Berlin, 18th July 1938 CONFIDENTIAL
The Italian Ambassador today wanted to know what the British Ambassador had talked to me about on 15th July, 1938. I repeated to Attolico the contents of, our- talk.
Attolico remarked after my talk that it was quite possible that his fellow-countrymen General Russo, General Pariani and others who were here a short time ago may be of the opinion that France would not intervene in a German-Czech conflict. He, Attolico, did not know what his government thought of it, but personally he is convinced that his fellow-countrymen already mentioned were mistaken. In such an eventuality France had only the choice between Her intervention or her complete abdication as a great power. The latter would not happen.
For the Reichminister only [Handwritten note]
Attolico added that we had made it unmistakeably clear to the Italians what our intentions are regarding Czechoslovakia. He also knew the appointed time well enough so that he could take perhaps a two months' holiday now which he could not do later on.
Giving an idea of the attitude of other governments, Attolico mentioned that the Roumanian government had refused to grant application for leave to its Berlin Minister.
Memorandum on a discussion with Ambassador Attolico (Italy) on likely response of France to a German-Czech conflict
Date: 18 July 1939
Literal Title: Confidential
Defendant: Joachim Ribbentrop, von
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2800
Citation: IMT (page 2340)
HLSL Item No.: 451900
Notes:Another copy of PS 2800 had been entered as US exhibit 85; this copy was used with the same exhibit number. In the transcript the document is mis-identified as PS 2008 and exhibit 5.
Trial Issue
Document Summary
PS-2800: Photostatic copy of Attelico's request to be informed about date of the future Czech-German conflict
PS-2800: Note (found in foreign office files) on a discussion with the Italian ambassador attolico in the foreign office, 18 July 1938: attolico is of the opinion that armed intervention by France is to be expected in case of. a German-czech conflict
PS-2800: Memorandum by Weizsaecker (partly handwritten) to Ribbentrop, concerning Weizsaecker's talk with the Italian Ambassador Attolico, during which Attolico exhibited exceptional knowledge of German plans against Czechoslovakia, dated 18 July 1938.
Confidential Note from Weizsaecker Ribbentrop, dated 18 July 1938.
Memorandum by Weizsaecker (partly handwritten) to Ribbentrop, concerning Weizsaecker's talk with the Italian Ambassador Attolico, during which Attolico exhibited exceptional knowledge of German plans against Czechoslovakia, dated 18 July 1938.