Central Publishing House of the NSDAP, Franz Eher Succ.
[Pages 37-38]
On the occasion of your presence here, you yourself may review how the German people has furnished its house or how it is in the process of doing so. I would welcome it greatly if you would go out into the rest of the Reich as far as possible and convince yourselves that new life arises in entire. Germany, regardless whether it is in the North or South, East or West, and that the will for reconstruction is taking effect in all strata of the people.
You will find no more unemployed who populate the cities and the highways. On the contrary: Everywhere, new workers are at work. Look for yourselves at the labor service camps which are a model for the whole world. Inspect the tremendous work on the motor highways in the entire country or the land reclaiming work on the coast. You yourself speak to the people on the outside so that you can see that all Germans are filled with a new spirit, that a change has taken place, deep down in our people. And then go out, to pit the truth against lie and slander abroad.
Tell the enemies and the friends of the new Germany—to the one they need not have any malicious joy, to the other that they do not need to be anxious.
Difficulties are the incentive of action—action is the father of success. Adolf Hitler and his co-fighters have been schooled dur- -ing the long years before the grasping of power, how one can master difficulties. .
You can report abroad: The Germany of Adolf Hitler stands unshakable.
* * *
[Pages 216-217]
Once when the Fuehrer was on his way to the business office, he was suddenly arrested personally. The rest of the party met, and one agreed, that now the moment had come, to stage with the active twelve or fourteen men a coup d'etat and to overthrow the government. At least, one wanted to storm into the police headquarters and to bring Adolf Hitler out of there. However, it did not come finally to this attempt of a coup d'etat, since the Fuehrer was released again before that thanks to a certain Poehner and Frick, who then were on the police directorate. I believe, it would have been a disadvantage to the "Giant Party"
[Riesenpartei] then, if we would have staged the coup d' etat. *******
[Page 240]
When I spoke, after 16 March 1935, in the Neufrei Manner railroad works which had previously been the reddest factory in' Munich, to thousands of the same workers who had a few years ago sung the Marseillaise, about conscription, I was interrupted again and again with an applause and a jubilation which I would never have thought possible. It was the most beautiful and at
the same time the most moving manifestation of my life.
* * * * * * *
[Page 242]
The organizations of the NSDAP will be used for the enlightenment of the people in questions concerning the race and health, with the aim to improve the race and. health of the nation and to increase the population. Thanks to the work of the movement, measures which, like sterilization to prevent a hereditarily diseased offspring, could not have been thought of before, are now considered as self-evident. .
[Page 243]
Just as in the home-land, so in foreign lands Germans are influenced in the Nationalsocialist sense by the National-Socialist State groups and the local groups of the NSDAP. They are being educated in such a way as to make them proudly Conscious again of the fact that they are Germans, to make them hold together and to esteem each other. They are thus being educated to put Germans above the subjects of a foreign nation, regardless of their position or origin.
* * * * * . * * [Page 264-265] ..
When you, my German co-patriots and German seamen from abroad, again take up your work and return to the foreign coun-
3 ! 24—PS
tries and your ships, then tell those abroad that you have seen the land of your fathers, and that it was greater and prouder than you had dreamed. Go out and say:
Germany will live because an Adolf Hitler lives, and because there is a God in heaven who is with Germany.
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Extracts from speeches, including Germany's economic resurgence, Frick's securing the release of Hitler after an arrest, the sterilization program, and the role of Germans abroad
Rudolf Hess (Deputy to the Fuehrer; minister without portfolio)
Rudolf Hess
German Nazi leader (1894-1987)

- Born: 1894-04-26 (Alexandria)
- Died: 1987-08-17 (Spandau Prison) (located in the administrative territorial entity: West Berlin)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: aircraft pilot; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: Thule Society
- Participant in: Beer Hall Putsch
- Military rank: lieutenant
Date: 1940
Literal Title: Rudolf Hess Speeches
Defendant: Wilhelm Frick
Total Pages: 3
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-3124
HLSL Item No.: 453395
Notes:One copy of PS 3124 was entered as UK exhibit 253, in the case against Hess. This copy was apparently not entered in the case against Frick. The date is not given for the episode of Hitler's arrest.
Trial Issues
Conspiracy (and Common plan, in IMT) (IMT, NMT 1, 3, 4) Nazi regime (rise, consolidation, economic control, and militarization) (I… Biographical and character evidence (all cases)
Document Summary
PS-3124: From a lecture by Hess to a Wehrmacht training class on national politics, 16 January 1937: aims and activities of the Nsdap at home and abroad