WFSt/Qu. 2 (Ost)
SSD [stamped]
[illegible pencil marks]
September 8th, 1944. [illegible pencil marks]
Secret [stamped]
1. Gen. St.d.H./Gen.Qu./Chefgr. (Anna)
2. Gen. St.d.H./Gen.Qu./K.Verw. (Anna-Bu)
3. Ob. Heeresgruppe Nord HM1X [in pencil]
4. Ob. Heeresgruppe Mitte
5. Wi Stab Ost
6. Wehrkreiskommando I.
With addresses
Subject: Utilization of the soil in parts of the Reichskommissariat Ostland. 1 .
1. The Fuehrer has ordered the district leader (Gauleiter) Koch to carry out the utilization of.the soil in the parts of the Reichskommissariat Ostland which are occupied by the Army Group Middle. Further, the Fuehrer has ordered that all German and local administrative authorities are bound by the directives of Gauleiter Koch. Concerning the exploitation of' natural resources and other products, Gauleiter Koch has to keep in touch with the competent supreme authorities of the Reich.
2. All quarters of the Armed Forces are to give Gauleiter Koch their utmost support in the execution of this order.
3. The order of September 5th, 1944, concerning the full powers given by the Fuehrer to Gauleiter Koch is hereby cancelled.
[illegible pencil remark]
(signed) Keitel.
OKW/WFSt/Qu.2 (East) number 0 6891/44 secret [in pencil]
5031 [in pencil] [illegible pencil remarks]
BOC—OKW—1620 [in pencil]
Further Distribution:
Head of the Party Chancellery
Minister of the Reich and Head of the Reich Chancellery Gauleiter Koch, Koenigsberg
General Staff of the Army (Gen.St.d.H./Gen.Qu./K. Verw.
[pencil note on the right side] ; ab 9/9.44 [initials]
(2 stamps) -
SECRET [stamped]
S S D [in red pencil] Fuehrer Headquarters, 5.9.44. Secret [in red pencil]
12F [in pencil]
1. Gen. St. d. H./Gen. Qu.
2. Ob. Heeresgruppe Nord
3. O.B. Heeresgruppe Mitte [in pencil]
4. Wi Stab- Ost -
5. Wehrkreiskommando I.
The Fuehrer will intrust Gauleiter Koch, East Russia, with the economic evacuation of the Ostland occupied by us and will give him all full powers necessary for that purpose. Apart from bringing foodstuffs back we mean to seize useful products, machines etc.
All quarters of the armed forces have to support Gauleiter Koch as far as possible.
The Chef OKW .
Certified copy [signed] Keitel [in pencil]
Army Major.
SSD FS WNOF Number U5Q3 arrived September 5th, 19UU 22)0 o'clock forwarded on.............o'clock to.....
[ illegible pencil remarks]
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Orders to military commands to cooperate with Gauleiter Koch in the removal of natural resources and other goods from the Ostland
Wilhelm Keitel (Field Marshal, Chief of the High Command of the Armed Forces)
Wilhelm Keitel
German field marshal

- Born: 1882-09-22 (Helmscherode) (country: German Empire; located in the administrative territorial entity: Duchy of Brunswick)
- Died: 1946-10-16 (Nuremberg) (country: Allied-occupied Germany)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: military officer; military personnel; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Military rank: general field marshal
- Military branch: artillery
Date: 08 September 1944
Literal Title: Subject: Utilisation of the soil in parts of the Reichskommissariat Ostland.
Defendant: Wilhelm Keitel
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-743
HLSL Item No.: 451996
Notes:The orders related to the evacuation of the Ostland (the Baltic region). Another copy of PS 743 was entered as USSR exhibit 286; this copy was apparently not entered in the case against Keitel and Jodl.
Document Summary
PS-743: Two teletypes from Keitel about the exploitation of parts of the 'Ostland'
PS-743: Secret "ssd" teleprint message from Keitel to supreme and high army commands, 8 September 1944, regarding exploitation of certain territory under the administration of the Reich Commissioner for the occupied eastern territories; secret teleprint message from Keitel to the same army commands concerning Hitler’s authorization of Koch to undertake the economic clearance of the occupied eastern territories and transfer the seized goods to the Reich