The Sudeten German Party has been subsidized by the Foreign Office regularly since 1935 with certain amounts, consisting of a monthly payment of 15000 Marks; 12000 Marks of this are transmitted to the Prague Legation for disbursement, and 3000 Marks are paid out to the Berlin representation of the party (Bureau Buerger). In the course of the last few months the tasks assigned to the Bureau Buerger have increased considerably due to the current negotiations with the Czech Government. The number of pamphlets and maps which are produced and disseminated has risen; the propaganda activity in the press has grown immensely; the expense accounts have increased especially because, due to the necessity for continuous good information, the expenses for trips to Prague, London, and Paris (including the financing of travels of Sudeten German deputies and agents) have grown considerably heavier. Under these conditions the Bureau Buerger is no longer able to get along with the monthly allowance of 3000 Marks if it is to do everything required. Therefore, Mr. Buerger has applied to this office for an increase of this amount, from 3000 Marks to 5500 Marks monthly. In view of the considerable increase in the business transacted by the Bureau, and, of the importance which marks the activity of the Bureau in regard to the cooperation with the Foreign Office, this desire deserves the strongest support. ' ,
Herewith submitted to the Dept: Pers(onnel) with a request for approval. It is requested to increase the payments with retroactive effect from 1 August. '
Berlin, 19 August 1938
[handwritten marginal note] Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle (Central Office for Racial Germans) will be informed by the Political Dept. [2 letters illegible]. Mr. Schmidt, V[olks] D[eutsche] M[ittel] St[elle], has been informed, by me today on the current payments of the Foreign Office to the Sudeten German Party. [Initial illegible] 24 Aug. DECISION
1. The payments to the Bureau Buerger will be increased ¡to 5500 Marks monthly until further notice, effective 1 August of this year.
2. Mr. A. R. Herold, for information and further action.
3. Herewith returned to Section Politics IV Berlin, 23 August 1938. .
Memorandum on increasing the Foreign Office funding of the Sudeten German Party
Ernst Woermann (Dr., Foreign Office, Berlin (1938-39))
Ernst Woermann
German politician and jurist (1888-1979)
- Born: 1888-03-30 (Dresden)
- Died: 1979-07-05 (Heidelberg)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: diplomat; jurist; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: Schutzstaffel
- Position held: ambassador
Druckmann (Foreign Office, Berlin (1938))
- Additional details not yet available.
Date: 19 August 1938
Literal Title: Memorandum
Defendant: Joachim Ribbentrop, von
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-3059
Citation: IMT (page 2338)
HLSL Item No.: 451898
Notes:Another copy of PS 3059 had been entered as US exhibit 96; this copy was used with the same exhibit number.
Trial Issue
Document Summary
PS-3059: Photostat of signed memorandum of German Foreign Office re increase in payments to the Sudeten Party for propaganda purposes, etc
PS-3059: Secret memorandum and order, 19 and 23 August 1938, concerning an increase in the monthly payment made to the Berlin office of the Sudeten-german party by the German foreign office
PS-3059: In a memo dated 19 August 1938, WOERMANN sets forth that the Sudeten German Party has been subsidized by the Foreign Office since 1935, consisting of
monthly payments of 15,000 RM; 12,000 of these are transmitted to the Prague Legation for disbursement and 3,000 RM are paid to the Berlin representation of the Party (Bureau Buerger). It is set forth that in the last few months the tasks assigned to Bureau Buerger have increased considerably due to the current negotiations with the Czech Government. In view of increased production of pamphlets and maps, press propaganda activity and heavier travel, the Bureau Buerger allowance is raised to 5,500 RM monthly.