HANDBOOK OF THE COLLECTED YOUTH LAWS [Handbuch des gesamten Jugendrechts]
Vol. I, Group 1, Pages 19a, 19b, 20.
The Hitler Youth Patrol Services [HJ Streifendienst] (Amtl. Nachrichtenblatt RJF from 7 Oct 1938)
Organization of the Streifendienst
1. Since the Streifendienst in the HJ has to perform tasks similar to those of the SS for the whole movement, it is organized as a special unit for the purpose of securing recruits for the general SS; however, as much as possible recruits for the SS special troops, for SS death head troops, and for the officer candidate schools should also be taken from these formations.
2. The Streifendienst will be organized as of now in each Bann as a special unit with the strength of a Gefolgschaft (100 boys). These are under the leadership of the SRD Gefolgschaft leader who, as active unit leader, is directly responsible to the Bann leader. The district inspector for the HJ Streifendienst remains as before the referent for the Streifendienst in the staffs of the territories.
3. The Streifendienst is to be organized in such a way that it reaches the full strength of a Gefolgschaft in every Bann by the 1 April 1940. In country Banns the Streifendienst members are to be distributed between several posts. The exact distribution will be determined by executive directives by the department in charge of organization in the districts. The Streifendienst can be joined after completion of the 15th year.
4. a. The selection-of Streifendienst members is made according to the principles of racial selection of the Schutzstaffel; the competent officials of the Schutzstaffel, primarily unit leaders, race authorities, and SS physicians, will be consulted for the admission test.
b. By 1 April 1940 an average strength of 150 men should be attained, by the Gefolgschaft. The final number will be determined later on for every Bann by executive directive. Cooperation with the Schutzstaffel:
(1) The Streifendienst represents a HJ unit as all others. All rights concerning leadership, training, and disciplinary measures are exclusively matters for the HJ authorities.
(2) The Reich leader of the SS designates for every Bann an SS office with which the Streifendienst cooperate. Also, the designation of a higher SS office which is competent for each HJ district will follow.
(3) In every Bann the Streifendienst keeps duplicate rosters and files which are obligatory for the HJ. The second copy is put at the disposal of the SS office. In the membership lists of the Streifendienst the HJ members are listed who are eligible according to age and are active as subleaders in the other HJ units and have the desire to enter the Schutzstaffel later on.
(4) The Streifendienst unit of a Bann has to cooperate as closely and comradely as possible with the SS office designated by the Reichsfuehrer SS. This cooperation extends particularly to the following points:
a. Within the framework of the training of the Streifendienst members the Schutzstaffel has to be given enough time and opportunity to speak about their tasks and aims.
b. On request the Schutzstaffel will furnish athletic teachers and teaching material.
c. During the time of the organization of the Streifendienst subleaders can be asked for from the Schutzstaffel who during the activity in the Streifendienst, however, are transferred as HJ leaders.
d. Streifendienst as well as Schutzstaffel are invited to the respective meetings.
5. To insure from the beginning a good understanding between Reich youth leadership and Reich SS leadership a liaison office will be ordered from the Reich youth leadership to the SS main office starting 1 Oct. 1938. The appointment of other leaders to the SS sections is subject to future agreement.
6. After the organization is completed the Schutzstaffel takes
its replacements primarily from these Streifendienst members. Admission of youths of German blood who are not members of the HJ is then possible only after information and advice of the competent Bann leader. * * *
Confidence teachers of the Hitler Youth. [Group 3, Page 7]
School Youth Wardens of the Hitler Youth [HJ].
School and HJ have to fulfill their definite tasks; actually, however, they have many common points of contact. The wish on the part of HJ leaders and of teachers, to evaluate these common tasks in the best manner for the good of the Youth in their charge, has been fulfilled by the fundamental decree of 28 Mar 1938 (see group "G" p. 6) concerning commitment of confidence teachers.
The HJ designates these new collaborators as "school youth wardens of the HJ."
With this institution the school follows the custom which has long been established in commercial firms: the school youth warden becomes the equivalent of the firm youth warden of the German labor front [DAF] who is also an HJ leader. The Reich and Prussian minister for education, science, and popular education has now also recognized the school youth warden of the HJ officially in a decree on the "confidence teachers of the HJ." By this decree the liaison teacher system, which has so far existed in various fields, is eliminated. The tasks of an educational and social nature which have so far been performed thus in- addition to lecturing are now transferred uniformly to the school youth warden of the HJ who is simultaneously confidence teacher of the school. Since the Reich Ministry for Education already uses the term "youth warden" in another connection (school community), the decree talks about "confidence teachers." .
Extracts from a handbook on youth laws, on the organization of the Streifendienst (Hitler Youth Patrol) to develop recruits for SS units, their coordination with the SS, the racial selection of members, and Hitler Youth wardens as "confidence teachers" in the schools
Date: 07 October 1938
Literal Title: Source: Handbuch des gesamten Jugendrechts . . . The Hitler Youth Patrol Services (HJ Streifendienst)
Total Pages: 3
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2396
Citation: IMT (page 255)
HLSL Item No.: 450289
Trial Issues
Conspiracy (and Common plan, in IMT) (IMT, NMT 1, 3, 4) Education, propaganda, and youth programs (IMT) IMT count 1: common plan or conspiracy (IMT) Nazi regime (rise, consolidation, economic control, and militarization) (I… Racial selection and discrimination (theory, screening, relocations, kidna…
Document Summary
PS-2396: Official statement, 7 October 1938, on the Hitler youth patrol service and its relationship to the Ss