The General Field Marshal has been informed. No steps are to be taken.
By Order
Roe [?]
15. 11. 38
The Chief of the Securit}' Police LL B 4—5716/38 g
Berlin SW 11, 11 Nov. 1938 Prinz-Albrecht Strasse 8
Tel. A 2 Flora 0040.
Express letter
To: The Prime Minister General Field Marshal Goering. For the attention of Dr. Gritzbach Secretary to the Ministry,
Berlin W 8,
' - Leipzieger Str. 3.
Subject: Action against the Jews.
1 The reports of the State Police offices which have so far been received up to 11. 11. 1938 the following general impression:
In-numerous cities, looting of Jewish shops and business premises has occurred. In order to avoid further looting, strong action was taken in all cases. 174 persons were arrested for looting.
The extent of the destruction of Jewish shops and houses cannot yet be verified by figures. The figures given in the reports: 815 shops destroyed, 171 dwelling-houses set on fire or destroyed, only indicate a fraction of the actual damage caused, as far as arson is concerned. Due to the urgency of the reporting, the reports received to date are entirely limited to general statements such as "numerous" or "most shops destroyed". Therefore the figures given must have been exceeded considerably..
191 Synagogues were set on fire, and another 76 completely destroyed. In addition 11 parish halls [Gemeindehäuser] cemetery chapels and similar buildings were set on fire and 3 more completely destroyed.
20,000 Jews were arrested, also 7 Aryans and 3 foreigners.
The latter were arrested for their own safety. -
36 deaths were reported and those seriously injured were also
numbered at 36. Those killed and injured are Jews. One Jew
is still missing. The Jews killed include one Polish national, and
those injured include 2 Poles. ,, TT , . , T,
J (Signed) Heydrich K.
Report to Goering, summarizing the anti-Jewish actions (Kristallnacht), including extensive looting, the destruction of shops, homes, and synagogues, 20,000 Jews arrested, and 36 Jews killed (Kristallnacht)
Reinhard Heydrich (Chief of Security Police (SIPO) and Security Service (SD))
Reinhardt Heydrich
Most Horrible German Nazi SS and Gestapo police official and main architect of the Holocaust Genocide (1904-1942)
![Image of Reinhard Heydrich](
- Born: 1904-03-07 (Halle (Saale))
- Died: 1942-06-04 (Prague)
- Country of citizenship: German Reich
- Occupation: aircraft pilot; fencer; military personnel; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: Deutschvölkischer Schutz und Trutzbund; Schutzstaffel (series ordinal: 10120)
- Military rank: Obergruppenführer; SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer
- Military branch: Schutzstaffel
Date: 11 November 1938
Literal Title: Subject: Action against the Jews.
Defendant: Hermann Wilhelm Goering
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-3058
Citations: IMT (page 2327), IMT (page 6178)
HLSL Item No.: 451105
Notes:This copy of PS 3058 was not introduced as evidence; another copy was later introduced as US exhibit 508, on the Gestapo and SD. It was also cited in the case against Goering (8 January 1946)
Trial Issues
Persecution of political, religious, and ethnic ("racial") groups (IMT, NM… Plundering of private property and occupied territories (inc. Reinhardt Ac…
Document Summary
PS-3058: Overall report by Heydrich to Goring, 11 November 1938, on the plundering, firing and destruction of Jewish shops, houses and synagogues of the previous day, and on the number of people killed or arrested