DATES OF THE HISTORY OF THE NSDAP By Dr. Hans Volz, Published by A. G. Ploetz, Berlin-Leipzig,
Prosecution of Hitler
[Page 15]
February 26: Beginning of the trial at the Peoples court Munich I, at the former Infantry School in Munich, Blutenburg-strasse, presided over by District-Judge G. Neidhardt. Public Prosecutor: L. Stenglein. For high treason resp. aiding and abetting, are indicted: Adolf Hitler (defended by L. Roder, Solicitor) ; General Erich Ludendorff; Councillor of Supreme Court of Appeal Ernst Poehner; High-Bailiff Dr. Wilhelm Frick; the leader of the "Bunde Oberland", Dr. Friedrich Weber; the founder and leader of the "Reichskriegsflagge" [Reichwar flag] Captain Ernst Roehm, retired; the leader of the S.A. Regiment Munich, First Lieutenant D. Wilhelm Brueckner, retired; Second
Lt. Robert Wagner (since March 25, 1925, Gauleiter of the NSDAP, Baden); the military leader of the "Deutsche Kampfbunde" [German battle league], 1st Lt. Hermann Kriebel retired; and the stepson of Ludendorff, 1st Lt. Heinz Pernet, retired. March 27: Hitlers summary. April 1: Announcement of Verdict: Hitler, Weber, Kriebel and Poehner sentenced to five years imprisonment in a fortress, for high treason. (Probation after serving 6 months of sentence proposed), Brueckner,Roehm, Pernet, Wagner and Frick for aiding and abetting high treason, sentenced to 1 year and three months imprisonment in a fortress (Probation effective immediately). Ludendorff acquitted. (The Public Prosecutor proposed 2 years imprisonment in a fortress for him.) On the other hand the court declines (according to #9, part 2, Law for Security of the Republic, of July 21, 1922) deportation of the "foreigner" Hitler. On April 1, Hitler, Weber and Kriebel transferred to fortress Landsberg to immediately begin carrying out their sentences. Poehner at fortress Landsberg from January 5 to March 31, 1925. (died April 11, 1925 in accident).
In special trials sentenced to imprisonment in a fortress, for high treason: Rudolf Hess, (born April 26, 1894, in Alexandria; SA-Fuehrer in Munich, 1921-23 leader of the NS University group at Munich) Adolf Huehnlein, Julius Streicher, Max Amann, Gregor Strasser (Gauleiter and SA leader of Lower Bavaria) Edmund Heines (SA leader in Munich), on the 28 of April 40 members of the "Shocktroop Hitler" (Stosstruppe Hitler), among them Emil Maurice, Hitlers present Adjutant Julius Schaub and the present Oberbuergermeister of Munich, Karl Fiehler. '
[Page 21]
Reorganization and reconstruction of the NSDAP (1925-1926).
July 18: The first volume of Hitlers book: "Mein Kampf" (original proposed title: "41/% years battle against falsehood, stupidity and cowardice") is published, which Hitler dictated to his secretary Rudolf Hess during his imprisonment in the fortress (second edition, December 11, 1925). .
[Page 28]
Nat. Soz. Minister of the Interior in Thueringen (1930/31)
January 23: By reason of the results of the Provincial Diet Elections on Dec. 8, 1929 the Nazi member of the Reich-Parlia-ment Dr. Frick is elected, with 28 against 22 votes (Commu-
nists, Social Democrats, Democrats), Minister of the Interior and National Education of Thuringia the first Nazi Minister. Baum, (Peasant-Party) is elected Minister President. Resulting from intervention by Reich Minister of the Interior Severing in internal matters of Thüringen, (lifting of ban on the National Youth Organization "Eagle and Falcon") and the alleged intervention of Nazis in the Thuringian. State Police Conflict between Frick and Severing, which on March 18, interrupts the official relations between the Reich and the State Ministry of Thuringia and on the 20th stops the payment of Reich Subsidies for Thuringia. After resignation of Mueller's Reich Cabinet (March 27) of which Severing- is also a member, the dispute is amicably settled on April 10th in a conference between the Minister President Baum, and the new Minister of the Interior, Wirth. Abolishing of suspension of subsidies. Important laiv, authorizing economization and reduction of personnel, passed in the Diet on March 25, with 28 against 25 votes. Execution of the necessary administrative reorganization. Balancing of the budget. Nomination of Prof. Schultze-Naumburg as Principal of the United Academies of Art in Weimar and of ethnologist Dr. Guenther as professor at the University of Jena, contrary to the wishes of the faculty. Emphasizing of German culture (Decree of April 5: Opposition of Negro-culture, Preservation of German national traits); on April 16: Introduction of new school prayers, which, according to a finding of the Supreme Court at Leipzig on July 11, in three cases violated article 148 of the Reich Constitution. On May 17 on occasion of the nationalization of the Thuringian Police Force, nomination of two Nazi officials, (Hellwig Ortlepp) as Director of Police of'Weimar and Director of the Provincial Criminal Police, granted by the State Ministry of Thuringia; subsequently, Wirth on June 6, suspends once more the payment of Reich Subsidies to the Police Force. On December 22: Settlement of the dispute before the Supreme Court in Leipzig in a compromise favorable for Thuringia, between Frick and Wirth, who has no other alternative to avoid a public defeat.
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Fuehrer's Final Struggle for Power (August-December 1932) 1932
December 15: Dissolution of the department of political economy (main dept. IV.y and of the National Economic Council of the NSDAP, (under Feder and Walther Funk) created on Sept. 22. Forming of a political Central Commission under Rudolf Hess, to guarantee uniformity in carrying through the political struggle.
[Page 46]
Nomination of Fuehrer (January 1933)
January b: Confidential conferences between the Fuehrer and Papen at the home of the banker Kurt Von Schroeder in Cologne (present Hess and Himmler) about the participation in a future government.
[Page 50]
VI. The Third Reich and the NSDAP since 1933
March 5-7: Reich Minister of the Interior Dr. Frick intervenes in Hamburg, Bremen, Luebeck, Hesse, Baden, Wuertem-berg, Saxony and Sehanmburg-Lippe and assumes police authority.
March &: Establishing of a Nazi Government in Hamburg under Buergermeister Krogmann (on the 4 and 5 resignation of the previous Senate under Buergermeister Dr. Peterson) ; since July 30, 1936 the Hamburg Government is under the direction of Reich Governor Kaufmann (up to April 1, 1938).
March 9: Nazi Revolution in Bavaria, spreading from Angs-burg, where Gauleiter of the NSDAP (since 1928) Karl Wahl, was the first one in the morning, to have the swastika hoisted on the City hall. On account of the dangerous situation in Bavaria, where the cabinet Held-Stuetzel is still in power, Reich Minister of the Interior, Frick, appoints Lieutenant General, Ritter Franz von Epp Reich Commissioner of Bavaria, who forms a commissionary State Government on March 10; Reichs-fuehrer SS Himmler Commissionary Police President of Munich ; on the 16 resignation of the Held government; Epp commissionary Minister President.
March 10: Resignation of the Baden Government (Schmitt) and of Saxonià (Schieck) ; here SA Obergruppenfuehrer Manfred von Killinger was appointed Reich Commissioner.
March 11: Exclusively Nazi government in Baden. (Gauleiter Robert Wagner, [since March 8 Reich Commissioner], Walter Koehler, Otto Wacker, Johannes Rupp.)
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The first 4 year plan and Germany's struggle etc.
193 b
Agril 16: Creation of the: "Official Party Examining Body for the protection of Nazi Literature" under the Reich Manager of the NSDAP (until October 15, 1934) Philipp Bouhler.
May 1: Resignation of Goering as Minister of the Interior of Prussia:
On proposal of Goering, dated March 17, the Fuehrer nominated Reich Minister of the Interior, Dr. Frick, also as Minister of the Interior of Prussia.
[Page 62]
19 Si
July 10: The deputy of the Fuehrer, Rudolf Hess, decrees the appointment of a "University Commission of the NSDAP", under his supervision.
July 18: The "Nazi League of German Students" is directly subordinated to the deputy of the Fuehrer and on July 80 furthermore assimilated into the Reich direction and the Gau Staff of the NSDAP. (Albert Derichsweiler successor to Oskar Stuebels nominated Director of the "Student League", since Nov. 5, 1986. Dr. Gustav Adolf Scheel), since Nov. H, 193i, the sole representative for political and philosophical education of German students. .
[Page 67]
1935 The first 4 years plan and the struggle of Germany etc.
July 2i: Founding of "Nazi (NSD) Society of University Professors" [Dozentenbund] (under Prof. Dr. Walter Schultze) as an organization of the NSDAP. (on April 24, 1986, ordering of personnel Union between Society of University Professors and University Teachers Staffs.)
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Extracts from a book on the NSDAP, including Frick's conviction for high treason (1924), election as a minister in Thuringia (1930), and role in the consolidation of power (1933)
Hans Volz (Dr., editor (associated with the SA))
Hans Volz
German church historian

- Born: 1904-02-28 (Charlottenburg)
- Died: 1978-04-03 (Göttingen)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: church historian
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: Sturmabteilung
Date: Date Unknown
Literal Title: Dates of the history of the NSDAP
Defendant: Wilhelm Frick
Total Pages: 4
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-3132
HLSL Item No.: 453400
Notes:The date is not stated; the author is identified in the Blue Set, vol. 24, p.145. This copy of PS 3132 was apparently not entered in the case against Frick.