Leading Article by Julius Streicher from "Der Stuermer" of September 1936 (No. 39)
To everybody! The "Stuermer" was right.
. The battle against the devil.
When in 1933 National Socialism came to power in Germany, many people thought that they could say that the "Stuermer's" task was now finished. During the ensuing period striking events brought about by Jews made it clear to these know-alls that they had been talking nonsense. When the Nürnberg decrees for the protection of German blood and the German people were decided upon at the Reich Party Rally in 1935, there were again people who believed that with the creation of these laws the Jewish question was solved. Those who thought and talked along these lines were again given a lesson within the year by world events. Only those who had but a superficial knowledge of what the Jewish question means to those who know, could speak of a solution of this question. At the Reich Party Rally in Nürnberg which has just ended, it must have become clear even to the most simple-minded that the Jewish question is a
question of world importance, the solution of which depends on a course of events which stretches out beyond the frontiers of the Third Reich. The speeches made at the Reich. Party Congress in Nürnberg have finally put a spoke in the wheel of those who, consciously or unconsciously, were against the work of the "Stuermer." Dr. Wagner, the Reich Medical Chief, said in his speech qf the 12th September .1936—word for word: .
"However, to those who believe that the Jewish question has been finally solved and the matter thus settled for Germany by the Nürnberg decrees, be it said: The battle continues—world Jewry itself is seeing to tha,t anyhow—and we shall only get through this battle victoriously if every member of the German people knows that their very existence is at stake. The work of enlightenment carried on by the party seems to me to be more than ever necessary today, when even many party members seem to think these matters no longer real or urgent."
Dr. Wagner, the Reich medical chief, thereby said what the "Stuermer" has always said to those who did not want to understand its work.. At the Reich Party Rally of 1936 National Socialism, declared war to the death on the Bolshevist Jews who are setting fire to the world. But wars can only be won. if the combatants know for what they are fighting. The "Stuermer's" 15 years of work of enlightenment has already led an army of those who know—millions strong—to National Socialism. The continued work of the "Stuermer" will help to ensure that every German down to the last man will, with heart and hand, join the ranks of those whose aim it is to crush the head of the serpent Pan—Juda beneath their heels. He who helps to bring this about helps to eliminate the devil; And this devil is the Jew.
. . . Julius Streicher.
Article on Der Stuermer's to identify "the serpent Pan-Juda" as the enemy for Germans, and that the solution of "the Jewish question" requires the elimination of the Jews
Julius Streicher (publisher, propagandist)
Julius Streicher
German publisher, Nazi politician and convicted war criminal (1885-1946)
![Julius Streicher durant els Judicis de Nuremberg](https://sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/harvard-law-library-nuremberg-authors/4162-julius-streicher.gif)
- Born: 1885-02-12 (Fleinhausen)
- Died: 1946-10-16 (Nuremberg)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: journalist; politician; publisher
- Member of political party: German Socialist Party; Nazi Party
- Member of: Deutschvölkischer Schutz und Trutzbund
- Participant in: Beer Hall Putsch
- Position held: member of the Reichstag of Nazi Germany; member of the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic
Date: September 1936
Literal Title: Leading Article by Julius Streicher from "Der Stuermer" of September 1936 (No. 39)
Defendant: Julius Streicher
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: M-6
Citations: IMT (page 2495), IMT (page 8551)
HLSL Item No.: 452550
Notes:In the transcript the evidence code number is mis-stated as M 7; M 6 is correct.