THE ARCHIVE [Das Archiv] No. 65 August, 1939, Pages 601-602.
Cooperation of Hitler Youth with Wehrmacht—11-8-39
Between the High Command of the Wehrmacht and the Reich youth leadership an agreement was made which represents the result of a close cooperation of the Chief of the High Command of the Wehrmacht, General Keitel, and the youth leader of the German Reich, v. Schirach, and secures the collaboration of the Wehrmacht in the military education of the HY. In this connection it was announced that it is possible to push the training of the HY leaders in field service, since the training at the rifle range is almost completed. '
The agreement says about the military education of the HY:
"While it is exclusively the task of the. HY to attend to the training of their units in this direction, it is suitable in the sense of a uniform training corresponding to the demands of the Wehrmacht to support the leadership of the HY in their responsible task as trainers and educators in all fields of training for defense by special courses. In the leader schools of the HY, particularly in the two Reich schools for shooting practice and field exercises and in the district leader schools, 30,000 HY leaders are already being trained annually in field service. The agreement with the Wehrmacht gives the possibility of roughly doubling that number. The billeting and messing of the HY leaders is done, according to the regulations for execution already published, in the barracks, drill grounds, etc., of the Wehrmacht at a daily cost of 25 pfennig. The field training is accomplished according to the two-weeks schedule of the Reich field exercise schools of the HY in order to achieve a generally uniform training. The direction of the courses is in the hands of an HY leader. During the service the participants are under the command of the military trainers. Besides military trainers, HY trainers are also used. As military trainers, officers and noncommissioned officers who were former HY leaders are preferably used. With this support it will be achieved in the course of the year that the field service becomes as much a general HY service as the shooting service of the HY,
which has reached such an extent that in the past year 60 million shots were fired and that from year to year considerable improvement is noted.
"For the purpose of as close connection as possible between HY and Wehrmacht the individual Banne are referred to the troop units (battalions, etc.) in their territory. These troop units take charge as far as possible of supplying matériel and personnel, not only for the courses but also for all affairs serving the common aims (especially in regard to swimming training). The same troop unit also provides the liaison officer and his deputy for the respective Bann. Former HY leaders, who are specially selected for this important task according to personality and who volunteered for it, are to be assigned as the liaison officers and deputies, as far as possible.
"This agreement with all its regulations for execution is already in force. A great number of courses are in progress."
Agreement that the military will assist in the "military education" of Hitler Youth
Date: August 1939
Literal Title: Das Archive No. 65 . . . Cooperation of Hitler Youth with Wehrmacht - 11-8-39
Defendants: Wilhelm Keitel, Baldur Schirach, von
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2398
Citation: IMT (page 255)
HLSL Item No.: 450291
Notes:The text cites the cooperation of Keitel and von Schirach in reaching the agreement.
Trial Issues
Conspiracy (and Common plan, in IMT) (IMT, NMT 1, 3, 4) Education, propaganda, and youth programs (IMT) IMT count 1: common plan or conspiracy (IMT) Nazi regime (rise, consolidation, economic control, and militarization) (I…
Document Summary
PS-2398: Agreement between Schirach and Keitel, August 1939, concerning cooperation of the Hitler youth with the armed forces