File [Cover]
Russian Prisoners of War
"Correspondence re complaint about Major Meinel and the Commander of the Prisoners of War in Defense Area (Wehrkreis) VII of the Armed Forces."
[Document A]
Munich, September 12th 1941
1) Introductory Notice Re: Russian Prisoners of War
According to oral information by the Commandant of the Prisoner of War Camp in Defense Area VII there are within that district about 5,000 Russian prisoners of war. For the purpose of distribution they are held in Stalag Moosburg. Here the Russian prisoners of war are guarded in a separate division of the camp. A considerable part of the Russian prisoners of war have already been distributed for labor in the Higher Administrative Areas of Schwaben and Oberbayern. They are used only in groups and in such a way that they will not be able to get in touch either with the civil population or with other prisoners of war. The, individual labor detachments are housed in enclosed areas or huts. The foremen of the labor detachments are usually auxiliary police officials. Every precaution is being taken, and the guard force instructed accordingly so that disturbances cannot occur. Moreover, the guards are allowed to make use of their firearms.
An examination of the Russian prisoners of war who are held in the Moosburg Camp is no longer made since the prisoners of war do not arrive there immediately from the East, but are transferred from Defense Area IV (Dresden) to Moosburg for labor. Presumably they were in Defense Area IV, which also contains a screening camp.
Regarding the staffing of the Special Detachments in the Hammelburg and Langwasser Camps (Nürnberg) I refer to the enclosure. (GRS). [Note: Not in this dossier.] Regarding the distribution of Russian prisoners of war in District XIII the inquiries have not yet been completed. Report will follow when the statements are complete.
. R-I7S
2) To be submitted to SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Dr. Isselhorst.
[signed] Wuerstle SS-Hauptscharfuehrer
[Marginal note in pencil]
The Russians are not screened in Defense Area IV. [signed] Sch.
[Document B]
Secret State Police
Secret Police High Authority Munich
Nr. seer. Reichm. 66/41 Munich, 23.9.41
I. Teletype! Urgent! To be submitted at once.
a) To the Gestapo directing office in Dresden.
b) To the Gestapo office in Halle (Saale).
Re: Screening of Russian prisoners of war.
Your Ref: Decree of Chief of Security Police (Sipo) and Security Service (SD) of 12.9.41.
Ref. Nr. 21 B/41 top secret (6 Rs.) IV A 1 c.
From the following Stalags situated in Defense Area IV.
1. Army Training Ground Zeithein.
2. Stalag Muehlberg (Elbe).
So far 5,328 Russian prisoners of war have been transferred to Stalag VII in Moosburg near Freising, which is situated within the jurisdiction of this Gestapo. The greater part has been distributed from there into labor detachments. Since these prisoners did not arrive immediately from the East, but from the transit camps mentioned above, they were supposedly screened in these camps by employment detachments [Einsatzkommands].
Please inform me by urgent teletype whether these Russian prisoners of war were screened by you according to the Rules of the Chief of the Security Police and Security Service of 17.7.41. Enel. 2.
II. File in Dossier: Russian P of Ws, II a.
[Handwritten note] Re-submit at once.
By order: [signed] Schermer Kriminalkommissar
[corresponding to: CID-Superintendent.]
[Document C]
Secret State Police
Gestapo Directing Office Munich
Teletype office
Nr. 18193 From: Dresden Nr. 9284 25.9.41 1310-MI- .
To: Munich Office—Secret:
Re: Screening of Russian prisoners of war. '
Your Ref: TP Nr. 18117 of 23.9.41—II A.
Since every organizational facility is lacking we have hitherto been unable to start screening Stalag Zeithain. Zeithain is reception camp for Defense Area IV, from there the Russians are transferred to the Muehlberg Transit Camp; there they are screened within a few days according to their labor suitability and subsequently distributed between a number of other Stalags. The 5,328 prisoners of war transferred to your area therefore have not been screened here.
Gestapo Directing Office, Dresden I D-22/41g - By order [signed] Uhlenhaut, KK.
[Document D]
Secret State Police
Gestapo Directing Office—Munich
Teletype Communications Office. .
Nr. 18149 Halle Nr. 1849 24.9.41 1505-Schl.
To: Gestapo Directing Office, Munich.
Secret—Urgent—To be submitted at once.
Re: Screening of Russian prisoners of war.
Your Ref. Deer. Chief Security Police and Security Service of 12.9.41 Ref. Nr. 21/B/41 seer. Reichm. IV A.
1 c and your letter TP Nr. 18 117 of 23.9.41 II Al.
Hitherto no screening has been done by us in the two transit camps mentioned.
Gestapo-Off. Halle II A 1-215. Top secret /41, by order:
[signed] Gold, KK
[Document E]
Secret State Police
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
Teletype Communication
From: Berlin "NUE" 183 483 13.11.41 1555-WE 1—
To: Gestapo Directing Office, attention of Obersturmbannf Regierungsrat Dr. Isselhorst—or deputy Munich Re: Screening of Soviet-Russian prisoners of war.
Your Ref: Nr. Nil.
Armed Forces High Command informed us that the screening of Soviet Prisoners of war in the camps and detachments is allegedly done superficially; thus in one case for instance out of 4,800 prisoners 380 are said to have been sorted out. Will you please charge the leaders of the labor detachments to observe the rules given in Enclosure 2 of Employment [Einsatz] Order No. 8. Moreover I recommend that you get in touch with the Commanding Officer of Prisoners of War in Defense Area VII personally and settle this matter. Please report to me as soon as possible on the facts and the result of your negotiation so that I can communicate with the High Command.
The Chief of Security Police and Security Service—B Nr. 2024 B/rl—g IV A 1 c.
By order [signed] Vogt—SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer.
[Document F] _
Secret State Police Munich, 15.11.41
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich II A/Sche
Re: Screening of Russian prisoners of war in District VII.
I. Report:
The Munich employment detachment during last week screened a total of 662 Russian prisoners of war in 6 labor camps. Of those 63 Russians were definitely found to be suspect and impossible to tolerate. So far the following camps have been screened:
Screened Intolerable
1. Stalag VII A at Moosburg ......... 550 89
2. Aerodrome Lechfeld ............... 330 34
Screened Intolerable
3. Farm Management Lechfeld ............. 130 10
4. Aerodrome Landsberg (Lech) ........... 60 14
5. Aerodrome Altenstädts near Schongau .. 500 72
6. Hohenpeissenberg, Messrs. Lunz & Co.. 10 ....
7. Liechtenay and Maxlried ............... 80 6
8. Aerodrome Memmingen ............... 214 28
9. Aerodrome Neuburg/Danube __________ 442 79
10. Railway-Traffic-Office Memmingen ....... 55 25
11. Marbleworks Eichstaett ............... 30 5
12. Pfraudnrof near Kipfenberg ............ 25 5
13. Grossmehring n. Ingolstadt ____________ 27 4
14. Geissenfeld/Winden ................... 40 2
15. Pfaffenhofen on Jacht................. 50 ....
16. Fahlenbach n. Wolnzach ............... 95 9
17. Wolnzach Station..................... 100 11
18. Schleissheim Aerodrome______________ 350 37
3088 410
The 410 Russians who were sorted out belong to the following categories:
1. Officials and Officers ............................. 3
2. Jews ............................................... 25
3. Members of Intelligentsia .......................... 69
4. Fanatical Communists................................ 146
5. Agitators, Ringleaders, Thieves .................... 85
6. Runaways ........................................... 35
7. Incurably sick ..................................... 47
The employment detachment will still have to screen the following labor camps in Defense Area VII:
1. Dorfen on Isen ......................... 40 Russians
2. Moosen n. Dorfen ......................... 40 "
3. Mettenheim n. Muehldorf on Jagst .......... 150 "
4. Tatzelwurm n. Oberaudorf................... 50 "
5. Oberegg n. Krumbach, Messrs. Pohl __________ 20 "
6. Oberegg n. Krumbach, Messrs. Bisle _________ 55 "
7. Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Loc. Auth) ....... 110 "
8. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Army Building Office 40 "
555 Russians
In Defense Area XIII the employment detachment has screened 2 labor camps in Schwaben as follows:
1. Deiningen n. Noerdlingen (Air F. Build. Off.)
2. Heuberg n. Oettingen (Air F. Build. Off.) ....
90 8
120 20
210 28
Of 410 Russians who were sorted out, the following were executed in the Concentration Camp at Dachau to date:
1. On 15.10.41 .......... ......................- 27 Russians
2. On 22.10.41 ____________-.................... 40 "
3. On 8.11.41 ................... .............. 99 "
4. On 12.11.41 _________________________________ 135 "
301 Russians
As ordered by the Chief of Security Police and Security Service, every Russian was personally interrogated by the employment detachment and heard as to his political opinions. The enclosed form was used if a Russian was sorted out. It had been possible to appoint for each Labor camp several Soviet-Russians as confidential agents, who in the main were of Ukrainian, Armenian, Baltic, Polish or Rumanian race. The special point was made that every unfavorable report by a confidential agent had to be borne out by the report of another agent. In this way the danger was avoided from the very beginning that one of the agents might accuse a Russian prisoner of war of having been an active agitator in the Soviet Union, animated solely by spite, personal enmity, or other personal reasons.
I repeatedly instructed the members of the employment detachment when we discussed our daily experience, or when we had special conference, that they had to screen the Russians strictly according to the rules issued by the Chief of Security Police and Security Service. Since two interpreters were at my disposal, I divided the employment detachment into two groups, and I satisfied myself in person that they performed the screening correctly. I was present at almost every interrogation, and supervised the two groups in turn.
Up to date, 410 Russians out of a total of 3088 Russians were screened out as intolerable, which corresponds to an average percentage of 13 percent. The Gestapo offices, Nurnberg-Fuerth, and Regensburg screened out an average of 15-17 percent.
I wish to refute most emphatically the complaint of the High Command of the Armed Forces that the screening of the Russians had been carried out in a superficial manner.
Many camp officers and guards in many cases proposed to screen out individual Russians because they had been guilty of small offenses in the camp or of contravening camp discipline. In some
cases, on the other hand, they wanted to keep German-speaking Jews in the camp, although they had been screened out, in order to continue using them as interpreters. In either case the members of the employment detachment were not influenced by those wishes, but decided accurately on the basis on their guiding principles.
I assume that the report which the OKW in Berlin received was made by the Counter-Intelligence Officer of Stalag VII A at Moosburg via the C. 0. of Prisoners of War in the Defense Area
VII. When I was present in Moosburg, I noted that this counterintelligence officer, Captain Hoerrmann was from the start prejudiced against the work of the employment detachment and also had influenced the Army interpreters. I was informed from a very reliable source that Captain Hoerrmann was very little liked by camp officers and guards, because he favored the French prisoners of war in every way and moreover preferred Jewish prisoners of war as confidential agents. I am going to receive more material about Hoerrmann from one of my agents in the camp next week; I shall then make a detailed report.
The Chief of Counter-Intelligence Office VII, Prisoner of War Department, Capt. Woelzl, gave me a hint about a fortnight ago when we had a conference that Hoerrmann will soon be relieved from his post as Counter-Intelligence Officer of Stalag VII A at Moosburg, since other authorities there already disapproved his attitude.
II. Submitted to the Deputy-Chief.
Secret State Police
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
Personnel Form
Identity Number: Stalag Family Name: '
First Name:
Whether single, married, widowed, divorced: Domicile:
Last military rank:
Result of Inquiries :
By order
[signed] Schermer ..._th 1941
[Document G]
Secret State Police
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
II A/Sche
Munich, 24.11.1941
Re: Screening of Russian Prisoners of War in Defense Area VII of the Forces.
I. Report:
On Saturday, 22nd 11.41, I visited the Counter-Intelligence Officer of the Deputy Army Corps Command VII-Dep. I c-Int. Off./III P.o W., Capt. Dr. Woelzl, Munich, Theresienstr. 4/room 183, and exchanged information with him.
Dr. Woelzl informed me that in the near future 20,000 Russians would arrive in Defense Area'VII for allocation as labor. He requested me to assist the Counter-Intelligence Officer of Stalag VII A at Moosburg in the future examination of the Russians; technicians, fitters, locksmiths and engineers to be screened out since these craftsmen would be needed in the near future for restarting the Russian armaments enterprises in the occupied countries.
The OKW have instructed that escaping prisoners should no longer be screened out after one attempt only, and that the OKW had decided to grant them a probation period. He asked me to propose screening only in cases where larceny or violence against persons could be proved.
When I asked him whether Counter-Intelligence Department VII ever had received a complaint from anybody that the employment detachment of the Chief of Security Police and Security Service screened out Russian prisoners of war in a superficial way, he denied this decidedly. He expressed the belief that such a complaint could have been made only by the Commanding Officer for Prisoners of War at Munich. During the conference I received the impression that Dr. Woelzl also was not able to collaborate closely enough with the officers of Stalag VII A at Moosburg and with the C.O. of P.o.W.s and his advisors because in many cases they went over his head. Dr. Woelzl mentioned that other officers had already received a hint to be careful in their relations with him because he was an old Nazi.
He suspected that Major Karl Meinel, born 25.11.77 at Neu-burg/Danube, had made a complaint to the High Command of the Armed Forces that the Russians had been superficially screened out. He had found out that Major Meinel, in his capacity
as Rural Police Lieutenant Colonel at the headquarters of the Rural Police Department for Upper Bavaria, before the assumption of power had intimately collaborated with the late police president of Munich, Koch, and the late Minister of the Interior, Stuetzel. After the assumption of power, Major Meinel had been pensioned off; the reasons Were unknown to him. If I could discover the reasons he would be obliged if I could inform him. In the enclosed Personnel Files of Major Meinel is a report of the Security Service, Directing Section, Munich which says:
[Follows a note from these Gestapo files, in which Meinel is reproached with having shown after the accession of power not only indifference, but "to some extent even aversion" against the National Socialist creed, thus he had e.g. mentioned God, but not the Fuehrer in an Order of the Day, etc.]
When I assumed my office in the beginning of October 1941 I repeatedly asked Major Meinel by telephone whether I could see him or the C.O. of the PoWs, Major-General von Saur, Munich, Friedrichstr. 11. He answered that in his opinion there was no need for screening the Russians kept in Defense Area VII, since they had already been screened in the different transit camps and Stalags where they had been before. Thereupon I communicated at once by teletype with the Gestapo offices in Dresden and Halle and was informed that the Russians, transferred from the camps Zeithain and Muehlberg to Stalag VII at Moosburg, had not yet been screened by any office. When I informed Major Meinel and later his deputy, Major Mueller, of this fact, they left it to me whether I wished to communicate immediately with the Commander of Stalag VII at Moosburg. Again neither of them recommended a personal interview with the C.O. for PoWs, Major General von Saur, or with his subordinates, Majors Meinel or Mueller. From this attitude I received the impression that Gestapo officials are not welcome there. Now it has been clearly established by the above report from the Security Service Directing Office in Munich, that Major Meinel is prejudiced against the NSDAP and its organizations. The officers of Stalag VII at Moosburg also showed no spirit of collaboration when I carried out my special duty there. Dr. Woelzl informed me that the Commander of Stalag VII A at Moosburg, Colonel Nepf, is an ossified old officer who resents any interference in his routine by other authorities. His only aim is to satisfy the C.O. of PoWs in order to end his career, if possible, as a Major-General. In the same manner the Intelligence Officer in Stalag VII A, Captain Hoerr-mann does everything to please Colonel Nepf, in order to attain some benefit for himself.
Dr. Woelzl does not think Captain Hoerrmann suitable for his post as Counter-Intelligence Officer, since he does not receive important information unless directly from other sources.
Captain Dr. Woelzl asked me time and again in our several interviews not to be influenced by the attitude of those officers, and to proceed with screening the Russians precisely according to the prescribed rules. The officers of Stalag VII A displayed the attitude that the Russians ought to be improved by clemency; sick Russians ought to be coddled back to health; in this way they tried to gain for themselves the reputation of being humane men. Experience, however, has shown that the Russians can be compelled to work only by the utmost severity and the use of corporal punishment.
I have certainly not been helped in my task, but I worked strictly in accordance with the instructions.
Dr. Woelzl advised me to ask the Counter-Intelligence Department of Defense Area VII to give an opinion whether or not I carried out my special duty with conscientiousness.
II. To be submitted to the Deputy Director
By order [signed] Schermer
SS-Obersturmfuehrer and Criminal Commissioner Director of Employment Detachment
[Document H]
Secret State Police Munich, November 24th 1941
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
— The Chief of Office — Secret!
[stamp] Dispatched 25th Nov. 1941 Dispatching Office
g 9074/41 II A
I. Write: (Written, [initials Ma.])
To the Main Reich Security Office — Dep. IV — att. of SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Vogt — or deputy Berlin SW 11 Prince Albrecht-Str. 8
Re: Screening of Soviet Russian Prisoners of War.
Your Ref: Your TP of 13.11.41 Ref. Nr. 2024 B/41 g IV A 1 c.
According to your directive, I approached the Commanding Officer of Prisoners of War in Defense Area VII, Major-General von Saur and asked for an interview about this matter. Major General von Saur was unable to grant me an interview, owing to urgent duties and lack of time, and referred me to the officer in charge, Major Meinel.
To the latter I replied with regard to the complaint of the High Command, that the Russian prisoners of war had been screened by our Employment Detachment in complete accordance with the instructions contained in enclosure II to Allocation (Einsatz) Order Nr. 8.
[Follows some figures etc. taken from Schermer's report of
[Next page, line 8]
Major Meinel gave a hint that it was he who had made the complaint in question, and that he considered the manner intolerable in which the Soviet-Russian prisoners of war were treated here. He was an old soldier, and such proceedings could not be approved from a soldierly point of view. If a soldier of the enemy had been captured, then he was a prisoner and must not be shot at anybody's whim. The second reason for his objection to this procedure was that the labor supply for Defense Area VII was catastrophically bad so that every man was urgently needed for labor. On the other hand, it was well known that the Russians were, in general, good workers, and he could not understand why one executed these able workers, especially as these Russians had already been screened in the Eastern transit camps. Furthermore, Meinel remarked that he also objected to the procedure followed for the reason that news of it gradually leaked out to the outer world, which involved the danger that Soviet Russian authorities would also learn about it. In that case we had certainly to reckon with the fact that the Soviets would treat German prisoners of war in exactly the same manner as we treated theirs. To the latter point I replied that the Soviets as far as could be judged from the experiences hitherto had and from what I had been able to find out, would probably take no German prisoners at all, and that probably no German soldier would ever return alive from Russian captivity. Furthermore, I pointed out to Major Meinel that the work of the Gestapo employment detach- -ments was done with the consent of the High Command of the Armed Forces, and according to rules which had been drafted in collaboration with the High Command, Department Prisoners of War. To which Meinel replied that the entire procedure was, in
his opinion, wrong, and that he was going to report to that effect to Berlin. He was of the opinion that first some firsthand information should have been gathered with regard to the Russian prisoners, and that appropriate measures should have been taken after, not before, such information had been collected. Besides, he believed it would be desirable to allow the Russian prisoners of war, especially the intelligensia among them, to get acquainted with life in Germany, so that they could enlighten their comrades. I notified Major Meinel that this opinion of his was not binding upon me, and that the employment detachment of the Gestapo Directing Office in Munich would proceed in its work until either the screening of Russian prisoners of war was completed or we had received an order from the Main Reich Security Office to terminate the screening activity in this district. For the rest, I announced to Major Meinel my intention to report to my superior authority.
[Follow denunciations against Major Meinel, taken verbally from Schermer's report of 24.11.41.]
[The letter ends:]
The activity of the employment detachment is completed for the time being. But in the near future the arrival of 20,000 more Russian PoWs in the Defense Area VII is to be expected, according to information by Captain Dr. Woelzl.
II. One copy to Inspector of Security Police and Security Service.
III. One copy to the Leader of the Higher SS and Police.
IV. To submit to Regierungs-Assessor Marmon. for his information.
V. To be filed.
The deputy
[Document I]
Secret State Police
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
12 Dec. 1941
The Chief of Office Seer. 9074/41 II A
Secret ! [stamp] Dispatched 15th Dec. 1941 Dispatching Office.
I. Report: (typed G.W.)
To the Main Reich Security Office—Dept. IV Att. of SS-Gruppenfuehrer Mueller.
Re: Screening of Russian Prisoners of War
Your Ref: Your teletype of 13.11.41 B.Nr.' 2024/41 B seer. IV A 1 c., my report of 24.11.41 B.Nr. seer. 9074/41 IIA.
The Higher SS & Police Fuehrer, SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Freiherr von Eberstein recently asked me to inform the Main Reich Security Office that it would be desirable if you would enter into negotiations with the High Command in order to urge the relief or transfer of Major Meinel, a subordinate of the Commanding Officer of PoWs in this district; this is the officer with whose objectionable attitude I dealt at length in my report mentioned above. SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Freiherr von Eberstein thinks it intolerable that Meinel should continue to have his appointment here, since it must be expected that his attitude might lead to disagreeable discussions with the District Command of this place, which would endanger our mutual cooperation.
I request you take note of this for your information and possible further action.
II. To be filed.
As deputy [signature] Schimmel
[Document J] '
13th 1942.
The Higher SS & Police Fuehrer in the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior SS-Obergruppenfuehrer & General of Police Freiherr von Eberstein.
[Note: This letter is a copy]
Munich, January
The Officer Commanding the Prisoners of War in Defense Area VII—
Ref. Nr. Ha Nr. 19/42 seer.
Dear Baron Eberstein,
In reply to your letter of 24.12.41 I beg to enclose copy of a
report which Major Meinel made to me by request; it gives a different picture of the facts. Major Meinel did not make the activity of the employment detachment more difficult.
The objections of Major Meinel to the manner in which the screening was carried out originated from reports of the Camp Commander which left me with the same impression. I voiced these.objections towards the High Command since I thought the results of the project were too uncertain to risk the injury to the camp discipline and to the labor supply which necessarily must result from it. The reason for the objections thus far was of a merely practical and procedural nature and did not include a criticism of the measure itself.
I may be allowed to expect that this explanation is sufficient to remove the friction prevailing now and am
With Heil Hitler ' Yours sincerely
[signed] v. Saur Major-General
[Enclosure to the letter of 13.1.1942, von Saur to Eberstein]
To: The O.C. the PoWs in Defense Area VII Re: Interview with Regierungsrat Schimmel.
The interview with Regierungsrat Schimmel only concerned facts. I did not make any objections. I only informed him of the first-hand information acquired while carrying out the instructions and asked whether the proper authorities might not draw conclusions from this information.
if: % # & if: % sfi
When I mentioned that weighed heavily on the officers' conscience to hand over the prisoners, Regierungsrat Schimmel replied that the hearts of some of the SS men who were charged with executing prisoners were all but breaking.
* ***** *
[signed] Meinel
[Document K]
Secret State Police
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
II A/Sche Munich, 16.1.42.
Secret !
Re: Screening of Soviet Russian Prisoners of War
I. Comment to Major Meinel's report of 13.1.42.
[The first two pages of this document contain nothing but repetition.]
[Page 3]
In the meantime I found out that of the 474 Russian PoWs who had been screened out, only 301 Russians were transferred to the Dachau Concentration Camp. By order of Major Meinel the remaining number were not delivered to the Dachau Concentration Camp. The 173 Russians thus retained in Stalag VII A at Moosburg are seditious, fanatical Communists who are not suitable for work, as has been ascertained in the conscientious examination by the employment detachment. I make a special point of requesting that these 173 Russians should be transferred at once to the Dachau Concentration Camp as has been expressly ordered by the Chief of the Security Police and Security Service, Berlin. On 9.1.43 I requested the Gestapo Office in Regensburg to report on their experiences. The Chief of the employment detachment there, SS-Obersturmfuehrer & Kriminalkommissar Kuhn, saw me today at 14.30 hours in my office and reported in person that he had similar difficulties. Of the 244 Russians screened out by the Gestapo Office in Regensburg (Lower Bavaria) only 30 Russians have been transferred up to date to the Dachau Concentration Camp. Thus there also 214 Russians are still retained without justification. Mr. Kuhn finally went to see the Commanding Officer of Prisoners of War, Munich, Friedrichstr. 11, where he is going to try to have the 214 Russians delivered. He is going to report the result of his interview at once to the Main Security Office, Berlin, and he will provide us with a copy.
II. With one file folder and two enclosures submitted through the Chief of Dept. II to the Chief.
By order
[signed] Schermer
[Document L]
Secret State Police Munich, 21st January 1941
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
The Chief of Office Secret!
Nr. Seer. 9074/41II A
[stamp] Dispatched 22 Jan. 1941 Dispatch Office
I. Report—(Typed: Ma)
The Higher SS & Police Fuehrer SS-Obergruppenfuehrer and General of Police Freiherr von Eberstein Munich
Re: Screening of Soviet Russian Prisoners of War.
Your Ref: My report of 24.11.41. ^
Enel. 3 "
Enclosed I return the letter from the Commanding Officer of PoWs in Defense Area VII to the Higher SS and Police Fuehrer in the Defense Areas VII and XIII, and the report made by Major Meinel on 13.1.42 re the interview with me. To these documents I report as follows:
I have nothing to add to the facts reported by me on 24.11.41. *£**#$*
It is true, and I do not deny it, that I mentioned the fact that executing the prisoners weighed heavily on the consciences of the SS men charged with this duty.
II. To be filed.
The deputy:
[Illegible—Probably Schimmel]
[Document M]
Secret State Police Munich, January 23rd 1942
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
[Pencil] Delivered by me in person on 24.1.42
The Chief of Office Ref. Nr. seer. 9074/41 II A
I. Report (Typed: Ma)
The Deputy Inspector of Security Police and Security Service SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer and Oberregierungsrat Schmitz-Voigt Munich
Re: Screening of Soviet Russian Prisoners of War.
* * * * * * *
[Page 9]
Major Meimel as well as his deputy, Major Mueller have not in
any way assisted in the work of the special detachment of this office, but only hampered its work. The strange attitude of Major Meimel can also be seen in the fact that he refused to deliver 173 Russian prisoners of war who had been screened out as intolerable by the employment detachment. His reason for retaining them is as follows, in his letter of 14.1.42 of which' the Higher SS and Police Fuehrer received a copy:
"The 173 Soviet PoWs whom I am asked to deliver were screened out in the period between 22.9 and 22.11.41 by the employment detachment of the Chief of Security Police and Security Service. In the meantime the Fuehrer ordered the Soviet PoWs to be used for work to an increased extent. This order was communicated by the High Command—Ref. Nr. 2 f 24.12a AWA PoW I b Nr. 8648/41 of the 18.12.41 to the Reichfuehrer-SS and Chief of the German Police and to all interested Reich Ministries. Within the territory of Defense Area VII the labor supply situation is extremely critical and every worker is urgently needed. For this reason I request that the 173 Soviet PoWs who have been screened out be examined again, in order to retain for the labor supply as many as appear still tolerable. I request you to inform me of the result."
The Higher SS and Police Fuehrer thereupon replied to the Commanding Officer of PoWs in Defense Area VII, Major General von Saur, by letter of 23.1.42 as follows:
I received copy of a letter addressed to the Gestapo Directing Office in Munich and submitted it to the Reich Commissioner for Defense for his decision. The Reich Commissioner for Defense is of the opinion that the Gestapo officials carried out the examinations with all due conscientiousness, according to the importance of the decisions to be taken. He therefore sees no reason for ordering a second examination, especially as such order would appear undesirable owing to the time involved and the scarcity of personnel. The Reich Commissioner for Defense is furthermore convinced that the measures which were started, should be completed in the interest of German internal security.
"I should be glad if you would accept this communication at the same time as the reply of the Gestapo Directing Office, Munich to the application of 14.1.42."
Referring to the statements made by the Higher SS and Police Fuehrer in his report of today, I should be glad if you would urge the Main Reich Security Office, SS-Gruppenfuehrer Mueller, to bring about the speedy recall of Major Meinel by the High Command.
In conclusion, I beg to report the number of Russians examined and screened out by my employment detachment and that of the Gestapo Office in Regensburg:
By the employment detachment of the Regensburg Gestapo within the territory of Defense Area XIII 2,344, of whom 330 were screened out as intolerable.
Within the territory of Defense Area VII, 1,254, of whom 278 were screened out as unsuitable for use.
By the employment detachment of the Gestapo Directing Office, Munich, within the territory of Defense Area VII, 3,578, of whom 456 were screened out as unsuitable.
Within the territory of Defense area XIII, 210, of whom 18 were screened out as unsuitable.
The number of prisoners of war examined and screened out by the Gestapo Office, Nürnberg, has not yet been ascertained.
II. To be filed.
As deputy
[signed] [illegible—Schimmel?]
[Document N]
Secret State Police SECRET! Munich, 26.11.1941
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich II A/Sche
Re: Screening of Russian prisoners of war in Defense Area VII.
I. Report on Activity:
The employment detachment in the period from 29.9.41 to 22.11.41 screened the Russian prisoners of war distributed by Stalag VII A at Moosburg into labor detachments within the territory of the Gestapo Directing Office, Munich (Upper Bavaria and Schwaben) from a political point of view.
[A detailed account follows ending with the following figures]
Screened Intolerable
3,578 456 .
Moreover the Munich employment detachment screened two labor detachments of Defense Area XIII, Nürnberg, with the following result:
[Follow figures for two camps which are added to above total, resulting in a new total of]
Screened Intolerable
3,788 484
The 484 Russians who were screened out fall under the following categories:
1. Officials and Officers...... 4
2. Jews ........................ 31
3. Members of Intelligentsia.... 81
4. Fanatical Communists ........ 174
5. Agitators and Ringleaders.. 94
6. Runaways .................... 38
7. Incurably sick .............. 62
Total .................... 484
The Munich employment detachment therefore has screened all labor detachments stationed in Upper Bavaria and Schwaben. Its work was terminated for the time being. Its members were put at the disposal of their offices, beginning 26.11.41.
The commander of Stalag II A at Moosburg reported that within the ¡next 10-14 days the arrival of 20,000 more Russians may be expected. In this case the employment detachment will resume its duties at once. I reported at the end of each week to the Chief of the Gestapo Directing Office in Munich on special events occurring during my work.
II. Through the Deputy Chief II. .
Submitted to the Deputy Chief of Office.
[Initials] By order [signed] Schermer
[Document O]
Secret State Police Regensburg, January 17th 1942.
Gestapo Office Regensburg
Ref. Nr. 144/42 seer.
To Secret State Police Gestapo Higher Directing Office Munich, att. of KK Schermer
Re: Soviet Russian PoWs
Your Ref: Your letter of 9.1.42 seer. Nr. 9074/41 II A/Sche One list enclosed.
Enclosed I submit the desired account of the activity of my employment detachment in the Russian camps and a list containing the figures of Russians examined, and of those screened out and transferred into the Flossenburg and Dachau concentration camps.
By order: [Illegible]
[The enclosed list ends with the following figures] :
Screened Intolerable
Defense Area XIII.......... 2,344 344
Defense Area VII........... 1,254 278
[Following is end of letter]:
In Defense Area XIII the best relations prevail between the employment detachments of the security police in the Russian PoW camps and the Army authorities. Here the Russian PoWs who are screened out are delivered without difficulties and in the shortest time to the Flossenburg concentration camp.
Regensburg, 17 January 1942 Secret State Police Gestapo Office Regensburg By order [sig. illegible]
[Document P]
Secret State Police Regensburg, January 19th 1942.
Gestapo Office Regensburg Tel. 5145 '
Ref. Nr. 114/42/11 seer.
To the Main Reich Security Office IV Berlin
Re: Guiding principles for the Detachments of the Chief of Security Police and Security Service which are sent to the Enlisted Men's Camps.
Your Ref: Decree of 14.8.41 B.Nr. 21/8/41 seer. Rs IV A 1 c In the period from 21.10.41 to 3.11.41, 13 labor detachments consisting of a total of 1125 Soviet Russians were screened, by
whom 244 were declared intolerable. This decision was confirmed by the Main Reich Security Office with teletype Decree of 10.11.41 Nr. 989/41 sub Nr. 2007/41 IV A 1 c; the decree at the same time ordered the execution of the PoWs who had been screened out. Stalag VII A at Moosburg was asked by our letter of 11 November 1941-Nr. 3295/11 seer, to deliver the 244 prisoners to the Dachau Concentration camp. It was not until recently that we were informed by the Dachau Concentration Camp, following our inquiry, that the 244 prisoners were not delivered there.
On this matter the leader of the employment detachment, SS-Obersturmfuehrer Kriminalkommissar Kuhn, reported the following :
"On January 16th 1942 I proceeded to Stalag VII A at Moosburg in order to inquire why the 244 prisoners were not delivered to the Dachau Commanding Officer. The A.D.C. informed me that the Commanding Officer of PoW Camps in Defense Area VII at Munich had given the order that the prisoners were not to be delivered. Thereupon I proceeded to the officer charged with this matter on the staff of the Commanding Officer of PoW Camps in Defense Area VII, Major Meinel. In my ensuing interview Major Dr. Meuller was also present. Major Meinel declared he was in possession of a directive from the High Command which ordered the delivery of the prisoners to be stopped. When I replied that I had not been informed of such an order and that in Defense Area XIII the prisoners had been delivered without any objection, he said General Schimmel in Nürnberg could do what he pleased, he on his part had been ordered by telephone to stop delivery. When he had a second telephone talk with the High Command on 14.1.42, he had been instructed that the Russians whose delivery was requested by the Gestapo had to be handed over as a rule, but in every such case it had to be ascertained whether the prisoners were objected to because they were bad characters, lazy, or unfit for work, or whether the objection was based on other grounds. In the latter case negotiations had to be opened with the Gestapo, in which he had to point out that the Russians were urgently needed for work. Moreover, there were the decrees of the High Command of 18.12.41 Nr. 8648/41 and of the Chief of the High Command of 24.12.41 Nr. 8770/41 which had been transmitted to the Reich Fuehrer SS also, which showed an alteration in the original intention. He pointed out that every Russian taken away was equivalent to losing a man who could work 10 hours a day. When I replied that I understood his point, but was under orders to screen the prisoners from the political viewpoint and to screen out those who were unbearable, he gave
the answer, the situation now was such that we could no longer afford this attitude, we had now reached the point where we had to use prisoner labor in armament industries and that, therefore, we must handle them with kid gloves. In this connection he added the question, in what way did I want to ascertain their political unreliability, whereupon I replied that this was the Gestapo's business.
He then returned the list containing the names of the prisoners to be handed over to the Regensburg Gestapo Office with the request to screen the prisoners once more on the lines mentioned above; at the same time the Camp Commander was going to make more detailed inquiries on his part.
During the interview with Major Meinel I did not receive the impression that he was exclusively interested in maintaining the labor supply, but rather that he only wanted to defy the measures of the Gestapo. This I concluded from his statement, that the Russians were still under the command of the Wehrmacht, as long as they had not yet been handed over to the Gestapo, and that the Gestapo could not do with them as they liked until they were delivered to them.
I ascertained from a personal visit to the Gestapo Directing Office in Munich that he made the same difficulties to that authority. This authority already reported on this matter to the Main Reich Security Office, Berlin, mentioning on this occasion particulars concerning Major Meinel.
I submit this report for your information and to ask for further orders. Owing to the prevailing scarcity of personnel I am not in a position to order a second screening of the Russian Camps in the farthest corners of my area. The Commanding Officer of PoW Camps in Defense Area XIII hitherto made no objections. There the Russians are delivered in the shortest time after request. .
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich Submitted to Chief
By order: Schermer
[Document Q]
Secret State Police
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
seer. 9116/41 II A/Sche Munich, 28.1.42.
I. Fast teletype
To the Main Reich Security Office.
Attention of SS-Gruppenfuehrer and Lt. Gen. of Police, Mueller, Berlin. ............
Re: Soviet-Russian Prisoners of War in Defense Area VII.
Your Ref. My report of 26.1.42 Nr. seer. 9116/41 II A.
I reported on 26.1.42 that the Commanding Officer of PoWs in Defense Area VII handed over only 335 out of 734 Russians who had been screened out, whereas he retains the remainder of 399 Russians without justification. Presently I discovered that the Russians who had been screened out, though they were relieved from their former detachments, were distributed again on 7.1.42 for newly formed labor-detachments. Using these segregated, fanatical Bolshevists in work outside of the camp is equivalent to a considerable danger for the security of the nation and the State. I should be glad if you would induce the High Command, Dept. PoWs, General Reinecke, Berlin, to order at once that these Russians be withdrawn from outside work.
II. To be filed.
As deputy
[signed] Schimmel, Regierungsrat
A true copy Schermer
[Document R]
Commander of Prisoners of War in Defense Area VII
Munich, 12.2.1942.
I b Ref. Nr. B.XI/12 Nr. 57 seer.
To the Higher SS & Police Fuehrer in Defense Areas VII and XIII Copies to
Reich Defense Commissioner for the Defense Areas VII and XIII Secret State Police, Gestapo directing Office, Munich Secret State Police, Gestapo Directing Office, Regensburg '
Re: Soviet Russian Prisoners of War
The OKW has ordered with decree Ref. Nr. 2 f 24.1 In Chief PoWs (la) Nr. 284/42 seer, of 4.2.42 the following:
"The prisoners held in Stalag VII A, but screened out by the Security Police or the Security Service, are to be handed over to the Gestapo. Those Soviet PoWs who have been screened out in
R— 178
their place of work are to be taken back to the Stalag and there screened once more by the Security Police. The screening will be done in the presence and with the participation of the leaders of the labor detachments to which the prisoners in question belong. Defense Area Command will communicate this decision to the police authorities and take further action in agreement with them." In order to assemble at the right time the PoWs who are now working but were previously screened out in their place of work, I should be glad to be informed at what time the new examination will take place in the camp of Moosburg.
[signed] von Saur
[Document S]
Secret State Police
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
Teletype Office
From BLN. Nue. 27 175 14.2.42 1885 Wei.—
A) To Directing Office, Munich, att of Oberregierungsrat
Schimmel, or dep.
B) To State Police, Regensburg, att Police Director Popp, or
Re: Treatment of Prisoner of War Matters in Defense Area VII Your Ref: My teletype of 9.2.42
Obergruppenfuehrer Freiherr von Eberstein reported to Deputy Chief IV the facts by telephone; thereupon we requested the High Command to hand over the PoWs without further confirmation. High Command will answer by letter on Monday. I shall inform you at once.
Regarding Meinel sharp protest is being lodged with High Command.
Added for High Authority Munich: Will you please inform von Eberstein at once.
Main Reich Security Office—signed Panzinger, Oberregierungsrat.
[Document T]
Teletype: Berlin Nr. 27 766 17.2.42 1905 BE
Re: Treatment of Prisoner of War Matters in Defense Area VII
Your Ref: Known
The prisoners of war who have been screened out will be transferred to the Buchenwald concentration camp as the High Command has decided in conference today. Will you please inform the Higher SS and Police Fuehrer today about this and also that Meinel is getting a different assignment.
Main Reich Security Office IV A. By order [signed]
Panzinger, SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer.
[Document U]
Secret State Police 24.2.42
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich
II A Secret!
9116/41 seer. II A
I. Write: (Typed) . [stamp] Dispatched
Feb. 26th 1942 Dispatch Office
The Commander of Stalag VII A
Re: Soviet Russian Prisoners of War Your Ref: Nil Enclosed: 1 List
The advisor [Referent] to the Commander of Prisoners of War in Defense Area VII—Major Dr. Mueller, informed us by.telephone on 24.2.42 that owing to a new order by the High Command the Russian prisoners of war who have been screened out are to be delivered to the Buchenwald Concentration Camp near Weimar.
The employment detachment in Munich screened in the area of the Gestapo Directing Office, Munich (upper-Bavaria and Schwaben) altogether 3,578 Russian Prisoners of War.
Of these were screened out:.................. 455 PoWs
Already delivered to the Dachau Concentration
Camp...................................... 267 PoWs
Consequently there are to be delivered to the
Buchenwald Concentration Camp ............. 188 PoWs
For checking purposes I enclose a list of the prisoners of war screened out by us, arranged according to identity discs and would
be glad if you would let me have the number and identity marks o-f the delivered prisoners of war after the transport's departure.
II. To be filed.
Submit to II A at once.
[Document V]
Of the Russian Prisoners of War in Defense Area VII screened out by the employment detachment of the Chief of Security Police and Security Service. (Gestapo Directing Office Munich.)
No.: Stalag Identity No: Surname: First Name: ,
sent to Dachau Concentration Camp on:
[There follow 455 names]
[Document W]
Secret State Police 3 November 1941
Gestapo Directing Office, Munich II A
No. Secret 9074/41 II A/ Sche
I. Letter: gef. Au
To: The Commander of Stalag VII A Moosburg
Re: Russian Prisoners of War
Your Ref: High Command of 8 Sept. 1941 ref. no. 2f 24.11 AWA/P/W(I) No. 3058/41 Secret Enel: 1 letter to Commander of Dachau Concentration Camp.
The employment detachment of the Chief Security Police and Security Service has screened out 3 more Russians in Stalag VII A at Moosburg, viz:
1. F 304-10188 Ygnatziak Iwan, 12 Oct. 1913.
2. IV B-117772 Dawanow Michayl, 15 May 1919
3. IV B-119827 Schtscherbakow Andrey, 17 Sept. 1914
By order of the Chief of Security Police and Security Service I request that these three Russians be handed over and delivered to the Dachau Concentration Camp.
Please order the transport commander to deliver the enclosed letter to the Commander of the Dachau Concentration Camp in person.
II. To be filed: Russian Prisoners of War in II A.
W. V. II A alsl.
By order: [signed] Schermer
Secret State Police Munich
[Document X]
3 November 1941
Secret State Police
Gestapo Directing Office Munich
No. Secret 9074/41 II A/Sche
I. Letter: gef. AU
The Commander of the Dachau Concentration Camp Re: Russian Prisoners of War
Your Ref: Decree of Chief of Security Police and Security
Service of 11 Oct. 1941. No. 639 B-41 Secret IV A 1 c. Enel: None.
By order of the Chief of Security Police and Security Service the following three Russians who have definitely been found suspect and intolerable by the employment detachment are to be executed at once in Dachau Concentration Camp.
1. F 304-10118 Ignatziak Iwan, 12 Oct. 1913.
2. IV B-117772 Dawanow Michayl, 15 May 1919.
3. IV B 119827 Schtscherbakow Andrey, 17 Sept. 1914.
II. To be filed: Russian Prisoners of War
Secret State Police Munich
By order : [Signed] Schermer
The Reichfuehrer SS
Diary No. 1741/43 top secret
Field Command Post, 7 Sept 43.
Top Secret!
To the
Higher SS and Police Chief Ukraine Kiev.
7 copies. 7th copy.
Dear Pruetzmann,
Infantry general Staff has special orders with regard to the Donetz area. Get in touch with him immediately. I order you to cooperate as much as you can. The aim to be achieved is that when areas in the Ukraine are evacuated, not a human being, not a single head of cattle, not a hundredweight of cereals and not a railway line remain behind; that not a house remains standing, not a mine is available which is not destroyed for years to come, that there is not a well which is not poisoned. The enemy must really find completely burned and destroyed land. Discuss these things with Stampf straight away and do your absolute best.
SS Obergruppenf. Berger has received the copy with the request that the Reich Minister for the East be informed.
2. ) Chief of the Regular Police
3. ) Chief of the Security Police and SS
4. ) SS Obergruppenfuehrer Berger
5. ) Chief of the Partisan-combatting units.
Copies sent with a request that they be noted.
Heil Hitler, Yours
[sgd] Himmler.
By order [initial]
SS Obersturmbannfuehrer.
Search the archive
File of records on the selection of Soviet POWs for execution in the concentration camps, including prisoners used in POW labor camps, orders for screening, screening reports, objections by Major Meinel (and responses), the execution of prisoners by the SS, transfers to the camps and orders for execution
Wuerstle (SS hauptscharfuehrer (1941))

- Additional details not yet available.
Schermer (Gestapo criminal commissar (1941))

- Additional details not yet available.
Uhlenhaut (Gestapo criminal commissar)
Heino Uhlenhaut
German Kriminalrat; responsible for Lindenthal massacre

- Born: 1905-09-29
- Occupation: police
- Member of: Gestapo
- Military rank: Hauptsturmführer
- Position held: police commissioner
Josef Vogt (Gestapo, RSHA)
Josef Vogt
German police officer

- Born: 1897-07-30 (Mettmann)
- Died: 1947-08-18 (Ljubljana)
- Country of citizenship: German Empire; Nazi Germany; Weimar Republic
- Occupation: police officer
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: Schutzstaffel
- Military rank: Sturmbannführer
Schimmel (deputy, Gestapo directing office, Munich (1941))
Alfred Schimmel
German jurist

- Born: 1906-04-05 (Ludwigshafen)
- Died: 1948-02-26 (Hamelin)
- Country of citizenship: German Empire; Nazi Germany; Weimar Republic
- Occupation: jurist
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: Schutzstaffel
Saur, von (major-general; commander of POW office (1941-42))
Otto von Saur
German major general

- Born: 1876-03-01
- Occupation: military personnel
- Military rank: major general
Meinel (major; POW labor unit (1941-42))
Karl August Meinel
German Major

- Additional details not yet available.
Popp (Gestapo office, Regensburg (1942))
Fritz Popp
German jurist (1882-1955)

- Born: 1882-06-30 (Nuremberg)
- Died: 1955-03-17 (Regensburg)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: jurist
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: Schutzstaffel; Sturmabteilung
Panzinger (Gestapo directing office, Munich (1942))
Friedrich Panzinger
German Nazi SS officer and Holocaust perpetrator

- Born: 1903-02-01 (Munich)
- Died: 1959-08-08 (Munich)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: lawyer
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: Schutzstaffel; Sturmabteilung
- Military rank: Oberführer
- Employer: Gestapo
Date: 12 September 1941
Literal Title: Russian Prisoners of War
Total Pages: 43
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: R-178
HLSL Item No.: 451654
Notes:"Document L" (p. 24) is misdated as 21 January 1941; the correct date is 1942. The items in the file are identified by letters, Document A to Document X; they are not in chronological order.
Trial Issues
Criminal organizations (Gestapo, Leadership Corps, Cabinet, SS, SD, OKW) (… Prisoners of war, abuse, forced labor, or killing of (IMT, NMT 2, 5, 12)
Document Summary
R-178: Dossier of Gestapo Higher Authority Munich