Fuehrer's HQ, 19 February 1941 TOP SECRET
10 copies 2d copy
Supreme Command of the Armed Forces
No. AA 187/A1, Top Secret, WFST/Section L (I Op) '
S.O. Only
By officer only. .
On 18 February the Fuehrer made the following decision regarding the carrying out of operation "Marita."
1. The following dates are envisaged:
Commencement of building bridge.........28 February
Crossing of Danube...................... 2 March
The final order for carrying out the operation will be given on 26 February at the latest.
It will be decided on 26 February at the latest whether the XIVth Army Corps will march into Bulgaria when bridge-building operations are begun or whether only AA Forces will be moved in. .
2. It is for the Bulgarians alone to decide if and when to lay mines off Varna and Burgas.
3. If air attacks are carried out against Bulgaria and Rumania from Greek territory, the Xth Air Corps has freedom of action in operations against Greek territory.
The Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces
By order
[signed] : Warlimont
C-in-C Command of the Army (Operational section) ........................................ 1st Copy
C-in-C Command of the Navy (Naval situation
report) ....................................... 2d Copy
C-in-C Command of the Air Force (Air Force
Operational Staff) .............................3d Copy
Supreme Command of the Armed Forces:
Armed Forces Operational Staff.............4th Copy
Section L ...............................5th-9th Copy
Foreign/Military Intelligence ..............10th Copy
Directions to military commanders to prepare to carry out Hitler's plan for beginning operation Marita (the invasion of Greece)
Walter Warlimont (general; deputy chief, operations staff of the armed forces)
Walter Warlimont
German general (1894-1976)
- Born: 1894-10-03 (Osnabrück)
- Died: 1976-10-09 (Kreuth)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: military officer (military rank: general)
- Member of: High Command of the Armed Forces (since: 1941-01-01)
- Participant in: Hostages Trial (date: 1947-07-04; role: affiant); Judges' Trial
- Significant person: Hermann Foertsch (role: colleague, friend); Walter Kuntze
- Military rank: General of the Artillery
Date: 19 February 1941
Defendants: Hermann Wilhelm Goering, Alfred Jodl, Wilhelm Keitel, Erich Raeder
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: C-59
Citation: IMT (page 1138)
HLSL Item No.: 450893
Document Summary
C-59: Order OKW signed and behalf of the Chief of the High Command by Warlimont