KONRAD HENLEIN [letterhead]
Hof i. B., 17th of March, 1938
Most honored Minister of Foreign Affairs:
In our deeply felt joy over the fortunate turn of events in Austria we feel it our duty to express our gratitude to all those who had a share in this new grand achievement of our Fuehrer.
I beg you, most honored Minister, to accept accordingly the sincere thanks of the Sudeten Germans herewith.
We shall show our appreciation to the Fuehrer by doubled efforts in the service of the Greater German poliey.
The new situation requires a re-examination of the Sudeten German policy. For this purpose I beg to ask you for the opportunity for a very early personal talk.
In view of the necessity of such a clarification I have postponed the Nation-wide Party Congress, originally scheduled for 26th and 27th of March, 1938, for 4 weeks.
I would appreciate if the Ambassador, Dr. Eisenlohr, and two of my closest associates would be allowed to participate in the requested talks.
Heil Hitler Loyally yours /s/ Konrad Henlein
To the Reich Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop, Berlin.
Letter to Ribbentrop, congratulating him on Hitler's "grand achievement" in Austria and requesting talks on the Sudeten German movement to pursue "the Greater German policy"
Konrad Henlein (Sudeten German politician; commissar for the Sudetenland)
Konrad Henlein
Czechoslovak german nation politician (1898-1945)
- Born: 1898-05-06 (Vratislavice nad Nisou)
- Died: 1945-05-10 (PlzeĆ)
- Country of citizenship: Austria-Hungary; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Nazi Germany
- Occupation: physical education teacher; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party; Sudeten German Party
- Member of: Schutzstaffel
- Military branch: Austro-Hungarian Army
- Position held: member of the Reichstag of Nazi Germany
Date: 17 March 1938
Defendant: Joachim Ribbentrop, von
Total Pages: 1
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2789
Citation: IMT (page 2338)
HLSL Item No.: 451896
Notes:Another copy of PS 2789 had been entered as US exhibit 94; this copy was used with the same exhibit number. For a meeting on 29 March 1938, see document PS 2788.