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Karl Otto Saur (Director of the Technical Office, Armaments Ministry; Jaegerstab)
Erhard Milch (Field Marshal, Luftwaffe; Central Planning Board)
Date: 12 April 1944
Literal Title: Transcript of shorthand notes of the Jaegerstab meeting on 12 April 1944
Defendant: Erhard Milch
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Evidence Code: NOKW-365
Exhibit Code: Prosecution 75
Document Book No: Prosecution 4
Citations: NMT 2 (page 348), NMT 2 (page 2022)
HLSL Item No.: 3041
NOKW-365: Stenographischer Bericht uber die Jaegerstab-Besprechung unter Vorsitz von Hauptdienstleiter Saur, spater unter Vorsitz von Generalfeldmarschall Milch am Mittwoch, dem 12. April 1944, 10 Uhr im Reichsluftfahrtministerium. (Transcript of shorthand notes of the Jaegerstab meeting under chairmanship of Haupt-dienstleiter Saur, later of Gen. F.M. Milch on Wednesday, 12 April 1944, 10 a.m. in the Reich Air Ministry) Photostat
NOKW-365: Note, Jaegerstab meeting.
Extract from report, Jaegerstab Discussion, 12 April, 1944.
NOKW-365: Shorthand notes of Jaegerstab meeting of 12 April 1944. Page 52 of original
Fighter Staff Meeting of 12 April 1944
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