. Berlin, January 1934
1. Lt. Col. Auleb in the command staff will be attached by the Reich defense ministry to the supreme SA-leader, chief of training.
2. Duties of Lt. Col. Auleb: To assist the chief of training in the tasks assigned to him.
3. For this purpose Lt. Col. Auleb will be incorporated into the staff of the chief of the training division in a responsible position. He will receive the official designation "Chief of Staff" and will be immediately subordinated to the chief of training. To him, in accordance with a more detailed order of the chief of the training division, those departments will be subordinated which deal predominantly with training and organization.
He will regulate their function according to the instructions issued by the chief of training.
4. He will participate in all questions regarding training and organization of the departments not subordinated to him.
5. The previous task of the officer attached to the staff of the chief of the training division as liaison officer will cease. Chief of staff, staff leader and section-chiefs of department of the Chief of training will, insofar as it is required, remain in direct touch with the respective offices and sections of the Reich defense ministry (Reichswehrministerium). Lt. Col. Auleb will facilitate liaison in the transition period.
6. He will regulate the postal exchange between the Reich defense ministry and the chief of training which will at the Reich defense ministry take place through troop-office, T 4 Major (retired) Scultetus, as was previously the case.
7. For the purpose of camouflage Lt. Col. Auleb will wear SA uniform with insignia of rank according to more detailed regulation of the Supreme SA-leader.
' The Supreme SA-Leader
The Reich Minister for Defense
Subject: Proposal of the Reich ministry for defense [RWM] on the mission of Lt. Col. Auleb in the staff of the chief of training. There are three solutions:
1. Lt. Col. Auleb is liaison officer and military advisor in similar form as previously Captain von Bernuth.
2. Proposal of Reich ministry for defense: Lt. Col. Auleb will take over a responsible position within the staff. Thereby all departments and inspectorates which deal with military training shall be subordinated to him.
In this case it would be a prerequisite that Lt. Col. Auleb be discharged from the army and become an officer. With that Lt. Col. Auleb would be in every respect, also with respect to discipline, under the jurisdiction of the chief of staff of SA.
3. Krueger proposal: .
a. Lt. Col. Auleb would be subordinated to the chief of training division without managing a department and will supervise all measures which deal with military affairs. This position could be compared approximately with the T. 4 in the Reich ministry for defense. Therefore he would work in closest cooperation with all departments concerned with this matter of the staff of the chief of training; or
b. Lt. Col. Auleb would be director of a department which prepares the military planning for all the other departments and would be thereby immediately subordinated to the chief of the training division. In the latter case the remaining departments which deal with military training in the staff of the chief of training would receive directives from Lt. Col. Auleb. Close mutual cooperation is a prerequisite.
4. The chief of staff of the SA does not deem the proposal RWM according to. which Lt. Col. Auleb would become chief of staff in the staff of the chief training, feasible because of the reasons outlined in detail under Nr. 2, as the prerequisite for this position in the staff are lacking.
Agreement bewteen the ministry of defense and the SA to assign Lt. Col. Auleb to the SA as chief of staff of the SA training office
Date: January 1934
Literal Title: Subject: Proposal of the Reich ministry for defense (RWM) on the mission of Lt. Col. Auleb in the staff of the chief of training.
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2823
Citation: IMT (page 1773)
HLSL Item No.: 451361
Trial Issues
Criminal organizations (Gestapo, Leadership Corps, Cabinet, SS, SD, OKW) (… Administration & organization (all cases)
Document Summary
PS-2823: Communication re appointment of Lt. Col. Auleb as liaison officer with the SA
PS-2823: Agreement between the Reich defense Minister and the supreme Sa leader, January 1934: Lt. col. Auleb is to be attached as chief of staff to the Sa director of training; draft, 24 January, with suggestions for defining his duties