea; next, to combat the British fleet.
First of all, attempts must be made to subdue the air base of Malta.
d. The Army is to continue the transport of the blocking unit. This is, however, to be reinforced at once with armor. Preparations for adding one Armored Division (II Staffel from Marita). Flank forces on ahead. 1st General Headquarters to be established immediately. United German Supreme Command over all mobile forces will be proposed to the Italians.
Distribution: [signature illegible]
Chef L Captain
Minutes of conference of Hitler and military commanders on operations Barbarossa (USSR) and Sonnenblume (North Africa), including the assessment of the Soviet military, operational details and options, and the need to assist Italy in North Africa
Adolf Hitler (Fuehrer, Reich Chancellor, Supeme Commander of Wehrmacht)
Adolf Hitler
Austrian nationalized German politician, leader of the National Socialist party and dictator of Germany (1889-1945)
- Born: 1889-01-01 1889-04-20 (Braunau am Inn) (country: Austria-Hungary; located in the administrative territorial entity: Archduchy of Austria above the Enns; statement is subject of: Adolf-Hitler-Geburtshaus)
- Died: 1945-04-30 (Berlin Führerbunker) (country: Nazi Germany; located in the administrative territorial entity: Berlin; statement is subject of: death of Adolf Hitler)
- Country of citizenship: Cisleithania (period: 1889-04-20 through 1918-11-11); First Republic of Austria (period: 1919-01-01 through 1925-04-30); Nazi Germany (end cause: death of Adolf Hitler; period: 1933-01-30 through 1945-04-30); Republic of German-Austria (period: 1918-01-01 through 1919-01-01)
- Occupation: painter (statement is subject of: paintings by Adolf Hitler); political writer; politician (reason for preferred rank: generally used form); soldier
- Member of political party: German Workers' Party (period: 1919-09-12 through 1921-07-11); Nazi Party (series ordinal: 556)
- Member of: Nazi Party
- Participant in: Aktion T4; Beer Hall Putsch; The Holocaust; ethnic cleansing
- Significant person: Albert Speer; Benito Mussolini; Eva Braun; Joseph Stalin
Date: 03 February 1941
Literal Title: Conference of "Fall Barbarossa" and Sonnenblume.
Defendants: Alfred Jodl, Wilhelm Keitel
Total Pages: 7
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-872
Citation: IMT (page 1173)
HLSL Item No.: 450914
Notes:On the 6th page, Hitler states that "the main aim is to gain possession of the Baltic States and Leningrad."
Document Summary
PS-872: Discussion of the case 'Barbarossa' and 'Sonnenblume' between the Fuehrer and the OKW, classified Top Secret
PS-872: Top-secret conference of the Okw with Hitler, 3 february 1941, concerning "case Barbarossa" and "case sunflower" (invasion of Russia and North African campaign): relative strength of belligerents; military and political situation; how to camouflage intention to attack