Article by K. H. Frank in the Magazine Bohemia and Moravia [Boehmen und Maehren—Official Periodical of the Reich's Protector of Bohemia and Moravia], published in Prague; May 1941, Page 179.
SS Group Leader State-Secretary'
K. H. Frank:
THE SS ON MARCH 15, 1939 A modern people and a modern state are today unthinkable without political troops. To these are allotted the special task of being the advance guard of the political will and the guarantor of its unity. This is especially true of the German folk-groups, which have their home in some other people's state; Accordingly the Sudeten German Party had formerly organized its own political troop, the Voluntary Vigilantes [Freiwilliger Selbstschutz], called "FS" for short. This troop was trained essentially in accordance with the principles of the SS, so far as these could be used in this region at that time. The troop was likewise assigned here the special task of protecting the homeland, actively, if necessary. It stood up well in its first test in this connection, wherever in' the fall crisis of 1938 it had to assume the protection of the homeland, arms in hand. .
After the annexation of the Sudeten Gau, the tasks of the FS were transferred essentially to the German student organizations* as compact troop formations in Prague and Bruenn, aside from the isolated German communities which remained in the second republic. This was also natural because many active students from the .Sudeten Gau were already members of the SS. The student organizations then had to endure this test, in common with other Germans, during the crisis of March 1939. . . . The calm of German men is to be thanked for the fact that there were no greater disturbances, which would have at least made more difficult the peaceful solution of March 15. Thus the educational work of the SS already found its expression in the course of the preliminary events. The Fuehrer himself has commended the conduct of the German students. After they had formed on 16 March in the first courtyard of the castle, he strode down the line and gave his hand to each wounded student.
In the early morning hours of March 15, after the announcement of the planned entry of German troops in various localities, German men ,had to act in some localities in order to assure a quiet course of events, either by assumption of the police authority, as for instance in Bruenn, or by corresponding instruction of the police president, etc. In some Czech offices, men had likewise, in the early hours of the morning, begun to burn valuable archives and the material of political files. It was also necessary to take measures here in order to prevent foolish destruction. . . . How significant the many-sided and comprehensive measures were considered by the competent German agencies follows from the fact that many of the men either on March 15 itself or on the following days were admitted into the SS with fitting acknowledgment, in part even through the Reichsfuehrer SS himself or through SS Group Leader Heydrich. The activities and deeds of these men were thereby designated as accomplished in the interest of the SS.
Immediately after the corresponding divisions of the SS had marched in with the -first columns of the German Army and had assumed responsibility in the appropriate sectors, the man here placed themselves at once at their further disposition and became valuable auxiliaries and collaborators. ... .
The various detachments of the SS moved into their places of destination in Bohemia and Moravia according to precise plans. The Waffen SS took part in the forceful securing of the territory and stood the test extremely well. The detachments of the Security Police and of the Security Service [SD] stationed throughout the territory took over the political securing of the area, in order to avoid political disturbances, thus preventing useless bloodshed. They took part in all political happenings in order to be able to recognize any possible sources of danger right away and to be able to take appropriate preventive measures.
The quiet course of events—even that of the evening of 15 March, which looked somewhat more critical to the outside— has confirmed the correctness of methods and measures taken. Thus the framework of Security Police and S.D. evolved in the very first days of the Protectorate. The territory of Bohemia and Moravia, and especially Prague, presented a whole series of urgent problems. It was this specific place that has been picked out by the enemies of National Socialist Germany as the most important point of attack in Middle Europe. Even though the principal elements of the driving powers behind past developments had already left the territory, it was still clear to everybody fa-
miliar with conditions that very important elements were still there. Later developments have confirmed this fact. Many things had to be accomplished quickly but nevertheless thoroughly. This was possible, however, only because many of the SS men did not come as entire strangers into this territory. In many cases they had taken interest in conditions here and had intensively studied all questions connected with local problems. At first the offices were installed in different hotels. Direct private telephone and cable installations were created. Thus everything was done to the work from the technical angle, too, within the shortest time.
The results of this work, which were frequently obtained under the most difficult circumstances, showed even then the high standard of training and the cheerful performance of duties by the SS men.
Date: Date Unknown
Total Pages: 3
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2826
HLSL Item No.: Unknown