The Reich Minister of Justice 4410 b-Vs 1 379/43 g
Berlin W 8, Wilhelmstrasse 65 1 April 1943
Telephone 11 00 44 Long Distance 11 65 16
To The Public Prosecutors of the Courts of Appeal,
To the Commissioner of the Reich Minister of Justice for the penal
camps in Emsland.
Regarding: Poles and Jews who are released from the penal institutions of the Department of Justice.
Instructions for the independent penal institutions.
1. With reference to the new guiding principles for the application of Article 1, Section- 2 of the decree of 11 June 1940 (Reich Legal Gazette I S. 877)—attachment I of the decree (RV) of 27 January 1943—9133/2 enclosure I—III a2 2629—the Reich Chief Security Office has directed by the decree of 11 March 1943—II A 2 number 100/43—176:
a. Jews, who in accordance with number VI of the guiding principles, are released from a penal institution, are to be taken by the State Police (Chief) Office competent for the district in which the, penal institution is located, for the rest of their lives to the concentration camps Auschwitz or Lublin in accordance with the regulations for protective custody that have been issued.
The same applies to Jews who in the future are released-from a penal institution after serving a sentence of confinement.
b. Poles, who in accordance with number VI of the guiding principles are released from a penal institution, are to be taken by the State Police (Chief) Office competent for the district in which the penal institution is located, for the duration of the war to a concentration camp in accordance with the regulations on protec-, tive custody that have been issued.
The same applies in the future to Poles who, after serving a term of imprisonment of more than 6 months, are to be discharged by a penal institution.
Conforming to the request of the Chief Office for Reich Security, I ask that in the future,
a. All Jews to be discharged,
b. All Poles to be discharged,
Who have served a sentence of more than 6 months be designated for further confinement to the State Police (Chief) Office competent for the district and are to be placed promptly at its disposal, before the end of sentence for conveyance.
2. This ruling replaces the hitherto ordered return of all Polish
prisoners undergoing imprisonment in the Old Reich condemned in annexed Eastern territories. The decree (RV) of 28 July 1942 —4410 b Vs 1 1731—has lost its meaning. Imprisonment up to 6 months imposed within the incorporated Eastern territories, excluding exceptions, is to be carried out in these territories, and not in the Old Reich.
By order of
Dr. Eichler
[Stamp: Reichministry of Justice, Office of the Ministry]
Certified :
[signed] Freyer Clerk of Justice
Circular letter to prosecutors and the commission for prison camps, on the transfer of Poles and Jews to concentration camps
Hans Eichler (Dr., Ministry of Justice, Berlin)
Hans Eichler
ministerial councillor
![No image available.](/static/images/authors/placeholder.png)
- Born: 1886-08-02 (Leipzig)
- Occupation: lawyer
- Participant in: Judges' Trial (date: 1947-06-11; role: affiant)
- Employer: Reich Ministry of Justice
- Residence: Celle
Otto Georg Thierack (President of People's Court; Minister of Justice, 1942-45)
Otto Georg Thierack
German politician (1889-1946)
![Image of Otto Georg Thierack](
- Born: 1889-04-19 (Wurzen)
- Died: 1946-10-26 1946-11-22 (Sennelager Civilian Internment Camp No. 7, Eselheide Paderborn)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: judge; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party (since: 1932-01-01)
- Member of: Corps Guestphalia et Suevoborussia Marburg
- Participant in: Aryanization; The Holocaust (role: criminal)
- Position held: Federal Ministry of Justice; Judge of the People's Court; Reich Minister of Justice (period: 1942-08-20 through 1945-05-23; replaces: Franz Schlegelberger)
Date: 01 April 1943
Literal Title: Regarding: Poles and Jews who are released from the penal institutions of the Department of Justice.
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-701
HLSL Item No.: 451029
Notes:This copy of PS 701 was not entered as evidence in the trial (regarding persecution of the Jews); another copy was entered later as US exhibit 497, concerning the Gestapo.
Trial Issues
Persecution of political, religious, and ethnic ("racial") groups (IMT, NM… Concentration camp system (administration, forced labor, abuse of inmates)…
Document Summary
PS-701: Letter of Minister of Justice to the Prosecutors, Deputies of the Minister of Justice, in Convict Camps regarding Transfer of Jews and Poles after Release from prisons into concentration camps
PS-701: Letter from the Reich Minister of justice to the general public prosecutors, 21 April 1943, to the effect that poles and Jews released from penal institutions are to be handed over to the Gestapo in accordance with the decree of the Reich security main office of 11 March 1943 and to be detained in concentration camps for the duration of the war (poles) or for life (jews)
PS-701: Letter from Justice Minister to Public Prosecutors of Courts of Appeal re Poles and Jews who are released from penal institutions.