TOP MILITARY SECRET Supreme Command of the Armed Forces Nr. 44842/41 Top Military Secret WFST/Abt.L(I op)
Fuehrer's Headquarters TOP SECRET [CHEF SACHE]
21 copies:
3d copy Ob. d. M. I op.00845/41 Received 6 June Enclosures: —
The Fuehrer has authorized the appended time table as a foundation for further preparations for "Barbarossa." If alterations should be necessary during execution, the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces must be informed.
Chief of Supreme Command of the Armed Forces
[signed] : Keitel
C-i-C of Army (Gen. Staff of Army)......1st and 2d copy
C-i-C of Navy (Command of Ocean
Navy) .. .......................3d and 4th copy
C-i-C of Air (Air Leader Staff).........5th and 6th copy
Defense Office Norway................. .........7th copy
W ehrmachtf uehr ungsstab
8th copy
Abt. L................................. 9th to 15th copy
WNV ............................................16th copy
WPr ............................................17th copy
Wohrm.Trsp.Chef ................................18th copy
Amt Ausl./Abw.............................. -19th copy
Abt. Ausl ......................................20th copy
Wi Rue Amt......................................21st copy
[Pencil note]
Correct I op 00910/41 (old pages 6 and 10 destroyed and replaced by new ones.)
F.M. 11 June 41
Enclosure with OKW/WFST/Abt.L (I op)
Nr. Jf.Ii.8i2/il Top Military Secret
TIME TABLE BARBAROSSA State of preparations on 1 June 41
1. General. The time table for the maximum massing of troops in the East was put into operation on the 22 May.
2. Negotiations with friendly states, a. Bulgaria is requested not to weaken materially her units which are protecting her Turkish frontier.
b. According to the demand of the Supreme Commander of the German troops in Rumania the Rumanians have started a camouflaged part mobilization to defend their frontier against possible Russian attack.
c. Utilization of Hungarian territory for concentrating parts of Army Group South is only considered if it is necessary to push a German unit between Hungarian and Rumanian troops. This question will not be put to the Hungarian authorities till the middle of June.
d. Two German divisions are drawn up in the Eastern part of Slovakia. Reinforcements will be unloaded in the area around Prosov.
e. Negotiations for preparations with the Finnish General Staff have been under way since 25 May.
/. Sweden has not been consulted. Negotiations will be started after commencement of operations.
3. Army. a. West. Total strength (after departure of 6 Infantry Divisions and introduction of 5 formations of the fifteenth wave from the Reich during the period 22 May—1 June:
40 Infantry Divisions, 1 Infantry Division (motorized), 1
Police Division, 1 Armored Brigade. .
Attila or [underlining in pencil] Isabella ckn be executed at ten days' warning (this holds good also for the Air Force).
b. North. Total strength. 6 Infantry Divisions, 2 Mountain Divisions, 1 Lines of Communication Division, SS—Battle Group North and 140 GHQ Batteries (Heeresbatterien) for coastal defense.
In addition 1 Lines of Communication Division and 18 GHQ Batteries are scheduled for transport from the home area to Norway.
1 reinforced Infantry Division with Corps troops is scheduled for transport from the home area to Finland. Of these forces 1 Infantry Division, 2 Mountain Divisions and SS—Battle Group North are to be committed for Silver Fox.
It is planned after the beginning of the operations to bring up a further Infantry Division by rail across Sweden for the attack on Hango.
c. Balkans. In the Balkans are stationed, in addition to the formations scheduled for the final occupation, 8 Infantry Divisions and 1 Armoured Division which will be transported in part into the Concentration Area East as OKH Reserve but not before B-Day.
d. East. Total strength is raised to 76 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Division, 3 Armored Divisions.
The Army Groups and Armies have taken over command in their sectors, partly by means of camouflaged battle Headquarters (Arbeitsstaebe).
4. Navy. Command of the Baltic has been established, for the present in Kiel, later in Swinemuende. Group North have been supplied with additional protective forces from the West.
5. Air Force. Air Fleet 3 has taken over sole command in the conduct of air warfare against Britain.
Air Fleet 2 has been withdrawn from action and transferred to the East.
VIII Air Corps which has been earmarked for Barbarossa will be transferred as soon as possible to the East. Several antiaircraft Battalions which were given up by Twelfth Army to Air Fleet 4 are still tied down operationally in the South East.
6. Camouflage. Second phase of deception of the enemy (Code names: Haifisch and Harpune) in operation with the aim of giving the. impression that landings are being prepared from Norway, the Channel Coast, and Brittany. Troop Concentration East (Aufmarsch Ost) will be represented as a deception exercise for the landing in England.
Date Serial No. Army Air Force Navy OKW Remarks
1 June 1 Move up of Echelon, to last till 22 June. Main effort in first part by 4b-Echelon (Air Force Components) in second part (from about 10 June) mobile formations of the Army*
Additional Transfers to the East: 4 Corps Staffs. 14 Armored Divisions. 12 Infantry Divisions. (Motorized). Offensive Activity of the Airforce. With the transfer of flying formations to the East slackening off of offensive activity against Britain and in the Atlantic. With the transport away of antiaircraft units the antiaircraft protection of Air Defense Area Center will be diminished.
~ 'Schlesien" and "Schleswig-Holstein" are ready for action, scheduled as floating batteries. Armed Forces Area Norway current till 22 June transport of the last 18 Army_ Coast Defense Batteries.
U-boat School, "Tirpitz" and School Squadron transferred to Dront-heim. Transfer of the Navy Units camouflaged as concentration for "Harpoon."
4 ! Minelayers from Area West assigned to Group North. Minelayers of Group North change their bases. Strong concentration of mine-carrying craft in the Baltic. Camouflage; exercises during the summer months which are unsuitable for mine-laying.
693259—46— 55
5 . Task Force (German help with construction Cruiser "L") will be recalled from Russia in groups by stages, [exclamation mark and line in red pencil at left side]
5 June 6 See OKW See OKW Armed Forces Commander Norway: Transports Stettin-Bottenhaefen: 5-14 June reinforced 169th Infantry Division in 7 Echelons. 8 June. First landing in Finland. Transports Oslo-Botten-haefen: 5-12 June XXXVI Corps with Corps troops in 4 Echelons. 9 June. First landing in Finland.
7 June 7 Intended start of transporting Vlllth Air Corps and Anti-Aircraft Artillery. Adherence tO( deadline not yet ascertained with certainty. [struck th rough in pencil]
S Armed Forces Commander Norway: Start of movement by road of SS Battle Group North from Kirkenes Southward.
8 June 9 Start of laying of the prepared harbor protective barrages of the East and Middle Baltic and of the Gjedser Submarine net obstruction. i
Date Serial No. Army Air Force Navy OKW Remarks
10 Armed Forces Command er Norway : First landing in Finland of the transports from Germany. First landing in Finland of the transports -from Norway. Warning for Russia. The occupation of the Pet-samo area must be given up immediately in the event of Russian offensive action against Finland.
from 10 June 12 Battle ITQs for 4 Armed Forces Commanders Staffs at action stations. Scheduled for political administrative areas East..
10 June 13 Armed Forces Commander Norway: Start of movement by road and rail from the Bottenhaefen northwards.
12 June 14 The scheduled minelayers and E-boat flottilles (S- flottillen) transferred to Finland. Camouflage as express transports for North Norway via Finland.
about 12 June 15 Decision on Barbarossa Conference with the Roumanians.
14 June 16 [original p. 6 marked "new" in pencil] Hungary: Hint to Hungarian Armed Forces to reinforce their safeguards on the border against Soviet Russia.
17 Russian ships kept by disguised measures from entering the KaiserWilhelm-Canal and (from 17 June) Gotenhafen. [two strokes in blue pencil at the side]
15 June 18 Warning order on adherence to arrange B-day.
from 17 June 19 Closing of schools in the Eastern area. Inconspicuous withdrawal of German merchant shipping from Soviet Russian ports.
20 Suspension of further outward sailings to Soviet Russian ports. Similar measures to be suggested to the Finns through Attaché.
21 U-boats, of Group North to take up positions in the Baltic unobserved.
22 Start of planned aerial reconnaissance of the Baltic. 1st enclosure to OKM I op 00910/41 pr 40 Decision on this point depending on general situation.
till 18 June 23 Still possible to continue forming the point of main effort [Schwerpunkt] of the Army without discarding camouflage.
Date Serial No. Army Air Force Navy OK W Remarks
18 June 24 Concentration of Air Force to be concluded (less VIII Air Corps). Armed Forces Commander Norway: Switch of XXXVI Corps Groups from the Arctic route to the East. Intention to attack need no longer be camouflaged. [Underlined and marked in red pencil]
25 Order for protection or Fuehrer Headquarters.
19 June 26 Scheduled return into home ports of the shipr ping space earmarked for transports to Finland. Shortly before start oj operations Army: To carry out the closure of traffic of waterways which cross the frontier.
20 June 27 Conclusion planned of Concentration of VIII Air Corps. Air Force: Decree prohibiting take off of civilian air traffic. Navy:
21 June 28 Minelayers and Minecarrying Craft (E-boats) make ready for sea and put out at staggered times for their operational harbors. Decree prohibiting merchant shipping from putting to sea from Baltic ports. OKW: Order for a general clamp-down on foreign intelligence (Military Intelligence (Foreign Branch Security)).
21 June 29 Till 1300 hours latest time at which operation can be cancelled (spae-tester Anhaltetermin). Cancelled by Codeword: "Altona" or further confirmation of start of attack by codeword: "Dortmund." Complete absence of camouflage of formation of Army point of main effort [Schwerpunkt] (concentration of armor & artillery) must be reckoned with.
'1/22 June 30 ' Execution of the measures laid down for blocking the Gulfs of Finland and Riga. In the event, of an encounter with enemy forces the use of arms is authorized [underlined in red pencil].
22 June 3; Invasion Day H-hour for the start of the invasion by the Army and crossing of the frontier by the Air Force. 0330 hours. Army assembly independent of any lateness in starting owing to weather on the part of the Air Force.
32 Execution of closure of the frontiers of the German Reich which are bounded by the Barbarossa area. Seizure of ships in German, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch, and Belgium ports which originate from the Barbarossa area. Frontiers of the Reich area and of the occupied areas to be closed to all nationals of the Barbarossa area. (Military Intelligence/For-eign Branch (Security)).
33 Mountain Corps occupies Petsamo area. Arctic, East Baltic, and Black Seas declared operational zones by wire less etc. Extension of danger zones for mines announced, (dates received by Foreign Office).
34 Report to the Supreme Reich Authorities and Party Offices on the successful closing of the German Reich frontier bordering on the Barbarossa area or the rear boundary of the operational zone (WFST/ Liv).
Date Serial No. Army Air Force Navy OKW Remarks
35 Distribution of Forces for Barbarossa on Invasion Day : Total strength (less the formations under command of Military Commander Norway): 80 Infantry Divisions. Air-Fleet 4 zvith— 1 Cavalry Division. 3 Reconnaissance 17 Armored Divisions Squadrons. 12 Infantry Divisions 12 Twin-engined Bomb-(Motorized). er Wings (Kampf- 9 Lines of Communi- gruppen) (1 tempocations Divisions. rarily). 2 Formations of the 6 Pursuit Wings. Fifteenth Wave Air-Fleet 2 with— and 3 Reconnaissance 2 Infantry Divisions Squadrons, as Army Reserves 10 Twin-engined Bomb-(Already arrival er Wings, with 4b Echelon). 8 Dive Bomber Wings. 2 ME 110 Wings (Zerstoerergruppen). 1} Army Cooperation Wings (Schlachtgruppen). 9 Pursuit Wings (2 temporarily). Air-Fleet 1 with— 2 Reconnaissance Squadrons. 9 Twin-engined Bomber Wings. 3 Y Pursuit Wings (Y temporarily).
approx, from 25 June 36 Start of transport forward of 5th Echelon (OKH Reserves). Duration till about 20 July Total available: 22 Infantry Divisions. 2 Armored Divisions. 1 Infantry Division (Motorized). Sweden: Negotiations for the use of Swedish railways for— (a) Bringing up of 163 Infantry Division from South Norway to Rovani-eni. (b) Supply transports.
1 Police Division (including 9 Infantry Divisions. 1 Police Division from the West, to which it is planned to bring up 2 formations of the Fifteenth wave.) Employment of a German transport organization and a Signals Liaison Officer.
37 Japan, Manchukuo, Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan to be prevailed upon to cut off the sending of any supplies to Russia, by diplomacy.
38 Armed Forces Commander Norway: 23-27 (or 28) June, state of readiness for attack on Murmansk. 23-30 June, state of readiness for attack on Kandalakscha.
at earliest 28 June 39 Finland: Attacking Group "Ladoga" ready to attack. Decision necessary five days before start of attack whether point of main effort is to be west or east of Lake Ladoga.
28 June or 29 June 40 Armed Forces Commander Norway: Attack on Murmansk.
1 July 41 Armed Forces Commander Norway: Attack on Kandalakscha.
2 July 42 4 Armed Forces Commanders Staffs ready on call.
Timetable for Operation Barbarossa (USSR), 1 June to 2 July 1941, including negotiations with other nations, mobilization of army, navy, and air force, and specific actions beginning 1 June, with "Invasion Day" set for 22 June 1941
Wilhelm Keitel (Field Marshal, Chief of the High Command of the Armed Forces)
Wilhelm Keitel
German field marshal
- Born: 1882-09-22 (Helmscherode) (country: German Empire; located in the administrative territorial entity: Duchy of Brunswick)
- Died: 1946-10-16 (Nuremberg) (country: Allied-occupied Germany)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: military officer; military personnel; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Military rank: general field marshal
- Military branch: artillery
Date: 1941
Literal Title: [second page:] Time Table Barbarossa
Defendants: Hermann Wilhelm Goering, Alfred Jodl, Wilhelm Keitel, Erich Raeder
Total Pages: 14
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: C-39
Citation: IMT (page 1180)
HLSL Item No.: 450906
Notes:Keitel's cover note states that Hitler authorized the time table. It is not dated, but covers the period 1 June to 2 July 1941.
Document Summary
C-39: Time table for 'Barbarossa' (attack on Russia), approved by Hitler and signed by Keitel