Part A (1919—THE YEAR OF TRANSITION), Chapter VII.
First efforts to circumvent the Versailles Treaty and to limit its effects.
[Page 70]
(a) Demilitarization of the Administration, incorporation of Naval offices in Civil Ministries, etc.
[Page 75]
(e.g. Incorporation of greater sections of the German maritime observation station and the sea-mark system in Heligoland and Kiel, of the Ems—Jade—Canal, etc., into the Reich Transport Ministry up to 1934; Noskes' proposal of 11.8.1919 to incorporate the Naval Construction Department in the Technical High School, Berlin; formation of the "Naval Arsenal Kiel".)
The saving from destruction of coastal fortifications and
[Page 85]
1. North Sea (strengthening of fortifications with new batteries and modern guns between the signing and the taking effect of the Versailles Treaty; dealings with the Control Commission— information, drawings, visits of inspection, result of efforts. [Page 90]
2. Baltic. (Taking over by the Navy of fortresses Pilau and Swinemuende; salvage for the Army of 185 movable guns and mortars there.)
[Page 95]
3. The beginnings of coastal air defence.
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Chapter V.
[Page 140]
The Navy -Fulfilment and avoidance of the Versailles Treaty Foreign Countries [Page 145]
(a) The inter-allied Control Commissions [Page 150]
(b) Defense measures against the fulfilment of the Versailles Treaty and independent arming behind the back of the Reich Government and the legislative bodies.
[Page 155]
1. Dispersal of artillery gear and munitions, of hand and auto' matic weapons.
[Page 160]
2. Limitation of demolition work in Heligoland.
[Page 165]
3. Attempt to strengthen personnel of the Navy, from 1923. [Page 170]
4. The activities of Captain Lohmann (founding of numerous associations at home and abroad, participations, formation of "sports" unions and clubs, interesting the film industry in naval recruitment)
[Page 175]
5. Preparation for re-establishing the German U-boat arm since 1920
(Projects and deliveries for Japan, Holland, Turkey, Argentine and Finland. Torpedo testing)
[Page 180]
6. Participation in the preparation for building of the Luftwaffe (preservation of aerodromes, aircraft construction, teaching of courses, instruction of midshipmen in anti air raid defence, training of pilots).
[Page 185]
7. Attempt to strengthen the mining branch.
Chapter IV.
The Navy, The Versailles Treaty, Foreign Countries.
[Page 110]
(a) The activities of the Inter-allied Control Commissions (up to 31.1.27; discontinuance of the activity of the Naval Peace Commission)
[Page 120]
Independent armament measures behind the back of the Reich Government and legislative bodies up to the Lohmann case.
[Page 125]
1. The activities of Captain Lohmann (continuation) their significance as a foundation for the rapid reconstruction work from 1935.
[Page 130] '
2. Preparation for the re-strengthening of the German U-boat arm from 1925 (continuation), the merit of Lohmann in connection with the preparation for rapid construction in 1925, relationship to Spain, Argentine, Turkey; the first post war U-boat construction of the German Navy in Spain since 1927; 250 ton specimen in Finland, preparation for rapid assembly; electric torpedo ; training of U-boat personnel abroad in Spain and Finland. Formation of U-boat school in 1932 disguised as an anti U-boat school.
[Page 135]
3. Participation in the preparation for the reconstruction of the Luftwaffe (continuation). Preparations for a Naval Air Arm, Finance Aircraft Company Sevra, later Luftdienst GMRH; Naval Flying School Warnemuende; Air Station List, training of sea cadet candidates, Military tactical questions "Air Defence Journeys", technical development, experimental station planning, trials, flying boat development DX etc., catapult aircraft, arming, engines ground organization, aircraft torpedoes, the Deutchsland Flight 1925 and the Seaplane Race 1926.
[Page 140]
4. Economic re-armament ("The Tebeg''—Technical Advice and Supply Company as a disguised Naval Office abroad for investigating the position of raw materials for industrial capacity and other War economic questions.)
[Page 145]
5. Various measures. (The NV Aerogeodetic Company—secret investigations.)
[Page 150]
(c) Planned Armament Work ivith the tacit approval of the Reich Government, but behind the backs of the legislative bodies (1928 to the taking over of power)
[Page 155]
1. The effect of the Lohmann case on the secret preparations; winding up of works which could not be advocated; resumption and carrying on of other work.
[Page 160]
2. Finance question. ("Black Funds" and the Special Budget). [Page 165]
3. The Labour Committee and its objectives
[Page 170]
(d) The Question of Marine Attaches
(The continuation under disguise; open re-appointment 19321933). '
(e) The question of Disarmament of the Fleet abroad and in Germany (The Geneva Disarmament Conference 1927; the London Naval Treaty of 1930; the Anglo-French-Italian Agreement 1931. The League of Nations Disarmament Conference 1932).
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[Page 5]
I. National Socialism and the question of the Fleet and of prestige at sea.
[Page 10]
II. Incorporation of the Navy in the National Socialist State. [Page 15]
(a) National Socialism in the Navy before 1933
[Page 20]
(b) The taking over of power-and the Navy [Page 25]
(c) The oath of the Navy to the Fuehrer
[Page 30]
(d) The taking over of the National Insignia of the Party by the Navy
(Autumn 1933, November 1935)
[Page 35]
(e) The first alteration of Flag (March 1933) and the New War Flag
[Page 40]
(f) The Supreme Commander of the Navy placed under the Fuehrer
(February 1938)
[Page 45]
III. The Re-armament of the Navy under the Direction of the Reich Government in a disguised way.
(1933 up to the achieving of military freedom in 1935)
[Page 50]
(a) The neiv political bases for armament questions _
Reichrat Reichstag Party.
[Page 55]
(b) The Independence of the Supreme Commander of the Navy with regard to the Re-armament and Development of the Navy. (The only limitation disguise of the re-armament work with regard to the Versailles Treaty)
[Page 60]
(c) Public Budget and Maintaining of the previous Special Budget
[Page 65]
(d) Preparations for the construction of a strong fleet and the first results in the constructions of the Navy (1933-1935)
[Page 70]
1. In the fleet. (Launchings, commissionings, construction of auxiliaries, etc.)
[Page 75]
2. With coastal fortifications, etc.
[Page 80]
IV. The Period of Military Freedom [Page 85]
(a) 16th March, 1935 [Page 90]
(b) The Fuehrer's speech dated 21.5.1935
(Point VIII concerning the future German Naval Policy).
The Defence Act of 21.5.1935 and its implications for the Navy.
C-l 7
(The legal framework of the Navy; change of names and new formations from 1935)
[Page 95]
(c) German-English Fleet Relationship from, 1933 [Page 100]
1. The attitude of the Fuehrer to the question of competitive re-armament and a new fleet rivalry threatening peace
[Page 105] '
2. The German-Anglo Naval Agreement dated 18.6.35. Contents : example of voluntary limitation of armament ; chief points : the nullification of all naval conditions of the Versailles Treaty, for example the prohibition of U-boats, aircraft, coastal fortifications. (Concerning this, 15.11.1936, the declaration of the German Government over the suspension of the limiting conditions of the Versailles Treaty.) Reich Sovereignty of waterways, for example territorial rights in the North Sea-Baltic Canal. The extensive discussions of 22.6.35 over the future qualitative limitations of construction programme. The German renunciation of the unrestricted U-boat warfare of 25.6.1935. The fulfilment of the Naval Agreement in the year 1937 and the discussions of December 1938. The abrogation of the Treaty on 28.4.1939
[Page 115]
(d) Naval Activity in new construction after the conclusion of the Anglo-German Agreement
[Page 120]
1. New plans for expansion and measures for the construction programme; launchings and commissionings, coastal fortifications. (The effects of the preparations of the period 1919-1920 —with the U-boat arm.) Comparisons with foreign countries. [Page 123]
1«. Co-operation with the Army [Page 125]
2. The economic significance of re-armament of the Navy. (Scope of development of the active armament industry for the Navy)
[Page 130]
(e) The Personnel side of re-armament.
[Page 135]
1. The increase in numbers [Page 140]
2. Recruitment [Page 145]
3. Training question
C— 17
[Page 150]
(f) The re-incorporation of naval sections previously disbanded (e. g. sections of the German Sea-mark Service)
[Page 155]
(g) The Navy at Work [Page 160]
1. In representing German Interests and in warding off Bolshevistic attacks against Europe in Spain (Activities, trials, experiences)
[Page 165]
2. The return home of Austria and the taking over of the Danube flotilla 1938. The cultivation of the "Gross-Deutschland" tradition in the Navy (Prinz Eugen)
[Page 170].
3. The participation of the Navy in the reunion of Memel with the Reich (28.3.39)
[Page 175]
4. Service abroad [Page 180]
5. Research, Surveying, Charts [Page 185]
6. Fishery Protection [Page 190]
V. The Preparation of the Merchant Navy for Future War Tasks.
[Page 215]
VII. The encouragement of Naval and Sea mindedness in the German people.
[Page 220]
(a) The Navy at Party Congresses.
[Page 225]
(b) The foundation of the Reich League for German prestige at sea—its tasks and the work of the Party
[Page 230]
(c) The Navy at the 1936 Olympic Games