[pencilled note] 28
The Reich Minister of the occupied Eastern Territories
Berlin, W 35, 18 Dec. 1941 Rauchstrasse 17/18 Telephone: 21,9515 and 395046 Cable Address: Reichsministerost [illegible initials] 12/1 Received 22/12 [illegible initial] V a J.. 9 I.
Ma 23/1.
No. 1/1/157HI Top Secret
Please use this business sign and subject in further correspondence.
Journal No. 394/41
[stamp] TOP SECRET [pencilled note| A
6 J 1
1.) To the Reich Commissioner for the East [Ostland|
Riga / Leitort Tilsit Adolf Hitler Street
Subject: Jewish Question re correspondence of 15 Nov. 1941
Clarification of the Jewish question has most likely been achieved by now through verbal discussions. Economic considerations should fundamentally remain unconsidered in the
settlement of the problem. Moreover, it is requested, that questions arising be settled directly with the Senior SS and Police Leaders.
By order
[signed] Braeutiger [ ?]
2.) Filed II. a 4 Ma 26./1.
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Letter to the Reich commissioner for the East stating that policy on the "Jewish question" has been clarified by discussion, and that economic factors are no longer to be considered
Braeutiger (Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories; (spelling uncertain))
Otto Bräutigam
German lawyer and diplomat

- Born: 1895-05-14 (Wesel)
- Died: 1992-04-30 (Coesfeld)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: diplomat; jurist; lawyer
- Member of political party: Nazi Party (since: 1936-10-01)
- Employer: Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories
- Educated at: University of Münster
- VIAF ID: https://viaf.org/viaf/54516218
Date: 18 December 1941
Literal Title: Subject: Jewish Question re correspondence of 15 Nov. 1941
Defendant: Alfred Rosenberg
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-3666
Citation: IMT (page 8007)
HLSL Item No.: 452222
Notes:This letter responds to the commissioner's letter of 15 November 1941 in document PS 3663. In the transcript the evidence code is initially mis-stated as PS 366.
Trial Issue
Document Summary
PS-3666: Photostatic copy of top secret letter, re execution of Jews in the Eastern territories
PS-3666: Letter from the Ministry of the east to the Reich Commissioner for the east, 18 December 1941: in the matter of the execution of Jews, no consideration is in principle to be given to economic interests (found on the premises of the Ministry of the east in Berlin)
PS-3666: 18 December 1941 - Reich Minister of Occupied Eastern Territories to the Reich Commissioner for the East stating that economic considerations should not be considered in settling Jewish problem.
Letter from BRAEUTIGAM of the Reich Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories to the Reich Commissionar for the East, dated 18 December 1941, advising him that commercial consideration should not interfere solution of the Jewish question.