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Karl Mummenthey (Chief of Office 1 in Amtsgruppe W, WVHA, SS)
Walter Salpeter (Dr., Chief of Division III-A in WVHA (1940))
Date: 30 December 1940
Literal Title: Re: Gmunder Kalkwerke A.G. (Gmunden Lime Co.)
Defendants: Karl Mummenthey, Oswald Pohl
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Evidence Code: NO-1276
Exhibit Code: Prosecution 428
Document Book No: Prosecution 16
Citation: NMT 4 (page 1009)
HLSL Item No.: 4343
Forced labor in concentration camps and SS labor units (IMT, NMT 4) SS economic enterprises (SS financing; forced labor; Office group W in W.V…
NO-1276: Letter from Muimmenthey and Salpeter re: The peculiar nature of the Dest
NO-1276: 30 DEC 40 - Mummenthey to Pohl stating that the DEST should remain an inmate enterprise and that it should not participate in purely privately owned companies
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