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Oshima (general, ambassador; Japan (1939-43))
Joachim Ribbentrop, von (Minister for Foreign Affairs (1938-45))
Date: 06 March 1943
Literal Title: Minutes on the discussion of the Reich Minister for Foreign Affairs with Ambassador Oshima on 6 March 1943.
Defendant: Joachim Ribbentrop, von
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Evidence Code: PS-2954
Exhibit Code: Prosecution 158
Document Book No: Prosecution Q: Aggression: USA
Citation: IMT (page 1241)
HLSL Item No.: 450955
Notes:Another copy of PS 2954 was also entered as UK exhibit 150.
PS-2954: Photostat of memorandum, signed by Gottfriedsen, re conference between Ribbentrop and Oshima on Japan's role in the war, esp. against Russia and submarine warfare
PS-2954: Discussion between Ribbentrop and the Japanese ambassador Oshima, 6 March 1943, on the general military situation. Japan’s final refusal to enter the war against Russia
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