i< * * * * * *
8. Proposals for command and organization of operation "Barbarossa".
a. The organization remains intact. Group North has the operational responsibility in the Naval Sphere during operation "Barbarossa".
b. Under the direction of Group North the Flag Officer Cruisers (Bd.K) will, as "Flag Officer Baltic", direct operations for "Barbarossa" from the Command Station Swinemuende.
c. "The Flag Officer Baltic" has under him:
The S. 0. Minelayers. Augmenting of the Staff of Flag Officer Baltic by Chief of Staff, Staff of S.O. torpedo boats and the assigning of a staff officer for U boats. For missions of coastal aviation units in the Baltic, Fliegerfuehrer "EAST" is at his disposal.
Flag Officer in Charge Baltic Defenses is responsible for the security of passages into the Baltic, the Kottegot and Skayerrok.
The responsibilities for security of the Baltic Station are limited to the sea territory west of the narrows of Gjedse.
d. For the tasks of organization and defense of the conquered coastal areas the following are to be set up:
Flag Officer (Coastal) Baltic Coast
Flag Officer (Coastal) Gulf of Finland
with corresponding sea commandants.
Responsibility for the Arctic Sea Coast is given to the Admiral Polar Coasts.
e. The duties of the Flag Officer Cruisers are to be taken over by the Fleet Command where questions of the fleet forces are concerned and by 2nd Admiral of the fleet where questions of the training squadron are concerned.
The Chief of Naval War Staff agrees to the above.
i|; * * 5:.* * * *
[Page 17]
Until the regrouping for "Barbarossa" takes place, efforts must be made to obtain increased activity of air and naval warfare.
| Page 97]
8. From a memorandum passed to la for information, of an interview of the Commander in Chief of the German Army with the Fuehrer, it becomes clear that with regard to the imminent Marita/Barbarossa operations, the troops in reserve for operation "Felix" will have to be utilized for the new undertaking. For "Marita" 6 Panzer divisions are to be held in readiness as a precaution in the event of Turkey's entry into the war.
[Page 199]
The Chief of Naval War Staff ordered an inspection of defenses in the French Naval Bases, in case of internal disturbances caused by sudden attacks from inland by the French. This question was also presented to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces (Lt. Commander. Junge). Lt. Com. Junge's verbal reply was as follows:
The defense of naval bases in France remains the duty of the Army even after a reduction of forces there. It is intended to leave 31 divisions in France during operation "Barbarossa.''
In German Naval War Staff 1st Division Ref. 2567/41 Top Secret dated 11.2 Admiral for France, was asked what arrangement could be made with Army authorities in France in such a case.
[Page 231]
b. In carrying out operation "Attila" the surprise occupation of Korsika should be considered.
c. For the taking of Malta the employment of the XI Flieger Korps is indispensable.
C-in-C Air Force is to be asked to give an opinion as to whether it is possible to employ the airborne corps against Malta before "Barbarossa" takes place.
* * * 4= % # -fi
[Page 231]
Time for intended negotiations with Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia and Roumania which should be as late as possible, is to be set by German Supreme Command of Armed Forces. High Commands are asked to make their respective desires known to the German Supreme Command.
Report by la concerning an order from Supreme Command of the Armed Forces for instructions for Deception of the Enemy (German Naval War Staff I of 153/41 Top Secret S.O. only).
Aim of the deception is to conceal the preparations for operation "Barbarossa". The important point is that in the first period,
i.e., up to about the middle of April the now prevailing uncertainty concerning our intentions should be maintained. Later, the preparations for Barbarossa that can no longer be camouflaged, must then be represented as a deception diversion from the invasion of England. The following directions for this deception are given:
a. for the first period. To increase the already existing impression of an impending invasion of England. Estimate of new weapons and transportation equipment. Exaggeration of the importance of minor operations and the troops employed therefor. ("Marita" "Sonnenblume" X. Flueger Corps). .
[Page 232]
Reasons for deployment for "Barbarossa" as exchange measures between West, Homeland, and East.
b. During the second period the deployment for "Barbarossa" is to be made the greatest deception in the history of warfare the purpose of which is to camouflage the last preparations for the invasion of England.
The Carrying out of this Deception.
Regulating of communications service through Chief of Counter Intelligence Abroad in agreement with the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces,/Armed Forces Ops Staff/Department L and the High Commands.
Measures to be taken by the High Commands.
In spite of the farreaching disintegration of the operation "Seelowe" everything possible should be done to maintain the impression amongst our own troops that the invasion against England is being further prepared.
In order to create further uncertainty about our plans, the Army High Command has to prepare the sudden "blocking" of certain territories on the English Channel and in Norway. (Code word for this action: "Albion").
Whether measures having to do with "Barbarossa" e.g., Maximum Capacity Schedule [Hoechstleistungsfahrplanes], cancelling of leaves, etc. can be made to coincide with operation "Marita" for purposes of deception is to be investigated by Army High Command.
12. Report by la on intended organization for Operation "Marita".
The following Commands to be established:
a. Admiral Balkan (for the Balkan area to work under Naval War Staff). Duties: To safeguard Naval interests in the Balkans, cooperation with other Armed Forces elements (Army group List).
Later on cooperation with the Italian Navy in question of Coastal defense and sea warfare.
Location: At first Bukarest, later Sofia or Athens, to be close to Army Group List.
b. F.O.I.C.Roumania (F.O. of the Naval Mission to Roumania).
(1) Duties: Commanding the entire defense by German and Roumanian units. Under him an Artillery Commander in the Constanza Sector.
(2) Direction of Roumanian Naval warfare.
(3) Liaison with the Head of the German Military Mission in Roumania and the two other Wehrmacht components, to be stationed at Bukarest.
c. Naval Liaison Staff, Bulgaria: Duties: To represent German Naval interests in Bulgaria. To influence measures taken by the Bulgarian Naval Command and Coastal Defense.
To be located at SOFIA.
d. . F.O.I.C. Greece.
Duties: To support the army in its actions against Greece in question of enemy naval actions.
[Page 248]
In regards to the impending operation "Barbarossa" for which all S-boats in the Baltic will be needed, a transfer of same can only be considered after conclusion of the Barbarossa operations.
Chief of Naval War Staff decided after discussion that on SKL's suggestion an evasive reply should be given to the Camp. (Ref. I of 149/41 Top Secret /O only [Written in in longhand.] "Since the proposed operation—Barbarossa cannot yet be determined"
5. Instructions of Supreme Command of the Armed Forces for operation "Marita".
Construction of bridge across the Danube to begin on 28.2. Invasion of Bulgaria on 2.3.'
6. A request of Group North to lay a minefield "Swine" between Shetlands and Bergen approved by Chief of Naval War Staff.
| Pages 249-250]
7. Captain Bruening who was sent as a mine adviser for the Roumanian Navy to Bukarest demands for the Roumanian Navy 2000 explosive floats and the necessary personnel for assembling and laying these mines by a destroyer. Furthermore, it is necessary to draft at short notice a suitable and experienced junior officer (Sperr) and mine expert in an advisory capacity. It is desirable for sake of precautions, to transfer a unit suitable for disposal of Electrical Aircraft Mines in the Danube and Black Sea ports from the sector "S.C. Mine Sweepers Netherlands". There are at present no facilities for sweeping Electrical Aircraft Mines in Roumania.
The shipment of explosive floats is promised together with the necessary personnel and they are both on their way.
The transfer of a mine sweeping unit is refused for the time being and German sweeping apparatus for the Roumanian boats in question is promised. A radio minesweeping apparatus (Stell F R G) is being shipped with the explosive floats.
>!« Jji * * * * *
[Page 340. J
5. To give notice to the OKW Dept L. as to the time required for the intended liaison with the Finnish, Swedish and Roumanian Navies in Operation "Barbarossa".
a. Finland: Time required, 4 weeks for:
act. Delivery of mines to Finland for intended mining of Gulf of Finland.
bb. Use of Finnish Naval Units for joint naval operation in the Northern Baltic, especially in the Gulf of Finland.
cc. Preparation of Finnish Naval bases for acceptance of German naval units (Minelayers, U-boats, and, should occasion arise, S-boats) for operations on the Finnish area.
dd. Support of German Intelligence Service (B-Dienst) against Russia through the Finnish News Service units as was already the practice up to 1939.
b. Sweden: Time required, 14 days for:
aa. Protection of Swedish territorial water for carrying on German shipping by the employment of Swedish naval units. '
bb. To lay Swedish barrages in Swedish territorial waters, as a continuation of German prohibited areas and as a protection for the sea of Botten.
These measures may have to be carried out at a correspondingly later date should negotiations with Sweden start later.
c. Roumania: Time required, 8 days for:
aa. Preparation of Roumanian naval elements and the fitting out of auxiliary mine layers for offensive action in mine warfare.
bb. Increase of general security measures which were possibly limited after the "Marita" operation.
d. In the event that longer periods for the preparations of the Army be necessary and conceded to, great store would be set by the full use being made of the Navy, as the appointed periods are very limited.
(Ref. I op. 154/41 Top Secret S.O. only)
[Page 354]
2. It is the task of German Naval Units in the Balkans to safeguard the Balkan Sector towards the Sea against hostile landing attempts and against the shelling of important coastal installations. Utilization and protection of the shipping routes along the coasts of the Black Sea and the Aegean for our own shipping. The possibility of using the Turkish Straits must be brought about by political means. 3 4
3. A later extended task, especially in the Greek Sector, with the aid of Italian naval units, is the conquest of the Aegean Islands, support of the Dodecanese, and finally the capture of Crete. The final aim to be envisaged must be the gaining of a jumping off point from which to conduct warfare in the Eastern Mediterranean.
4. For gaining this objective we have at our disposal: German naval units negligible; Roumanian and Bulgarian forces very insignificant; at a later time commitment of Italian forces in the Greek sector can be reckoned with.
Extracts from the Naval War Diary on plans for operations Barbarossa (USSR) and Marita (Greece), including disguising preparations as being made for an invasion of Britain (February 1941)
Date: February 1941
Literal Title: Excerpts from "Operations Barbarossa and Marita"
Defendant: Erich Raeder
Total Pages: 5
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: C-33
Citation: IMT (page 1172)
HLSL Item No.: 450904
Notes:Not all of the entries have specific dates; entries dated 18, 19, and 26 February 1941 are included.