NATIONAL SOCIALIST YEARBOOK, 1941 Editor: Reich Organization Leader of the NSDAP Dr. ROBERT
Edition 15 Central Publishing House of the NSDAP-FRANZ EHER, Successor
Munich, Pages 219-222 .
Chief Adjutant:
Reichsamtsleiter ALFRED LEITGEN Adjutants:
Reichshauptstellenleiter KARL-HEINZ PINTSCH
Reichshauptstellenleiter GERHARD WINKLER
Reichshauptstellenleiter GUENTHER SOROF
By decree of the Fuehrer of April 21, 1933, the Deputy of the Fuehrer received full power "to decide in the name of the Fuehrer in all matters concerning the Party leadership". Thus the Deputy of the Fuehrer is the representative of the Fuehrer with full power over the entire leadership of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The office of the Deputy of the Fuehrer is therefore an office of the Fuehrer.
In essence, it is the duty of the Deputy of the Fuehrer to direct the basic policies of Party work, to give directives and to take care that all Party work be done according to National Socialist principles.
All the threads of the Party work are gathered together by the Deputy of the Fuehrer. He gives the final Party word on all intra-Party plans and all questions vital for the existence of the German people. The Deputy of the Fuehrer gives the directives required for all the Party work, in order to maintain the unity, determination and striking power of the National Socialist German Workers' Party as the bearer of the National Socialist philosophy.
In addition to the duties of Party leadership, the Deputy of the Fuehrer has far reaching powers in the field of the State; these are:
1. Participation in national and state legislation (laws and decrees) including the preparation of Fuehrer orders. The Deputy of the Fuehrer in this way validates the conception of the Party as the guarder of the National Socialist philosophy. (Fuehrer orders of July 27, 1934, and April 6, 1935.)
2. Approval of the Deputy of the Fuehrer of proposed appointments for (government) officials and Labor Service leaders. (De-
crees of the Fuehrer of September 24, 1935, July 10, 1937 and April 3, 1936.)
3. Securing the influence of the Party over the self-government of the municipal units. (Section 18 of the German Municipality Decree; Section 3, paragraph 5 of the First Decree for the Execution of the Ostmark Law of June 10, 1939 and Section 2, paragraph 5 of the First Decree for the Execution of the Sudeten Gau Law of June 10, 1939.)
Staff Leader of the Deputy of the Fuehrer:
Reichsleiter MARTIN BORMANN, Munich, Fuehrer Building Personal Assistant:
Reichshauptstellenleiter Ministerial Cpuncillor Dr. KURT HANSSEN Adjutant:
SS Hauptsturmfuehrer LAACKMANN Office of the Deputy of the Fuehrer in Berlin:
Liaison Staff of the NSDAP
Oberdienstleiter HERBERT STENGER, Berlin W. 8, Wilhelm-str. 64
Reichsamtsleiter KARL WINKLER, Munich, Brown House, Briennerstr. 45
Expert for intra-Party Matters:
Oberbefehlsleiter HELMUTH FRIEDRICHS, Munich, Fuehrer Building
Expert for Constitutional Problems:
Oberbefehlsleiter Ministerial Director WALTER SOMMER, Munich, Arcis Str. 11
Special Deputy of the Deputy of the Fuehrer:
Oberdienstleiter GUSTAV OEXLE, Nussdorf/Bodensee.
Main Archives of the NSDAP:
Reichsamtsleiter Dr. ERICH UETRECHT, Munich, Barer Str. 15
Official Party Examining Committee for the Protection of NS Literature:
Stabsleiter and Representative: Oberdienstleiter KARL HEINZ HEDERICH, Berlin, W. 35, Friedrich Wilhelm Str. 13.
The Leader of the Foreign Organization:
Gauleiter ERNST WILHELM BOHLE, Berlin-Wilhelmsdorf, Westfaelische Str. 1.
31 A3—PS
31 A3—PS
Deputy in Charge of the Reconstruction of the Reich:
Gauleiter ADOLF WAGNER, Munich, Brown House, Brienner Str. 45.
Deputy for all Questions of Technology and its Organization: Oberbefehlsleiter Dr. Engineer FRITZ TODT, Berlin W. 8, Pariser Platz 3.
Expert for all Matters of National Health:
Befehlsleiter Dr. LEONARD CONTI, Munich, Karlstr. 21. Racial Policy Office of the NSDAP:
Oberdienstleiter Dr. Med. WALTER GROSS, Berlin W. 8, Wil-helmstr. 63.
Office for Clan Research:
Reichsamtsleiter Dr. KURT MAYER, Berlin NW 17, Schiffbauerdamm 26.
Expert for Problems of Employment, for Finance and Tax Poli' cies:
Oberbefehlsleiter FRITZ REINHARDT, Berlin W. 8, Wilhelm Platz 1-2. o
Expert for Political-Technical Questions:
Reichsamtsleiter THEO CRONEISZ, Regensburg, Preueninger Str. 112.
Deputy for Construction:
General Building Inspector Oberdienstleiter PROF. ALBERT SPEER, Berlin-Charlottenburg, Lindenallee 16.
Reich Camp of the NSDAP, Bad Toelz:
Oberdienstleiter MARTIN SEIDEL Reich School of the NSDAP, Feldafing/Starnberger See: Reichsamtsleiter JULIUS GOERLITZ.
[Same as document 1395-PS[
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Extract from an NSDAP yearbook, on Hess's authority within the party and government as Hitler's deputy, including supervision of party leadership and policy, state legislation and decrees, appointments, and local governments
Robert Ley (Dr., Reichsleiter of German Labor Front)
Robert Ley
German Nazi politician; indicted by the International Military Tribunal for war crimes (1890-1945)

- Born: 1890-02-15 (Niederbreidenbach)
- Died: 1945-10-25 (Nuremberg Court Prison)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: aircraft pilot; chemist; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: Sängerschaft zu St. Pauli Jena
- Military rank: lieutenant
- Position held: Member of Landtag of Prussia; member of the Reichstag of Nazi Germany; member of the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic
Date: 1941
Literal Title: National Socialist Yearbook 1941 . . . The Deputy of the Fuehrer Rudolf Hess
Defendant: Rudolf Hess
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-3163
Citation: IMT (page 4077)
HLSL Item No.: 453718
Notes:One copy of PS 3163 was entered as part of US exhibit 324. In the transcript the document is identified as US exhibit 255, which seems to be an error.
Trial Issues
Nazi regime (rise, consolidation, economic control, and militarization) (I… Administration & organization (all cases)
Document Summary
PS-3163: From the national socialist yearbook, 1941: scope of the duties assigned to Hess as deputy FÜhrer, according to the decree of 21 April 1933 and subsequent orders