Berlin, 25 August 1938
The Reichsminister today had a new talk with von Kanya upon the latter's request: The Reichsminister confronted von Kanya with the rejoicing of the Czech, French and English press over the Bled Communique and repeated that abroad this event, especially at this time, was considered as a rupture of German-Hun-garian friendship and a renunciation of Hungarian revisionist claims. Mr. von Kanya mentioned the already known aspects of the legal situation and the fact that the so-called preliminary discussions between Hungary and the Little Entente were of problematic value. Von Kanya wanted to prove again that the
excessive Hungarian demands for protection of its minority in Czechoslovakia would prevent the agreement from becoming effective. But even if it became effective, it would never, according to von Kanya, be observed by the other party, and thus Hungary would be freed from observing the provisions renouncing the use of force. Von Kanya expects still more precise information from Budapest to what extent the agreement has actually been formulated and the Reichsminister will be informed or. that matter. The Reichsminister and von Kanya agreed that' much depended upon how the Bled Communique was treated in the Hungarian press during the coming week.
Concerning Hungary's military preparedness in case of a German-Czech conflict, von Kanya mentioned several days ago that his country would need a period of one to two years in order to develop adequately the armed strength of Hungary. During today's conversation von Kanya corrected this remark and said that Hungary's military situation was much better. His country would be ready as far as armaments were concerned, to take part in the conflict by October 1st of this year.
To the Reichsminister Under Secretary of State Mr. Dg. Pol.
Mr. Dir. Recht.
Signed: [illegible]
Memorandum on a discussion between Ribbentrop and von Kanya (Hungarian minister) on Hungary's diplomatic and military position regarding the German-Czech conflict
Date: 29 August 1938
Defendant: Joachim Ribbentrop, von
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2797
Citation: IMT (page 2340)
HLSL Item No.: 451904
Notes:Another copy of PS 2797 had been entered earlier as US exhibit 89; this copy was used with the same exhibit number.
Trial Issue
Document Summary
PS-2797: Photostatic copy of report on meeting between Ribbentrop and Hungarian foreign minister Kanya
PS-2797: Discussion between Ribbentrop and von Kanya, 25 August 1938: value to be accorded the so-called bled communique; Hungary’s military preparedness as from October to take part in a possible German-czech conflict